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电子工业出版社:《LabVIEW大学实用教程》参考书籍(PDF电子版)LabVIEW大学实用教程(第三版,[美] Jeffrey Travis、Jim Kring)LabVIEW for Everyone:Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun, Third Edition
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(讲义)第五章 定积分计算
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(讲义)第五章 定积分计算 Calculations on definite integrals
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(讲义)第四章 解析延拓Γ函数和B函数 Analyticl extension, Gamma and Beta functions
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(讲义)第四章 解析延拓Γ函数和B函数
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(讲义)第三章 复变函数级数
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(讲义)第三章 复变函数级数 Series of complex variable functions
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 Helmholtz Equation  Gaussian beam  Bessel beam  Airy beam  Mathieu and Weber beam  Plasmonic counterpart
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Concepts Basic principles Surface Plasmon SPP at flat metal surfaces Optical excitation of SPP Localized Surface plasmon (LSP) Application of SPP Metamaterial Artificial Magnetism Negative Index Material (NIM) Transformation Optics Illumination Optics Summary
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复旦大学:《数学物理方法 Methods of Mathematical Physics》课程教学资源(讲义)第二章 复变函数积分
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