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Clearly defining the project objective Developing a work breakdown structure Developing a network diagram Utilizing a project management methodology called the systems development life cycle for information systems development projects
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上海交通大学:《工程项目管理 Engineering Project Management》教学资源(PPT课件)Chapter 13 Types of Project Organizations
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Performing the steps in the project control process Determining the effects of actual schedule performance on the project schedule Incorporating project changes into the schedule Calculating an updated project schedule Controlling the project schedule
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Items to be considered when estimating cost Preparing a baseline budget Cumulating actual costs Determining the earned value of work performed Analyzing cost performance Forecasting project cost at completion Controlling project costs Managing cash flow
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The development and growth of teams Characteristics of effective project teams Barriers to effectiveness Team building Valuing team diversity Ethical behavior Sources of conflict and approaches to handling conflict Problem solving Effective time management
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上海交通大学:《工程项目管理 Engineering Project Management》教学资源_课程教学大纲
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《税法 Tax Law》政策法规汇集(营改增):8-关于《国家税务总局关于房地产开发企业销售自行开发的房地产项目增值税征收管理暂行办法的公告》的解读
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第一节园林建设工程项目竣工验收概述 第二节竣工验收的准备工作 第三节竣工验收的程序 第四节园林建设评定等级标准 第五节工程项目的交接 第六节工程竣工结算与决算 第七节施工总结 第八节工程的回访、养护及保修
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