§13-1 概述(Introduction) §13-2 杆件变形能的计算( Calculation of strain energy for various types of loading ) §13-3 互等定理(Reciprocal theorems) §13-4 单位荷载法 • 莫尔定理(Unit-load method & mohr’s theorem) §13-5 卡氏定理(Castigliano’s Theorem) §13-6 计算莫尔积分的图乘法 (The method of moment areas for mohr’s integration)
§14-3 对称及反对称性质的应用 (Application about symmetrical and antisymmetrical properties ) §14-1 静不定结构概述(Instruction about statically indeterminate structure) §14-2 用力法解静不定结构(Solving statically indeterminate structure by force method)
11–1 交变应力与疲劳失效(Alternating stress and fatigue failure) 11–3 持久极限(Endurance limit) 11–2 交变应力的循环特征、应力幅和平 均应力(The cycle symbol,stress amplitude and mean stress for alternating stress) 11–4 影响持久极限的因素 (The effective factors of endurance limit )