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§8-1组合变形和叠加原理 (Combined deformation and superposition method) §8-2拉伸(压缩)与弯曲的组合 (Combined axial and flexural loads) §8-3偏心拉(压)截面核心(Eccentric loads &the kern (or core) of a section) §8-4扭转与弯曲的组合 (Combined torque and flexural loads)
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§13-1 概述(Introduction) §13-2 杆件变形能的计算( Calculation of strain energy for various types of loading ) §13-3 互等定理(Reciprocal theorems) §13-4 单位荷载法 • 莫尔定理(Unit-load method & mohr’s theorem) §13-5 卡氏定理(Castigliano’s Theorem) §13-6 计算莫尔积分的图乘法 (The meth￾od of moment areas for mohr’s integration)
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§14-3 对称及反对称性质的应用 (Application about symmetrical and antisymmetrical properties ) §14-1 静不定结构概述(Instruction about statically indeterminate structure) §14-2 用力法解静不定结构(Solving statically indeterminate structure by force method)
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11-1 基本概念 11-2 细长压杆的临界力 11-3 压杆的临界应力 11-4 压杆的稳定校核 11-5 稳定系数法 11-6 提高压杆稳定性的措施 11-7 纵横弯曲的概念
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6-1纯弯曲时梁的正应力 6-2正应力公式的推广强度条件 6-3矩形截面梁的切应力 6-4常见截面梁的最大切应力 6-6弯曲切应力的强度校核 6-6变截面梁等强度梁组合梁的计算 6-7提高梁强度的主要措施
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7-1 概述 7-2 挠曲线的近似微分方程 7-3 用积分法求梁的变形 7-4 用叠加法求梁的变形 7-5 梁的刚度条件及提高梁刚度的措施 7-6 用变形比较法解简单超静定梁
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5-1概述 5-2梁的载荷与支座 5-3剪力和弯矩及其方程 5-4剪力图和弯矩图的绘制 5-5载荷集度、剪力和弯矩间的关系 5-6用叠加法作弯矩图 5-7平面刚架和曲杆的内力
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7-1应力状态概述 (Concepts of stress-state) 7-2平面应力状态分析-解析法 (Analysis of plane stress-state) 7-3平面应力状态分析-图解法 (Analysis of plane stress-state) 7-4三向应力状态分析 (Anolsis of throo dimons stroas stoto)
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11–1 交变应力与疲劳失效(Alternating stress and fatigue failure) 11–3 持久极限(Endurance limit) 11–2 交变应力的循环特征、应力幅和平 均应力(The cycle symbol,stress amplitude and mean stress for alternating stress) 11–4 影响持久极限的因素 (The effective factors of endurance limit )
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§10-1 强度理论的概念 §10-2 四个常用强度理论及其相当应力 §10-3 莫尔强度理论及其相当应力 §10-5 各种强度理论的适用范围及其应用
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