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第一节 食品的微生物污染及其预防 第二节 食品的化学性污染及其预防 1. 农药和兽药的残留及其预防 2. 有毒金属污染及其预防 3. N-亚硝基化合物污染及其预防 4. 多环芳烃类化合物污染及其预防 5. 杂环胺类化合物污染及其预防 6. 其他
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第八章食品风味 一、概述 风味:这个概念是在1986年Hall.R.L提出的,是指摄入口腔的食物使人的感觉器官, 包括味觉、嗅觉、痛觉、触觉和温觉等所产生的感觉印象,即食物客观性使人产生的感觉印象的总和。 根据风味产生的刺激方式不同可将其分为化学感觉、物理感觉和心理感觉
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1什么是食品化学 食品:经特定方式加工后供人类食用的食物。 食物:可供人类食用的物质原料统称为食物。 化学:研究物质组成、性质及其功能和变化的科学,包括分析化学、有机化学、物理与胶 体化学、分离化学、普通化学和生物化学等。 食品化学:指研究食物的组成、性质以及功能和食物在贮藏、加工和包装过程中可能发生 的化学和物理变化的科学
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第三节食品中油脂在加工贮藏中的变化 一、油脂的水解一酯解 二、异构化 三、油脂在高温下的化学变化 四、油脂的辐照裂解 五、油脂酸败与油脂的氧化
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第三章碳水化合物 一、概述 1碳水化合物的定义与来源 碳水化合物是多羟基的醛类和多羟基酮类化合物及其缩合物和某些衍生物的总称。碳水化合物广泛存在于各种生物有机体内,是绿色植物经过光合作用形成的产物,一般占植物体干重的80%左右。动物没有能力制造碳水化合物因此人类膳食的能源物质碳水化合物主要 是由植物性食品提供的如淀粉
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第一节 定义definition与分类classification 第二节 食品添加剂的使用要求与卫生管理 the using demand and heath management 第三节 常见的食品添加剂 the common food additives
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3.1 Introduction Vitamins are classically defined as a group of organic compounds required in very small amounts for the normal development and functioning of the body. They are not synthesised by the body, or only in insufficient amounts, and are mainly obtained through food (Machlin and Huni, 1994). There are thirteen vitamins: four are fat-soluble, namely vitamins A (retinol)
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6.1 Introduction: the problem of providing nutrition information Developments in nutrition research and improved scientific understanding of the relationship between diet and health have led to increasing interest in the nutri￾tional aspects of the food supply. This interest is shared by academics, health professionals, government officials, consumers and the food and supplement industries alike, although not always for the same reasons and generally at dif￾ferent levels of knowledge and understanding. Interest in nutrition, in respect of both total diet and individual foods, is second only to concern about food safety
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4.1 Introduction Minerals are the inorganic elements, other than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which remain behind in the ash when food is incinerated. They are usually divided into two groups – macrominerals and microminerals (or trace elements). The terms are historical in origin and originated at a time when the development of analytical equipment was still in its infancy and ‘trace’ was used to refer to components whose presence could be detected, but not quantified. Modern analytical equipment that allows determination of elements
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8.1 Introduction The question of why it is necessary to improve the nutritional value of plant foods is one that at first hand might seem difficult to justify. What evidence is there that this is a problem? In the developed world there are no overt signs of malnutri￾tion even amongst strict
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