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一、动力学方程的表示方式 影响反应速率的因素: r=f(反应物系的性质,p,T,c,催化剂性质)对特定物系:r=f(p,T,c
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一、问题的提出 1.设 f (x)在x0处连续,则有 2.设 f (x)在 0 x 处可导,则有 例如, 当 x 很小时, e x
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(1)当 时,函数 ( ) 及 ( ) 都趋于零;设x → a f x F x 定理 定义 这种在一定条件下通过分子分母分别求导再 求极限来确定未定式的值的方法称为洛必达法则
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3-1质量m=10kg的物体在力F=30+4N的作用下沿x轴运动,试求(1)在开始2s内此力的冲量l:(2)如冲 量F=300Ns,此力的作用时间是多少?(3)如物体的初速v1=10m/s,在6.86s时,此物体的速度n2为 多少?
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一、高阶导数的定义 定义如果函数f (x)的导数f (x)在点x处可导,即
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with x(0)=I exist and are unique on the time interval t E [ 0, 1] for allTER\.Then discrete time system(4. 1)with f(5)=r(, i)describes the evolution of continuous time system(4.)at discrete time samples. In particular, if a is continuous then so is f Let us call a point in the closure of X locally attractive for system(4. 1)if there exists
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定义1含有n个变量的二次齐次函数 2a2xx2+2a33+…+ 2a-12(1) 称为二次型。当a为复数时,f称为复二次型。 当a为实数时,f称为实二次型,本章仅讨论实 二次型
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Poisson Equation in 1D Model Problem Boundary Value Problem(BVP) Wra(ac)= f(a) N1 x∈(0,1),w(0)=(1)=0,f∈C0N2 Describes many simple physical phen
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F= = F + “ = ” + 2 Axiom Schemata Axiom Schema 6 x = x. Axiom Schema 7 x = y ⊃ (SzxA ⊃ SzyA) where A is an atomic wff. A first order theory is a first-order theory with equality if it has a binary predicate = such that the wffs above are theorem of the theory
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IIts lmportance The f&B can account for 2/5 or more of a hotel's profit The f&b is such an indisputable part of a lotel that in China a hotel is called grand restaurant
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