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Outline Importance of Project Cost Management Basic Principles of Cost Management Project Cost Management Process Resource Planning Cost Estimating Cost Budgeting Cost Control IT Project Management
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Outline Importance of Project Schedules Project Time Management Process Activity Definition Activity sequencing Activity duration estimating Schedule development Schedule control IT Project Management
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IT Project Management Introduction In a study published by IEEE, the engineering vice presidents of three major technology companies were asked the most important contributor to a successful software project. The answered in the following way:
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Recently I wrote about 10 qualities of a good employee, which prompted quite a few people to ask about the attributes of a good manager. There isn’t a magic formula for good management, of course, but if you’re a manager, perhaps these tips will help you be more effective. 1. Choose a field thoughtfully. Make it one you enjoy. It’s hard to be
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I guess if you had to pick one thing out that is most important in our environment, I’d say it’s not the tools that we use, it’s the people. The most important ingredient that was successful on this project was having smart people… very little else matters in my opinion…The most important thing you do for a project is selecting the staff…
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• §1.1 管理会计的产生与发展 • §1.2 管理会计的基本理论 • §1.3 管理会计的特点
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教学大纲 第一章管理概论 第二章经营管理 第三章生产管理 第四章新产品开发与价值工程 第五章质量管理 第六章市场营销
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第一节管理的概念 一、管理的基本概念和基本特征 管理有不同的解释: 西蒙(Herbert, Simon)认为:“管理就是决策 过程学派认为:“管理就是计划、组织、控制等 活动的过程。” 小詹姆斯H.唐纳利等人指出:“管理就是由一个 或者更多的人来协调他人的活动,以便收到个 人单独活动所不能收到的效果而进行的活动 ”强调行为科学的人认为:“管理就是通过其他人 来完成工作
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一、商品采购概述 二、商品采购部门的建立 三、商品采购部门的职责 四、商品采购制度 五、商品采购人力资源管理
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