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Milk should contain 8.25% milk-solid-not-fat .3.25% milk fat Milk is .. a true solution for salts, lactose, water- soluble vitamins milk is a colloidal dispersion for proteins and some Ca phosphate a dilute emulsion for fat globules
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Meat: Color Myoglobin meat heme-pigment color Purplish-red Hemoglobin blood pigment Oxymyoglobin air combines with meat Bright in its oxidized form Metmyoglobin major discoloration Ferrous to ferric state High temperatures, microorganisms and light speed the reaction
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Heat Transfer is necessary for conversion Conversion from Water Vapor to Liquid Liquid to Solid Heat must be removed Exothermic
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What is rA? Y RA is a chronic polyarticular inf lammatory arthritis that involves not only small joints of the hands and feet but also systemic organs Y Pathologic change: chronic synovitis with pannus (IfL
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Background Sedative-hypnotics are a group of drugs that cause cns depression Benzodiazepines(Bzd) the most commonly a barbiturates used agents nonbarbiturate nonbenzodiazepine sedative hypnotics(NBnB)
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一、概述 二、历史源流 三、范围 四、诊断要点 五、辨证论治
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一、概述 二、历史源流 三、范围 四、诊断要点 五、辨证论治
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一、概述 二、病因病机 三、诊治纲要 四、辨证论治 五、转归预后 六、预防调护 七、研究进展
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一、概述 二、病因病机 三、诊治纲要 四、辨证论治 五、转归预后 六、预防调护 七、研究进展
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