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3.1 传感器概述 3.2 传感器技术发展史 3.3 典型应用 3.4 设计需求 3.5 硬件平台 3.6 操作系统
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9.1 Activity-selection problem 9.2 Introduction to greedy solution 9.3 Steps of the greedy strategy 9.4 Knapsack problem 9.5 Huffman code
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11.1 String matching problem 11.2 Naive string-matching algorithm 11.3 Rabin-Karp algorithm 11.4 Finite automaton 11.5 Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
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一、礼仪与形象 二、职业形象设计 三、实用工作礼仪
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电子科技大学:《机械工程综合探索设计》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Vibration monitoring(打印版)
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• Vibration monitoring development • Condition monitoring basic concept • Vibration monitoring details onsite vibration monitoring sensors vibration monitoring example vibration monitoring process Notes to vibration measurement Digital signal processing(DSP) to vibration analysis
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电子科技大学:《机械工程综合探索设计》课程教学资源(教学大纲,王科盛)A Comprehensive Course of Exploratory Design in Mechanical Engineering
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