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Part I: Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points) 1. The branch of accounting which aims at serving external users is called accounting 2. A credit entry decreases asset and accounts or increases liabi owner's equity, and revenue accounts
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Part I: Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points 1. The three common forms of business organizations are 2. The difference between the increases(including the beginning balance)and decreases
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一、名词解释(3分题,共12分) 1、计量单位与计量属性 2、资产与负债 3、权责发生制与收付实现制 4、原始凭证与记账凭证
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一、名词解释(3分/题,共15分) 1、会计确认与会计计量 2、收入与费用 3、永续盘存制与实地盘存制 4、交易与事项 5、资本性支出与收益性支出
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习题二 一、分录 1、借:生产成本-A产品 2、借:生产成本-A产品
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Chapter F4 Power notes Completing the Accounting Cycle Learning Objectives 1. Work sheet 2. Financial Statements 3. Adjusting and Closing Entries 4. Accounting Cycle 5. Fiscal year 6. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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第一节 所有者权益概述 第二节 投入资本的核算 第三节 公积金的核算 第四节 利润分配的核算
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第一节 货币政策的作用时滞及政策效果 第二节 货币政策的有效性
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