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§15-4 两个自由度体系的自由振动
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The initial tolerance is important for geometry construction and grid construction. The preferred method to set the tolerance is to work from the Preferences pull down menu and select Global
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build/import geometry create multi-block structures create patches mesh the geometry create a CFX-4 geo file
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Obtain hands on experience with CFX-4 Familiarity with the software and documentation. Pre-Processing - Concept of geometry and multi-block- creation Boundary condition specification
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§4-1 对称弯曲的概念及梁的计算简图 §4-2 梁的剪力和弯矩•剪力图和弯矩图
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1.已知KMnO4的545=2.2×103,计算此波长下浓度为0.002%(m/v)kmnO4溶液在 3.0cm吸收池中的透射比。若溶液稀释一倍后透射比是多少?
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4.4常应变三角形单元(补充) 一、单元刚度矩阵形成
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初中数学湘教九年级下_第4章 概率_4.2 频率及其计算 第1课时
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初中数学湘教九年级下_第4章 概率_4.2 概率及其计算 第2课时
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§4-1 酸碱溶液中氢离子浓度的计算 §4-2 酸碱指示剂 §4-3 酸碱滴定法的基本原理 §4-4 滴定终点误差 §4-5 非水溶液中的酸碱滴定法
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