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CHEMICAL ANALYSIS A SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Editor . D. WINEFORDNER Ⅴ OLUME162 A complete list of the titles in this series appears at the end of this volume
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1.查阅CRC的 Handbook of Chemistry and physics或者其他化学 手册,计算BaSO4分解为BaO和SOg反应的标准熵变、焓变 和 Gibbs自由能变。分析BaSO在室温下的稳定性,计算热分解 温度
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Ames Lab's DOE Pulse Akka Science and Technology Highlights from the doE National Laboratories Number 141 September 15, 2003 Research Developing inspection methods Tevatron exceeds luminosity for ceramics Highlights
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This vertical view shows the complex caldera at the summit of Olympus Mons on Mars, the highest volcano in our Solar System. Olympus Mons has an average elevation of 22 km and the caldera has a depth of about 3 km This is the first high-resolution colour image of the complete caldera of Olympus Mons. The colour image was taken from a height of 273 km in orbit 37 by the High
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钢中贝氏体是过冷奥氏体在中温区转变的产物,这由钢的冷却转变图(“C 曲线”或CCT曲线)得知。其转变温度位于珠光体温度和马氏体转变温度之 间,因此称为中温转变。这种转变的动力学特征和产物的组织形态,兼有扩散 型转变和非扩散型转变的特征,称为半扩散型相变
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The models of specific heat based on equipartition of energy and including rotational degrees of freedom as well as translational are able to explain specific heats for diatomic molecules. The departure from this model in the case of polyatomic molecules indicates vibrational involvement
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(I)Halliday d, Resnick r, Krane K Physics 5th ed. John Wiley Sons, 2002 (2)Ford K w. Classical and Modern Physics. Xerox College publishing, 1972 (3)Alonso M, Finn E J. Fundamental
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Radiation from a Uniformly Accelerated Charge and the Equivalence Principle Stephen Parrott Department of Mathematics University of Massachusetts at Boston
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