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9-2-4 有失真信道的信号设计 9-3 有ISI和AWGN信道的最佳接收机 9.3.1 最佳最大似然接收机 9-4 线性均衡
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4.5.3 正交信号传输非相干检测的错误概率 4.5.4 相关二进制信号包络检测的错误概率 4.6 数字信号传输方法的比较 4.8 有记忆信号传输方式的检测 4.8.1 最大似然序列检测器——有记忆信号的最佳检测
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4.3.1 ASK或PAM信号传输的最佳检测和错误概率 4.3.2 PSK信号传输的最佳检测和错误概率 4.3.3 QAM信号传输的最佳检测和错误概率
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盲系统辨识 盲源分离(BSS, Blind Source Separation) 独立分量分析 (ICA, Independent Component Analysis) 信道盲均衡 盲波束形成
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Imperfect Competition & Market Power Characteristics of Oligopoly Collusion vs. Competition Kinked Demand Curve Model Game Theory Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition Profits and Losses of the Monopolistic Firm Long-Run Equilibrium of Monopolistic Competitive Market Monopolistic vs. Perfect Competition Comparison and Contrast between Four Types of Market Structure Standards Wars
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 5.1 图像退化的数学模型  5.2 噪声模型  5.3 噪声估计  5.4 退化函数估计  5.5 无约束图像恢复  5.6 有约束图像恢复
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3.1 背景知识 3.2 基本灰度变换 3.3 直方图处理 3.4 空间滤波基础 3.5 平滑空间滤波器 3.6 锐化空间滤波器 3.7 混合空间增强法
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 S1. Introduction  S2. Conventional Kalman filter  S3. Example  S4. RLS and Kalman filtering  S5. Square-root information filter  S6. Square-root covariance filter  Better numerical properties than the conventional one  The square-root RLS algorithms are special cases
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 S.1 Prototype adaptive filter  Filter structure  Quadratic cost functions  S2. Wiener filter theory  MMSE criterion  Wiener-Hopf equations  Orthogonality principle  S3. Unrealizable Wiener filter
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1 工程的价值及其特点 2 工程所服务的对象与可及性 3 工程的攸关方与社会成本承担 4 公正原则和工程的实现
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