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1. 中国地理环境的主要特点 The Main Characteristics of China’s Geographical Environment 2. 地理环境对中国农业文明的影响 The Influences of Geographical Environment over China’s Agricultural Civilization 3. 儒家文化与古代农业文明 Confucianism and Ancient Agricultural Civilization 4. 农业与人口变动、语言变迁 Agriculture and Changes in Population and Language
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4.1 Introduction 4.2.1 Quantitative description 4.2.2 Properties of retiming 4.3 Solving systems inequalities 4.4 Retiming techniques 4.4.1 Cutset retiming and pipelining 4.4.2 Clock period minimization 4.4.3 register minimization
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1.中国的早期历史与文明 The Early History and Civilization of China 2.孔子及其影响 Confucius and His Influence 3.古代中国的强盛与衰落 The Rise and Fall of Ancient China 4.中国社会的现代转型 The Modern Transition of Chinese Society
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LTE/OFDM 小区内信道调度问题 MaxWeight策略及直觉性改进 RFDO及其充分条件 TO及其充分条件 同时达到RFDO和TO的调度算法 小结与展望
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 1. 中国历代重要的思想家 Chinese Key Philosophers Through the Ages  2. 中国传统思想的继承与革新 Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Traditional Thoughts  3. 传统思想对中国社会及中国人的影响 Influences of Traditional Thoughts upon Chinese Society and Chinese People
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1. 中国古代造纸术和印刷术 Papermaking and Printing Technology of Ancient China 2. 中国的丝绸和陶瓷 The Silk and Porcelain of China 3. 独特的中医学 The Unique Traditional Chinese Medicine 4. 中国古代的数学和天文学成就 Achievements of Mathematics and Astronomy in Ancient China
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1 地震反演基本原理 2 字典学习基本原理 3 传统反演方法与字典学习 4 参数选择及鲁棒性分析 5 实例应用及结果 6 总结和拓展
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Lecture 1 神经元的整合发放(IF)模型 Lecture 2 The Hodgkin-Huxley Model of Action Potential Lecture 3 Two-dimensional neuron models Lecture 4 The HH model revisited and synaptic dynamics Lecture 5 Brief introduction of synaptic plasticity Lecture 6 Neural noise and neural codes Lecture 7 Functional roles of noise in taming neurodynamics Lecture 8 Network Models in Neuroscience
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1. 中国历史上大移民的基本情况 Basic Situation of Major Migrations in Chinese History 2. 移民对中国地理文化变迁的影响 Influence of Migration Chinese Geographical and Cultural Change 3. 移民对汉语方言的影响 Influences on Chinese Dialects 4. 海外华侨和中华文化 Overseas Chinese and Chinese Culture
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1. 让西方开眼识中国的先驱人物及其著作 Pioneers Introducing China to the West and Their Works 2. 天主教在中国的传播及争论 The Spread of Catholicism in China and Its Controversy
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