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Difference between Chinese and english expressions in word order 东南西北 North south east and west 衣食住行 Food clothing, shelter and transportation 水陆交通 Transportation by land and water 田径项目 Track and field events
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Warm-up Activity: Reading and reciting What is time? Time is life Time Is money Time Is victory Time is speed and strength
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What is life? 人生是路,铺满鲜花,也布满荆棘。 人生是烛,照亮别人,却燃尽自己。 Life is a road strewn with flowers and beset with brambles Life is a candle, illuminating others and burning itself out. 生不带来,死不带去
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主席先生、各位来宾、女士们、先生们: 我非常荣幸地宣布,上海国际集裝箱运输会议现在开 幕!我代表上海市政府,并以我个人的名义,向所 有与会代表及来宾表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。 我祝贺这次会议在东海之滨的上海胜利召开。会议 组委会全体成员为大会的召开付出了辛勤的芳动 我谨向他们表示诚挚的感谢
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What is life? 人生是路,铺满鲜花,也布满荆棘。 人生是烛,照亮别人,却燃尽自己。 Life is a road, strewn with flowers and beset with brambles. Life is a candle, illuminating others and burning itself out. 生不带来,死不带去。 At birth, we bring nothing; at death we take away nothing
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What is virtue Virtue is goodness(善良) Virtue is fine qualit!y(优良品质 Virtue is love for truth(热爱真理) Virtue is lofty character(崇高的人格) Virtue is noble behavior(高尚的行为) Virtue is beauty of mind(美丽的心灵) Virtue is sharing others' pain.(分担他人痛苦)
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Some up-to-date expressions(42) 3.20公投不得人 The referendum on March 20th was unpopular 不公正选举在台湾引起骚乱。 Unfair election triggered turmoil in Taiwan 美国对联合国谴责以色列刺杀哈马斯领导人正辛行 使否决权
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Useful Expressions for conference addresses 值此大会开幕之际,我能就人力资源发畏趋势问題进行发 言,向东道主致以谢意。 On the occasion of this opening ceremony, Id like to extend my thanks to the host for this opportunity to address
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Unit 3 Tourism 1 The Great Wall, the symbol 2 The Palace Museum(故宫), the ForbiddenCity(紫禁城), wooden-structure-(木结构), building complex(建筑群), be enthroned(登基) 3 The Peking Man, skull(头颅), be unearthed(出土 4 terra-cotta- warriors and horses(兵马俑),The first Chin Emperors' Mausoleum(始皇陵),be dubbed as(被戏称为),the8 th wonder(第8大奇迹)
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您一定是我们久盼已久的客人,来自哈佛大学的威 廉斯教授吧。请允许我作自我介绍。我叫王刚, 正在上海海运学院攻读经济管理学士学位。我们 十分感谢您不辞辛劳远道来访我院。我为能在这 里接待您而深感荣幸和愉快。我们想把您安排在 海云宾馆下榻。从海云宾馆开车20分钟左右便 可到上海市中心,步行大约5分钟就可到教学大 楼。我们相信您会喜欢这里的生活
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