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《高级口译教程》Unit 10 Warm-up Activity: Reading and reciting

Warm-up Activity: Reading and reciting What is time? Time is life Time Is money Time Is victory Time is speed and strength

An Advanced Course in Interpretatie 高级口译教 (Unit 10)

An Advanced Course in Interpretation 高级口译教程 (Unit 10)

Mouth Warm-up What is time?

Mouth Warm-up: What is time?

Warm-up Activity: Reading and reciting What is time? Time is life Time is money Time is victory Time is speed and strength Time is the great physician Time is the subtle thief of youth Time is the devourer of all things Time is a bird for ever on the wing Time is the only critic without prejudice

Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting What is time? Time is life. Time is money. Time is victory. Time is speed and strength. Time is the great physician. Time is the subtle thief of youth. Time is the devourer of all things. Time is a bird for ever on the wing. Time is the only critic without prejudice

Warm-up Activity: Reading and reciting What is time? Time is an endless cycle Time is the relief of grief. Time is an arrow flying ahead Time is a unidirectional movement Time is marching, flying and flowing Time is a shuttle moving back and forth Time is the river. the water fall the torrent Time is the best cure of pains and troubles Time is the total of past, present and future

Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting What is time? Time is an endless cycle. Time is the relief of grief. Time is an arrow flying ahead. Time is a unidirectional movement. Time is marching, flying and flowing. Time is a shuttle moving back and forth. Time is the river, the waterfall, the torrent. Time is the best cure of pains and troubles. Time is the total of past, present and future

Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities 你热爱生命吗?那就不要浪费肘间,因为生命是由肘间构成 的 高兰克林 Do you love life? Thus do not squander time, for thats the stuff life is made of Beniamin Franklin °能充分利用时间的人不会有多余的光阴。 富勒 Those that make the best use of time have none to spare Thomas Fuller 时光催万物消逝,万物随时光变老 正里士多德 Time wastes things away, and all things grow old through time Aristotle

Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities • 你热爱生命吗?那就不要浪费时间,因为生命是由时间构成 的。 —— 富兰克林 • Do you love life? Thus do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of. —— Benjamin Franklin • 能充分利用时间的人不会有多余的光阴。—— 富勒 • Those that make the best use of time have none to spare. —— Thomas Fuller • 时光催万物消逝,万物随时光变老。—— 亚里士多德 • Time wastes things away, and all things grow old through time. —— Aristotle

Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities 时间的利齿可以看噬一切别的东西,对真理却无能为力 赫胥黎 Time, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth. Thomas Huxley 时间是最公平合理的,宅从不多给谁一分钟,宅把串串果实留给勤芳者,而 给懶汉留下的只是一头白发、两手空空。 高尔基 Time is the most fair and reasonable, lt never gives more to anyone To hard workers, time leaves clusters of fruits while to the lazy, time only leaves grey hair and empty hands. Maksim Gorky 时光取走一切,又给予一切。 布鲁诺 Time takes all and gives all Giordano Bruno

Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities • 时间的利齿可以吞噬一切别的东西,对真理却无能为力。 —— 赫胥黎 • Time, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth. —— Thomas Huxley • 时间是最公平合理的,它从不多给谁一分钟,它把串串果实留给勤劳者,而 给懒汉留下的只是一头白发、两手空空。 —— 高尔基 • Time is the most fair and reasonable. It never gives more to anyone. To hard workers, time leaves clusters of fruits while to the lazy, time only leaves grey hair and empty hands. —— Maksim Gorky • 时光取走一切,又给予一切。 —— 布鲁诺 • Time takes all and gives all. —— Giordano Bruno

Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities 失去的财富可以靠勤奋恢复,失去的知识可以靠学习恢复,失去的健康 可以靠节制或药物恢复,但失去的光阴却一去不复返。 斯迈尔斯 Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever. Samuel smiles 时光将会平息 索福克勒斯 Time eases all things. Sophocles 时间对于等待者太慢,畏惧者太快,悲伤者太长,欢乐者太短,但对于 堕入爱河的人来说,肘间就是永恒。 佚名者 Time is too slow for those who wait, too fast for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, and too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. Anonymous

Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities • 失去的财富可以靠勤奋恢复,失去的知识可以靠学习恢复,失去的健康 可以靠节制或药物恢复,但失去的光阴却一去不复返。 —— 斯迈尔斯 • Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever. —— Samuel Smiles • 时光将会平息一切。 —— 索福克勒斯 • Time eases all things. —— Sophocles • 时间对于等待者太慢,畏惧者太快,悲伤者太长,欢乐者太短,但对于 堕入爱河的人来说,时间就是永恒。 —— 佚名者 • Time is too slow for those who wait, too fast for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, and too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. —— Anonymous

Some up-to-date expressions 37) 导弹防御体糸 the missile defense system 粉饰战争罪行 whitewash war crimes 安理会投票,3票赞成,1票反对,1票弃权。 The Security Council voted with 3pros, 1 cons and I abstention °举行新闻发布会 give a news briefIng °举行记者招待会 hold a press conference

Some up-to-date expressions (37) • 导弹防御体系 the missile defense system • 粉饰战争罪行 whitewash war crimes • 安理会投票,3票赞成,1票反对,1票弃权。 The Security Council voted with 3pros,1 cons and I abstention. • 举行新闻发布会 give a news briefing • 举行记者招待会 hold a press conference

Some up-to-date expressions 38) 落后就要挨打 Backward nations tend to get beaten up 分裂是没有出路的。 To split the country is no way out 决不称霸 ° Never seek hegemony 不承诺放弃使用式力 Do not undertake to renounce the use of force 求同存异 Seek common ground while preserving differences °运载火箭/航空母舰 A carrier rocket /an aircraft carrier

Some up-to-date expressions (38) • 落后就要挨打。 • Backward nations tend to get beaten up. • 分裂是没有出路的。 • To split the country is no way out. • 决不称霸 • Never seek hegemony • 不承诺放弃使用武力 • Do not undertake to renounce the use of force • 求同存异 • Seek common ground while preserving differences • 运载火箭 / 航空母舰 • A carrier rocket / an aircraft carrier

Up-to-date Expressions (39) 民工 没劲 Migrant workers Feel bored 民心工程 买单 A project corresponding. Pay the bill to popular aspirations 马蜂寓 迷彩服 An intractable person · Camouflage combat (matter) clothes ·零增长 ·没商量 Stagnation(neither Decided, indisputable increase nor decrease)

Up-to-date Expressions (39) • 民工 • Migrant workers • 民心工程 • A project corresponding to popular aspirations • 迷彩服 • Camouflage combat clothes • 没商量 • Decided, indisputable • 没劲 • Feel bored • 买单 • Pay the bill • 马蜂窝 • An intractable person (matter) • 零增长 • Stagnation (neither increase nor decrease)



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