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◼ 1.To learn the modes of transport,esp. ocean transportation. ◼ 2.To understand the nature of liner transport ◼ 3.To understand the various kinds of B/L ◼ 4.To understand the contents of transport clause
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◼ 1.To learn the most commonly used instruments of payment– bill of exchange, promissory note and cheques. ◼ 2.To learn the methods of payment in international trade– remittance, collection, letter of credit and bank guarantee
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天津科技大学:国际贸易务实(双语)_Chapter 7 合同的商订和履行 Business Negotiation and Implementation(狄琳娜)
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◼ 1.To learn the modes of transport,esp. ocean transportation. ◼ 2.To understand the nature of liner transport ◼ 3.To understand the various kinds of B/L ◼ 4.To understand the contents of transport clause
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天津科技大学:国际贸易务实(双语)_Chapter 1 国际贸易术语 Trade Terms(狄琳娜)
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1.经销(Distribution)与代理(Agency) 2.寄售(Consignment) 、 展卖(Fair and Sales) 与拍卖(Auction) 3.招标(Invitation to Tender) 与投标(Submission of Tender) 4.对销贸易 (Counter Trade) 5.加工贸易(Processing Trade)
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 1.To learn the three ways of stipulating the place and time of inspection in the contract  2.To understand the liabilities of breach of contract  3.To learn the ways of stipulating the claim clause in the contract  4.To learn the consequences of force majeure  5.To understand the concept of arbitration  6.To learn the importance and contents of arbitration agreement( or clause)
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 1.To understand the importance of clauses of quality, quantity, packing and price in a sales contract  2.To learn the methods of expressing the quality of goods in a sales contract  3.To learn different weight calculation methods  4.To learn the marks on transport packing  5.To understand cost accounting methods in export
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大学化学实验总体概况 第一章 学生实验守则 第二章 实验的程序与要求 第三章 大学化学实验的常用仪器 第四章 大学化学实验的基本操作 第五章 大学化学实验中的数据处理 第六章 实验 实验一 溶液的配制和酸碱滴定(选做) 实验二 化学反应速率与化学平衡(选做) 实验三 醋酸解离度和解离常数的测定——pH法 实验四 电解质溶液 实验五 氧化还原反应与电化学 实验六 主族元素 实验七 设计实验——混凝土溶蚀规律实验
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