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一、编写该教案的依据是成都理工大学《会计学专业人才培养计划》教学内容体现了《会 计法》《财务会计报告条例》《企业会计准则》《企业会计制度》的精神
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一、编写实验指导的依据是成都理工大学会计学专业人才培养计划》。实验指导体现了《会计 法》《会计基础工作规范》《企业会计制度》的精神。 二、本实验指导强调理论联系实际,培养学生的实际动手能力。通过实验掌握原始凭证的审核, 记帐凭证的填制,会计帐簿的设置和登记以及会计报表的编制
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1. We plan to reach the Pole in mid-July, and by then we for six weeks A)are walking B)have been walking C) will be walki D)will have been walking
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Unit 5 1. The new washing machines are at the rate of fifty a d A)turned out B) C) turned down D)turned in
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1. Our company decided to the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been B) refuse C)assume 2. She is a musician than her brother A)much of B)much as C) more of
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Unit 3 1. It is important that the hotel receptionist that guests are registered correctly A)has made sure B)made sure C)must make sure D)make sure
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Test 1 Directions: Choose from A), B, C and D) the best answer to complete each of the following sentences 1. No one takes him any more, he's become a figure of fun A)earnestly B)seriously
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1. If you had come earlier, you the famous scientist a could be met b. might meet c would have met d. would meet
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1. for the people is a glorious death. a. To die b.Dead c. To be died d. Being died
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1全部倒装( Full Inversion,又称主谓倒装 (Subject-verb Inversion) 例如: Here are some letters for you Down poured the rain Into the coach scrambled the children
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