类型:教学课件 大小:21.94MB 下载/浏览:4/1384 评论:3 评分:6.7 积分:10
类型:参考资料 大小:43.09KB 下载/浏览:2/1431 评论:2 评分:9.5 积分:10
类型:电子教案 大小:60.88KB 下载/浏览:2/3401 评论:2 评分:8 积分:10
类型:电子图书 大小:4.23MB 下载/浏览:5/1515 评论:2 评分:10 积分:10
This is a new textbook on learning quantum mechanics. Lots of solved problems are included. This book is meant to be a text for a first course in quantum physics. It is assumed that the student has had courses in Modern Physics and in mathematics through differential equations. The book is otherwise self-contained and does not rely on outside resources such as the internet to supplement the material. SI units are used throughout except for those topics for which atomic units are especially convenient.
类型:电子图书 大小:4.02MB 下载/浏览:13/2505 评论:4 评分:6.5 积分:10
The book is intended for more advanced students of English. It is written mainly as a self-study book, but might also be used in class with a teacher. It revises some of the more difficult points of grammar that you will have already studied - such as when to use the, a/an or no article, and when to use the past simple or the present perfect - but will also introduce you to many more features of English grammar appropriate to an advanced level of study.
类型:教学课件 大小:3.47MB 下载/浏览:3/1167 评论:3 评分:8 积分:10
类型:电子教案 大小:1.9MB 下载/浏览:13/1595 评论:0 评分:0 积分:10
谭浩强编著的C语言程序设计的电子教案。 包括全部电子教案和一个典型考题,参考书有The C Programming Language(美)Brian W.Kernighan Dennis M.Ritchie 著、C语言教程(英文版)A Book On C (美)Al Kelley Ira Pohl 著。
类型:电子教案 大小:4.57MB 下载/浏览:64/2570 评论:4 评分:5 积分:10
类型:电子图书 大小:1.77MB 下载/浏览:0/1524 评论:0 评分:0 积分:10
This book is not meant to cover every possible situation that could arise while traveling abroad, just basic needs of business travelers. It might help to remember that most non-English speaking people are thrilled when an English-speaker makes the effort to try to communicate in their language. It is a way of letting the other person know that you value their culture and language, even if they can already communicate in English.
类型:电子图书 大小:796.4KB 下载/浏览:5/921 评论:1 评分:7 积分:10
201 Killer Cover Letters is for any job seeker who finds it difficult to write the per- fect cover letter—and that’s almost all of us! This book tells you how to write every type of job search letter you’ll ever need and puts at your fingertips a library of letters that will get noticed and get results.
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