类型:教学课件 大小:42.57MB 下载/浏览:5/1280 评论:5 评分:4.2 积分:10
类型:电子图书 大小:3.29MB 下载/浏览:7/1098 评论:5 评分:7.2 积分:10
一本初学者很好的机器人书籍,内容包括: 1. Tools, Test Equipment, and Materials 2. Printed Circuit Board Fabrication 3. Microcontrollers and PIC Programming 4. Frogbotic: Build Your Own Robotic Frog 5. Serpentronic: Build Your Own Robotic Snake 6. Crocobot: Build Your Own Robotic Crocodile 7. Turtletron: Build Your Own 8. Taking It Further
类型:教学课件 大小:46.9MB 下载/浏览:5/1188 评论:4 评分:5.5 积分:10
类型:教学课件 大小:33.42MB 下载/浏览:4/1122 评论:4 评分:5 积分:10
类型:电子图书 大小:4.23MB 下载/浏览:5/1515 评论:2 评分:10 积分:10
This is a new textbook on learning quantum mechanics. Lots of solved problems are included. This book is meant to be a text for a first course in quantum physics. It is assumed that the student has had courses in Modern Physics and in mathematics through differential equations. The book is otherwise self-contained and does not rely on outside resources such as the internet to supplement the material. SI units are used throughout except for those topics for which atomic units are especially convenient.
类型:参考资料 大小:177.52KB 下载/浏览:1/1219 评论:1 评分:7 积分:10
类型:电子图书 大小:796.4KB 下载/浏览:5/921 评论:1 评分:7 积分:10
201 Killer Cover Letters is for any job seeker who finds it difficult to write the per- fect cover letter—and that’s almost all of us! This book tells you how to write every type of job search letter you’ll ever need and puts at your fingertips a library of letters that will get noticed and get results.
类型:电子教案 大小:485.68KB 下载/浏览:0/736 评论:0 评分:0 积分:10
类型:电子图书 大小:7.92MB 下载/浏览:1/1233 评论:1 评分:6 积分:10
A good turn of Phrase is aimed at students at post-intermediate and advanced levels. It can be used in the classroom or for self-study to help learners use the English language successfully.
类型:教学课件 大小:36.91MB 下载/浏览:7/1709 评论:7 评分:6.7 积分:10
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