Last weekend. I went to Guilin What did you do last weekend?
Last weekend, I went to Guilin. What did you do last weekend?
on the earth在地球上
3 on the earth在地球上
1. Where did he go? He went to the earth 2. What did he buy? He bought a lot of things
1. Where did he go? • He went to the earth. • 2. What did he buy? • He bought a lot of things
tWho has been to the space n china?
Who has been to the space in China?
杨利伟聂海胜费俊龙一刘伯明景海鹏 taikonaut 翟志刚
6 taikonaut 刘伯明 景海鹏 翟 志 刚 杨利伟 聂海胜 费俊龙
hOw did they go there and back? spaceshIp维
How did they go there and back? spaceship
3 spaceship宇宙飞船 巧记: space(太空)+ship(船) spaceship(宇宙飞船)
8 spaceship宇宙飞船 巧记:space(太空) + ship(船) =spaceship(宇宙飞船)
paper 纸多m8