最新外研版六年级英语下册教案 Module 6 unit 2 The name of the spaceship is shenzhou V 1教学目标 认知能力培养目标:学习运用单词mode以及相关词组 a model of 掌握目标语句 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou. 实践能力培养目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言描述过去发生的事 能够说明纸太空飞船的制作步骤 情感态度目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情。 2学情分析 学生从小学一年级开始学习英语,进入六年级的学生已经有一定的英语学习基础。部分学生 养成了良好的英语学习习惯和学生方法,但是缺少主动学习的能力和方法。本课运用了大量 的多媒体教学激发学生的学生兴趣,以及教师通过方法的引导,多创新,多教改让学生多些新 鲜感,潜移默化的让学生掌握自学的方法。 3重点难点 重点:本课单词以及目标语句的理解运用 难点:阅读的课外拓展 4教学过程 活动1【导入】复习启动 Greeting Review:PPT大屏幕出示上节课有关图片,让学生试着说说上节课学习的有关知识 活动2【讲授】创设情境,导入新授 教师出示pt(书中第三部分歌曲下面的两幅图片)问:" Can you tell me what did the boy buy fo the girl?学生答,再由教师提醒,由学生说出同义句同理,训练第二幅图片。单独出示袜子的图 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案 Module 6 Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V 1 教学目标 认知能力培养目标:学习运用单词 model 以及相关词组 a model of 掌握目标语句 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou. 实践能力培养目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言描述过去发生的事。 能够说明纸太空飞船的制作步骤。 情感态度目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情。 2 学情分析 学生从小学一年级开始学习英语,进入六年级的学生已经有一定的英语学习基础。部分学生 养成了良好的英语学习习惯和学生方法,但是缺少主动学习的能力和方法。本课运用了大量 的多媒体教学,激发学生的学生兴趣,以及教师通过方法的引导,多创新,多教改,让学生多些新 鲜感,潜移默化的让学生掌握自学的方法。 3 重点难点 重点:本课单词以及目标语句的理解运用 难点:阅读的课外拓展 4 教学过程 活动 1【导入】复习启动 Greeting Review :PPT 大屏幕出示上节课有关图片,让学生试着说说上节课学习的有关知识。 活动 2【讲授】创设情境,导入新授 教师出示ppt (书中第三部分歌曲下面的两幅图片)问:“Can you tell me what did the boy buy for the girl?”学生答,再由教师提醒,由学生说出同义句,同理,训练第二幅图片。单独出示袜子的图
片学习 socks。教师Now, let's learn a song about these two pictures.上节课已经布置作业让大 家回家试着唱唱或者读读了,那么咱们一起来唱唱吧,学生跟着播放fash完整的学习歌曲。 教师出示一个礼物的盒子 Yesterday, it was my brother' s birthday.dues, what did I buy for my brother?学生 Did you buy?猜想。教师出示礼物Look, what did I buy?学生 You bought a oy car.教师Yest' s a toy car. It' not a real car.t' s a model of car教师出示pp有关以前带o的 单词,让学生齐读,通过这些单词o的发音(其中包含 socks)读出 model,扩展单词top,让学生读 出来,教师说说意思。教师接着出示有关mod的练习题。(练习题难度逐步加深)PT出示书 上第一部分课文中的图片,让学生说说 What did they do?学生答 They made a model of spaceship.教师导入,上节课我们知道 Daming and Simon wanted to make a paper spaceship.那么 今天让我们以前去学习 Module6Unit2,去看看他们是如何做的宇宙飞船以及有关这个宇宙飞 船的事。 活动3【活动】学生活动 a.PPT出示教材第二部分的图片,教师引导学生通过图片提出问题 b.教师提出两个问题由学生先自学,再小组学的方式找出答案 What's the name of the spaceship? What did this spaceship take? 通过大屏幕展示学生找到的答案,其他学生确认自己的答案。 教师使用点读笔学生跟读课文 #x/rp: Do you know how to make the spaceship? Lets try. Who can come here and do it? 上来的学生用老师提前准备的做宇宙飞船的工具听教师和学生的号令在展示台上进行宇宙 飞船模型的制作。通过展示台,让其他学生可以清楚看到过程。 活动4【练习】课外阅读 课外阅读,学生自己阅读教师发下的阅读材料并回答上面的问题,教师指导。教师通过手机 APP总结学生的得分率 活动5【测试】总结测试 a由学生总结本课的学习重点 b测试,并总结准确率 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv 片,学习 socks。教师:Now, let’s learn a song about these two pictures.上节课已经布置作业让大 家回家试着唱唱或者读读了,那么咱们一起来唱唱吧,学生跟着播放 flash 完整的学习歌曲。 教师出示一个礼物的盒子:Yesterday, it was my brother’s birthday. Guess, what did I buy for my brother? 学生:Did you buy….? 猜想。教师出示礼物:Look, what did I buy? 学生:You bought a toy car.教师:Yes,It’s a toy car. It’s not a real car. It’s a model of car.教师出示 ppt 有关以前带 o 的 单词,让学生齐读,通过这些单词 o 的发音(其中包含 socks)读出 model,扩展单词 top,让学生读 出来,教师说说意思。教师接着出示有关 model 的练习题。(练习题难度逐步加深)PPT 出示书 上第一部分课文中的图片,让学生说说 What did they do?学生答:They made a model of spaceship.教师导入,上节课我们知道 Daming and Simon wanted to make a paper spaceship.那么, 今天让我们以前去学习 Module6Unit2,去看看他们是如何做的宇宙飞船以及有关这个宇宙飞 船的事。 活动 3【活动】学生活动 a. PPT 出示教材第二部分的图片, 教师引导学生通过图片提出问题。 b. 教师提出两个问题,由学生先自学,再小组学的方式找出答案 What’s the name of the spaceship? What did this spaceship take? 通过大屏幕展示学生找到的答案,其他学生确认自己的答案。 教师使用点读笔,学生跟读课文。 教师:Do you know how to make the spaceship? Let’s try. Who can come here and do it? 上来的学生用老师提前准备的做宇宙飞船的工具,听教师和学生的号令,在展示台上进行宇宙 飞船模型的制作。通过展示台,让其他学生可以清楚看到过程。 活动 4【练习】课外阅读 课外阅读,学生自己阅读教师发下的阅读材料,并回答上面的问题,教师指导。教师通过手机 APP 总结学生的得分率。 活动 5【测试】总结测试 a.由学生总结本课的学习重点 b.测试,并总结准确率
活动6【作业】分层作业 学案 Modulebunit2 复述课文 试着通过网络等方式收集有关神州宇宙飞船的各方面知识,有能力的同学收集英语的资料 Module 6 unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou I Aims and focuses I Knowledge 1. words: spacesh pace、 model 2. Sentence patterns It took . into space 3. Understand the text Il. ability 1. Can read and act the text 2. Can describe or talk about IIL Emotion 1. Be proud of Chinese science and technology 2. Learn from the Chinese hero ---taikonaut dIfficulty How to make interesting learning 2学情分析 本课课文较为简单内容较枯燥,但涉及的中国神舟上天确很有教育意义,如何更好地挖掘教 材内容将该课的学习与前后单元涉及的宇宙飞船以及载人升天的神舟5号、中国第1人杨 利伟等内容相联系,进行了一定的教学处理和内容整合。教学主要是从问题设计入手,让同学 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv 活动 6【作业】分层作业 学案 Module6unit2 复述课文 试着通过网络等方式收集有关神州宇宙飞船的各方面知识,有能力的同学收集英语的资料。 Module 6 Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou 1Aims and Focuses I. Knowledge: 1.words: spaceship、 space、 model 2. Sentence patterns: The name of the spaceship is …. It took… into space. 3. Understand the text II. Ability: 1. Can read and act the text 2. Can describe or talk about the spaceship III. Emotion: 1. Be proud of Chinese science and technology. 2. Learn from the Chinese hero ---taikonaut 2Difficulty How to make interesting learning. 2 学情分析 本课课文较为简单,内容较枯燥,但涉及的中国神舟上天确很有教育意义,如何更好地挖掘教 材内容,将该课的学习与前后单元涉及的宇宙飞船以及载人升天的神舟 5 号、中国第 1 人杨 利伟等内容相联系,进行了一定的教学处理和内容整合。教学主要是从问题设计入手,让同学
们思考这些问题想去太空吗?怎样去?太空生活容易吗?中国神舟升天情况如何?中国的太空 英雄有哪些?课文中谈到了什么?等等。这样在问题探讨中学生学习和掌握基本词汇、句型 及表达方式。从课堂反馈情况来看,学生的学习意识被激发,课文学习掌握情况较好。由于该 班一部分学生基础不太扎实,词汇、表达积累不够,因而一些学生的课堂反馈稍显滞后,敢于举 手的同学还不是很多,师生互动还要加强。今后的教学中还应不断加大课堂语言输入,强化学 生听、说、读、演、写、译等习惯培养采用更多的方式让学生主动习得语言,培养学生用英 语思维、表达的习惯,让学生真正能够愿意用英语、用好英语。 3重点难点 重点掌握要求听说读写的单词、短语和句子,并加以运用。 难点能利用课文Unit2了解中国航天方面的知识并学习介绍制作模型的步骤,正确运用祈使 4教学过程 活动1【导入】 L. Revision compound words(CAl): policeman, football, supermarket, pencil box, schoolbag, spaceship 活动2【活动】 IL. Lead in 1. Card-spaceship 2. CAl: What did Daming and Simon do? They made a spaceship, a model spaceship 活动3【活动】I1. New lesson 1. Words learning: spaceship, model (focus on sounds description, eg: ss)) 2. Sentence learning(CAl) (1)distinguish:(through the national flag of those countries) China-America-England-Russia Chinese-American-English-Russian (2) learn to say: spaceships from China/America/ England/Russia (3)learn to say: The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou 3. Question thinking 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv 们思考这些问题:想去太空吗?怎样去?太空生活容易吗?中国神舟升天情况如何?中国的太空 英雄有哪些?课文中谈到了什么?等等。这样,在问题探讨中学生学习和掌握基本词汇、句型 及表达方式。从课堂反馈情况来看,学生的学习意识被激发,课文学习掌握情况较好。由于该 班一部分学生基础不太扎实,词汇、表达积累不够,因而一些学生的课堂反馈稍显滞后,敢于举 手的同学还不是很多,师生互动还要加强。今后的教学中,还应不断加大课堂语言输入,强化学 生听、说、读、演、写、译等习惯培养,采用更多的方式让学生主动习得语言,培养学生用英 语思维、表达的习惯,让学生真正能够愿意用英语、用好英语。 3 重点难点 重点:掌握要求听说读写的单词、短语和句子,并加以运用。 难点:能利用课文 Unit2 了解中国航天方面的知识并学习介绍制作模型的步骤,正确运用祈使 句。 4 教学过程 活动 1【导入】I. Revision compound words (CAI): policeman, football, supermarket, pencil box, schoolbag, spaceship 活动 2【活动】II. Lead in 1. Card-spaceship 2. CAI: What did Daming and Simon do? They made a spaceship, a model spaceship. 活动 3【活动】III. New lesson 1. Words learning: spaceship, model (focus on sounds description ,eg: s[s] ) 2. Sentence learning(CAI): (1) distinguish: (through the national flag of those countries) China-America-England-Russia Chinese-American-English-Russian (2) learn to say : spaceships from China/America/England/Russia (3) learn to say : The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou. 3. Question thinking:
(l)Do you want to go to the space? (2)How do you go there?( By space be astron ( talk about taiconaut, scientist (3)Is it easy to go into the space? (4)Is it easy to live in the space? a. review the verbs: sleep, read, eat, drink.. Try to feel how easy to do these on the earth b. CAl: picture showing the astronaut in space c. Talk: It's easy to.. in space It's difficult to.. in space 4. Chinese spaceship talking (1)No persons in Shenzhou I to Shenzhou llll, learn the sentence: Some animals were taken into the space.(a monkey, a dog, a rabbit) (2)Person in Shenzhou V, learn the sentence: It took Chinas first person into space.(YangLiwei) 5. Text learning (1) Listen to the text and answer the questions a. what did Daming and Simon do b. What's the name of the spaceship? c. What animals did it take into space first? d.When did it take Chinas first person into space? (2)Read after the tape and the teacher (3)Ss Read by themselves (4)Fill in the blanks according to the text 6. Extention (1) Guess the Chinese persons into the space. (8 taikonauts) (2)Know about some information of shenzhou YangLiwei Shenzhou V in October 2003 FeiJunlong, NieHaisheng Shenzhou VI in October, 200 Zhaizhigang, LiuBoming, Jing Haipeng Shenzhou Vll in September, 2008 JingHaipeng, LiuYang, LiuWang Shenzhou Llll in June, 2012 Ss practice: The name of the spaceship is 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv (1)Do you want to go to the space? (2)How do you go there? (By spaceship/To be anstronaut) (talk about taiconaut, scientist) (3)Is it easy to go into the space? (4)Is it easy to live in the space? a. review the verbs: sleep, read, eat, drink…. Try to feel how easy to do these on the earth. b. CAI: picture showing the astronaut in space c. Talk : It’s easy to … in space. It’s difficult to … in space. 4. Chinese spaceship talking: (1) No persons in Shenzhou I to Shenzhou IIII, learn the sentence: Some animals were taken into the space. (a monkey, a dog, a rabbit) (2) Person in ShenzhouV, learn the sentence: It took China’s first person into space. (YangLiwei) 5. Text learning: (1) Listen to the text and answer the questions: a. What did Daming and Simon do ? b. What’s the name of the spaceship? c. What animals did it take into space first? d. When did it take China’s first person into space? (2) Read after the tape and the teacher (3) Ss Read by themselves (4) Fill in the blanks according to the text. 6. Extention: (1) Guess the Chinese persons into the space.( 8 taikonauts) (2) Know about some information of shenzhou: YangLiwei Shenzhou V in October,2003 FeiJunlong , NieHaisheng Shenzhou VI in October, 2005 ZhaiZhigang, LiuBoming, JingHaipeng Shenzhou VII in September, 2008 JingHaipeng, LiuYang, LiuWang Shenzhou VIIII in June, 2012 Ss practice: The name of the spaceship is …
It took... into space (T: Shenzhou v flew into space in October, 2003) (3)Thinking and answering a. Who is the first Chinese person into space? b. Who is the first Chinese female into space? c. Which Shenzhou first took Chinese person into space? d. How many Chinese people were taken into space till now? (4)Group activities(Ss choose one Act the text or make a dialogue Model A: Do you like space? B: Yes, I do. I want to go into space A: How do you B: I will go by spaceship A: What's the name of the spaceship? B: The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou A: Is it easy to.. in space? B: Yes, it's easy to..., but it's difficult to A: Who's China's first person into space? B: He's yangliwei (5)Ss act a. Read the text 3 times and try to retell b. Learn how to make a model spaceship c Preview Module 7, try to know more about Yang Liwei and ShenzhouV Module 6 unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou v 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv It took … into space. ( T: ShenzhouV flew into space in October,2003) (3) Thinking and answering: a. Who is the first Chinese person into space? b. Who is the first Chinese female into space? c. Which Shenzhou first took Chinese person into space? d. How many Chinese people were taken into space till now? (4) Group activities (Ss choose one) Act the text. Or Make a dialogue Model: A: Do you like space? B: Yes, I do. I want to go into space. A: How do you go there? B: I will go by spaceship. A: What’s the name of the spaceship? B: The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou. A: Is it easy to … in space? B: Yes, it’s easy to…, but it’s difficult to …. A: Who’s China’s first person into space? B: He’s YangLiwei. …… (5) Ss act 7. Homework: a. Read the text 3 times and try to retell. b. Learn how to make a model spaceship. c. Preview Module 7,try to know more about Yang Liwei and ShenzhouV. Module 6 Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V
教学目标: 1知识目标 (1)认读新单词 brought( bring), bring back, model, taikonaut,frs, national,seed (2)能听懂会说目标语句 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship 2能力目标:学会用一般过去式表达过去发生的事情 3情感目标:让学生积极主动学习英语,了解我国的载人航天事业,增强民族自豪感和培育 爱国精神 重点难点: 1教学重点:新单词和新句型的学习和运用 2.教学难点:运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。不规则过去式动词的运用,如 bring-brought, buy-bought 教学方法: 讲授法、自主探究法、组内合作法、游戏法 教具准备: 幻灯片课件、录音机、磁带 教学过程 Stepl导入环节: 1.导入新课,板书课题。 导入语: Good morning, boys and girls. Who took us to the earth? Let's listen(播放 chant视频)学 生跟读。OK, this class. we will learn module6Unt2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V let' s read together:(领读模块课题) 2展示目标。(1分钟) 过渡语:Let' s read the learning goals together 让学生明确他们这节课要掌握的知识点。 过渡语: Are you ready for our class? Come on Step2先学环节 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv 教学目标: 1.知识目标: (1)认读新单词:brought (bring), bring back ,model, taikonaut, first, national, seed. (2)能听懂会说目标语句:The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship 2.能力目标:学会用一般过去式表达过去发生的事情。 3.情感目标:让学生积极主动学习英语,了解我国的载人航天事业,增强民族自豪感和培育 爱国精神。 重点难点: 1.教学重点:新单词和新句型的学习和运用。 2.教学难点:运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。不规则过去式动词的运用,如 bring-brought, buy-bought. 教学方法: 讲授法、自主探究法、组内合作法、游戏法 教具准备: 幻灯片课件、录音机、磁带 教学过程: Step1.导入环节: 1.导入新课,板书课题。 导入语: Good morning, boys and girls. Who took us to the earth? Let’s listen.(播放 chant 视频)学 生跟读。OK, this class, we will learn Module 6 Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. Let’s read together. (领读模块课题) 2.展示目标。(1 分钟): 过渡语:Let’s read the learning goals together. 让学生明确他们这节课要掌握的知识点。 过渡语:Are you ready for our class? Come on. Step 2.先学环节:
1单词学习: 过渡语:What' the name of the spaceship?Let' s listen (1)第一遍听课文录音并划出新单词 (2)听单词录音并跟读两遍 (3)学生自读单词两遍。 (4)然后让学生完成下列练习: 自学检测:英汉互译 bring back bring(过去式) 模型 taikonaut 第一次 national 种子 2.课文学习 (1)第二遍听课文录音,回答问题 Q: What did Simon and Daming make? (2)第三遍听录音,跟读,注意模仿句子语音语调。 (3)朗读课文。(要求:A会朗读整篇文章:;B.找重难点短语句型,组内讨论学习。) (4)让学生根据课文,回答问题。 1What' s the name of the spaceship @when did it take China's first man into space? 3What did it take into space first time? 3课堂互动:疑惑解答 要求:先小组内讨论疑问,解决不了的提出来,班级共同解决。 initia: Do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands.OK,talk about them in your group, then in the class Step3后教环节。 iti ia: Next, read the passage in your group, then I ask some groups to show us 1读下面的句子,说出汉语意思,并找出过去式词。小组内相互说一说。然后小组内共同找 出课文中类似的句子,总结本课的过去式动词。(要求,先个人说,然后小组讨论) Daming and Simon's made a model of a Chinese spaceshi In 2003, it took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the first time 本课的过去式词有 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv 1.单词学习: 过渡语:What’s the name of the spaceship? Let’s listen (1)第一遍听课文录音并划出新单词。 (2)听单词录音并跟读两遍。 (3)学生自读单词两遍。 (4)然后让学生完成下列练习: 自学检测:英汉互译。 bring back_________ bring(过去式)_________ 模型___________________ taikonaut _____________ 第一次___________national___________ 种子____________ 2.课文学习: (1)第二遍听课文录音,回答问题。 Q: What did Simon and Daming make? (2)第三遍听录音,跟读,注意模仿句子语音语调。 (3)朗读课文。(要求:A.会朗读整篇文章;B.找重难点短语句型,组内讨论学习。) (4)让学生根据课文,回答问题。 ①What’s the name of the spaceship? ②When did it take China’s first man into space? ③What did it take into space first time? 3.课堂互动:疑惑解答。 要求:先小组内讨论疑问,解决不了的提出来,班级共同解决。 过渡语: Do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands. OK, talk about them in your group, then in the class. Step3.后教环节。 过渡语: Next, read the passage in your group, then I ask some groups to show us. 1.读下面的句子,说出汉语意思,并找出过去式词。小组内相互说一说。然后小组内共同找 出课文中类似的句子,总结本课的过去式动词。(要求,先个人说,然后小组讨论) Daming and Simon’s made a model of a Chinese spaceship.. In 2003,it took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the first time. 本课的过去式词有:____________________________________________________
2知识点讲授: (1)一般过去时: 定义:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态时间状语: before以前 yesterday昨天 last week 上周时间+ago.前in+年份 肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他。 否定句:主语+didn't动词原形+其他 般疑问句:Dd+主语+动词原形+其他? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句? (2) buy st.sth买给某人某物。 肯定句: I bought you a pen否定句 I didnt buy you a pen 般疑问句 Did you buy me a pen?简略回答Yes, I did. no, I didn't (3)of的用法以及本课词组、序数词等 ①of表示所属关系(属于)的 E.g: The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese ② make a model制作一个模型。 ③ first(序数词)“首先,第一”。表示次序的数词叫序数词,是由基数词变化而来的。Aone first b.two- econd c.thre-- third几个特殊变化的序数词:five--fth twelve- -twelfth eight- eighth nine-- ninth,其余的序数词是由基数词后加-th变化而来 ④take..into..带.到里 ⑤in+年份 In 2003, it took China's first person into space (4)不规则动词的过去式变化: 不规则动词需要特殊记忆 例如: 1. ride--. rode 2 eat--.ate 3. am. is--- was 4. drink--- drank 5. see--- saw 6.go---went 7. win--- won 8. buy---bought Step4训练环节。 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv 2.知识点讲授: (1)一般过去时: 定义:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态.时间状语:before 以前 yesterday 昨天 last week 上周 时间+ago…前 in+年份 肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他。 否定句: 主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他。 一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句? (2)buy sb. sth.买给某人某物。 肯定句:I bought you a pen.否定句:I didn’t buy you a pen. 一般疑问句:Did you buy me a pen? 简略回答:Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. (3)of 的用法以及本课词组、序数词等。 ①of 表示所属关系(属于)...的。 E.g:The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship. ②make a model 制作一个模型。 ③first (序数词 )“首先,第一”。表示次序的数词叫序数词,是由基数词变化而来的。A .one -----first b. two------second c.three----third 几个特殊变化的序数词: five----fifth twelve----twelfth eight----eighth nine----ninth , 其余的序数词是由基数词后加-th 变化而来。 ④take... into... 带... 到...里 ⑤in+年份 In 2003, it took China's first person into space. (4)不规则动词的过去式变化: 不规则动词需要特殊记忆: 例如: 1.ride--- rode 2.eat--- ate 3.am,is--- was 4.drink--- drank 5.see--- saw 6.go--- went 7.win--- won 8. buy---bought Step4.训练环节
过渡语: After learning, let,s do some exercises 1.自我背诵课文,比一比谁背的最快。(4分钟) 2完成课本活动三,读一读,完成句子。完成后小组内互相检查。 3. Say the chant:说韵诗,模仿语音语调,比一比哪一组模仿的最像 4. Say and guess: What is the present 5总结: 小结语 OK, let's have a summary this class we learnt the words and sentences Lets read together! very good. What did you learn this class? Now write down on your paper, please. At last let's say which group is the winner. Step6作业布置: 1.背诵单词,熟读课文。 2.预习下一单元 Module 6 unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V 教学目标: a语言知识目标 学习单词 model national flag seed;学习目标语句 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V。 b语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言描述过去发生的事情。 c.情感态度目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情,使学生在使用中理解语 言、活用语言,体验使用英语的乐趣。 重点难点: a教学重点:生词的学习并能用生词拓展造句。 b.教学难点:动词过去式的特殊变化 教学方法: 最新外研版六年级英语下册教案: modulebunit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhou
最新外研版六年级英语下册教案:module6unit2thenameofthespaceshipisshenzhouv 过渡语:After learning, let’s do some exercises. 1.自我背诵课文,比一比谁背的最快。(4 分钟) 2.完成课本活动三,读一读,完成句子。完成后小组内互相检查。 3.Say the chant: 说韵诗,模仿语音语调,比一比哪一组模仿的最像。 4.Say and guess: What is the present? Step 5.总结: 小结语: OK, let’s have a summary, this class we learnt the words and sentences. Let’s read together! Very good. What did you learn this class? Now write down on your paper, please. At last let’s say which group is the winner. Step 6.作业布置: 1.背诵单词,熟读课文。 2.预习下一单元。 Module 6 Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V 教学目标: a.语言知识目标: 学习单词 model national flag seed;学习目标语句 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V。 b.语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言描述过去发生的事情。 c.情感态度目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情,使学生在使用中理解语 言、活用语言,体验使用英语的乐趣。 重点难点: a.教学重点:生词的学习并能用生词拓展造句。 b.教学难点:动词过去式的特殊变化。 教学方法: