故事简介 取自莎士比亚四大悲剧之 《李 尔王》。该剧首演于1606年。统治英 国的李尔王想把国土分给三个女儿。 他试探三个女儿的孝心,大女和次女 极尽阿谀之辞骗得了李尔王的信任, 各得到二分之一的国土
取自莎士比亚四大悲剧之一——《李 尔王》。该剧首演于1606年。统治英 国的李尔王想把国土分给三个女儿。 他试探三个女儿的孝心,大女和次女 极尽阿谀之辞骗得了李尔王的信任, 各得到二分之一的国土。 故事简介
而幼女却因直言不讳而惹怒父亲, 无所有,幸被法兰西国王娶为王后。 李尔退位后遭到两个女儿的冷眼和遗 弃,她们甚至密谋要除掉他。幸亏忠 臣相救,李尔才幸免于难。后来小女 儿挂帅领兵为父复国。这时,另两个 女儿之间已出现矛盾,她们尔虞我诈
而幼女却因直言不讳而惹怒父亲,一 无所有,幸被法兰西国王娶为王后。 李尔退位后遭到两个女儿的冷眼和遗 弃,她们甚至密谋要除掉他。幸亏忠 臣相救,李尔才幸免于难。后来小女 儿挂帅领兵为父复国。这时,另两个 女儿之间已出现矛盾,她们尔虞我诈
要除去对方,但面对法军,她们又联合 起来。此战英军获胜,囚禁了李尔与其 小女儿,但却招来朝野上下一致不满 李尔的小女儿被害死,他的另两个女儿 也没有得到好下场。李尔抱住小女儿尸 体痛哭,自己也伤心而死。“阅读”部 分节取的是该剧的第一幕,其中李尔王 与女儿的对白堪称莎翁作品中最为经典 的篇章之
要除去对方,但面对法军,她们又联合 起来。此战英军获胜,囚禁了李尔与其 小女儿,但却招来朝野上下一致不满。 李尔的小女儿被害死,他的另两个女儿 也没有得到好下场。李尔抱住小女儿尸 体痛哭,自己也伤心而死。“阅读”部 分节取的是该剧的第一幕,其中李尔王 与女儿的对白堪称莎翁作品中最为经典 的篇章之一
Read the play quickly with the following questions 1. What had Lear expected to happen in his old age? 2. Why has Lear called for the King of France and the Duke of burgundy
1.What had Lear expected to happen in his old age? 2.Why has Lear called for the King of France and the Duke of Burgundy? Read the play quickly with the following questions:
3. What has lear decided to do with his kingdom? 4. What is he going to do when he retires 5. Why does lear become angry with Kent? 6.How does he punish ent?
3.What has Lear decided to do with his kingdom? 4.What is he going to do when he retires ? 5.Why does Lear become angry with Kent? 6.How does he punish Kent?
Comprehending 1 Why does King Lear want to give away his kingdom? Because lear is old and tired and wants to retire
1 Why does King Lear want to give away his kingdom? Comprehending Because Lear is old and tired and wants to retire
2 How is he going to decide who to give the best part of his kingdom to? He is going to ask his three daughters to tell him how much they love him and divide up the kingdom according to their answers
2 How is he going to decide who to give the best part of his kingdom to? He is going to ask his three daughters to tell him how much they love him and divide up the kingdom according to their answers
3 At the beginning of the play, of which daughter is King Lear most fond? Cordelia 4 Which daughters are already married and which is not? Regan and goneril are married and Cordelia is not
Cordelia. 3 At the beginning of the play, of which daughter is King Lear most fond? 4 Which daughters are already married and which is not? Regan and Goneril are married and Cordelia is not