复旦大学上海医学院皮肤性病系教案 学料B班《皮肤|授课教师项禮红职称(授聘职位)授课教授 病学》 授课题目 Acne 授课学时 2学时 授课对象(专业、年级、班)/临床医学专业六年制 班 授课日期 2015-1217 MBBS Objective: 1. To master the classification of acne severity and treatment of acne 2. To grasp the clinical presentation of acne 3. To understand the etiology and pathophysiology and of acne Lesson: 1. Etiology and Pathophysiology 20min 2. Symptoms and Signs athogenesis 20min 3. Diagnosis 20min 4. Prognosis 10min 5. Treatment 20min Key words Acne Training Methods: Booke 《 Text Book of Dermatology》 教师签名: 系(科)主任签名 备注:1、系(科)主任在授课前审阅教案并签名 2、授课讲稿及课件由教师本人妥为保管,以备检査
复旦大学上海医学院皮肤性病系教案 学 科 MBBS 班《皮肤 病学》 授课教师 项蕾红 职称(授聘职位) 授课教授 授课题目 Acne 授课学时 2 学时 授课对象(专业、年级、班) 临床医学专业六年制 MBBS 班 授课日期 2015-12-17 Objective:: 1. To master the classification of acne severity and treatment of acne. 2. To grasp the clinical presentation of acne. 3. To understand the etiology and pathophysiology and of acne. Lesson: 1. Etiology and Pathophysiology 20min 2. Symptoms and Signs athogenesis 20min 3. Diagnosis 20min 4. Prognosis 10min 5. Treatment 20min Key words: Acne Training Methods: PPT Book: 《Text Book of Dermatology》 教师签名: 系(科)主任签名: 备注: 1、系(科)主任在授课前审阅教案并签名; 2、授课讲稿及课件由教师本人妥为保管,以备检查