移动通信技术材料汇编 (下) 胥正川编印 上海 2009年1月18日
移动通信技术材料汇编 (下) 胥正川 编 印 上 海 2009 年 1 月 18 日
目录 Ⅰ.自编讲义 II. Commumications of the ACM, Special Issue: Mobile commerce opportunities and challenges, Vol 46, Issue 12, 2003 Stafford, T.F.& Gillenson, M L Mobile commerce: what it is and what it could be, pp 33-34 Chae, M. and Kim, j. what's so different about the mobile Internet? pp 240-247 Maamar. Z. Commerce. e-commerce. and m-commerce. what comes next? pp 251-257 Sarker, S& Wells, J D. Understanding mobile handheld device use and adoption, pp 35-40 Lee, Y.E.& Benbasat, I. Inter face design for mobile commerce pp48-52 Venkatesh, V.,V. Ramesh, V, Massey, A P. Understanding usability in mobile commerce, pp 53-56 Tarasewich, P Designing mobile commerce applications, pp 57-60 III. Newcomb, E, Pashley, T, Stasko, J(2003) Mobile computing in the retail arena, proceedings of the sigchi conference on human factors in computing systems, pp 337-344 IV. Raymond R. Panko (2007)Business Data Networks and Telecommunications(Sixth edition), Prentice-Hall
目 录 I. 自编讲义 II. Communications of the ACM, Special Issue: Mobile commerce opportunities and challenges, Vol. 46, Issue 12, 2003 Stafford, T.F. & Gillenson, M.L. Mobile commerce: what it is and what it could be, pp. 33 - 34 Chae, M. and Kim, J. What’s so different about the Mobile Internet? pp.240-247. Maamar, Z. Commerce, e-commerce, and m-commerce : what comes next? pp. 251-257. Sarker, S. & Wells, J.D. Understanding mobile handheld device use and adoption, pp.35 - 40 Lee, Y.E. & Benbasat, I. Interface design for mobile commerce, pp.48 - 52 Venkatesh, V., V. Ramesh, V., Massey, A.P. Understanding usability in mobile commerce, pp.53 - 56 Tarasewich, P. Designing mobile commerce applications, pp.57-60 III. Newcomb, E., Pashley, T., Stasko, J. (2003) Mobile computing in the retail arena, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pp.337 - 344. IV. Raymond R. Panko (2007) ‘Business Data Networks and Telecommunications (Sixth edition), Prentice-Hall