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《英语科学写作》课程教学资源:Lecture 9 Writing A Thesis/Dissertation


Lecture 9 Writing A Thesis/Dissertation 1. Objectives of a Dissertation/ Thesis a thesis or dissertation differs from a scientific paper. It is usually the final outcome of a students graduate program (a) Scientifically, its primary objective is to report scientific research (b) Academically and professionally, its primary objective is to demonstrate a novice's(the student) ability to conduct independent research, and so qualify the candidate as a research scientist The graduate student must also demonstrate to the faculty that he can also report accurately and clearly what he has researched. All this. he will be evaluated from the dissertation a dissertation is longer and more comprehensive than a scientific It has a) greater detail b) more extensive discussions and explanations (c) more illustrations and tables (d) include supplementary materials, such as preliminary studies Usually abstracts of dissertation are published Of course one or more scientific papers may be abstracted for publications

1 Lecture 9 Writing A Thesis/Dissertation 1. Objectives of a Dissertation/ Thesis A thesis or dissertation differs from a scientific paper. It is usually the final outcome of a student’s graduate program. (a) Scientifically, its primary objective is to report scientific research. (b) Academically and professionally, its primary objective is to demonstrate a novice’s (the student) ability to conduct independent research, and so qualify the candidate as a research scientist. The graduate student must also demonstrate to the faculty that he can also report accurately and clearly what he has researched. All this, he will be evaluated from the dissertation. A dissertation is longer and more comprehensive than a scientific paper. It has (a) greater details (b) more extensive discussions and explanations (c) more illustrations and tables (d) include supplementary materials, such as preliminary studies. Usually abstracts of dissertation are published. Of course, one or more scientific papers may be abstracted for publications

2. Sections of a Thesis/Dissertation n terms of sections or parts, a dissertation does not differ much from a scientific paper. However, as pointed out earlier, the dissertation is much longer and comprehensive in all the parts Typically, a dissertation includes (a Introduction and literature (b Materials and Methods c) Results and discussions (d) Conclusion 3. Writing the sections of a dissertation When writing students are advised to read these sections together with the relevant sections on "The Writing process Requirements for a Research paper and a dissertation are broad similar. The students are therefore adv ised to refer to the relevant sections on Introduction, Experimental Materials Methods), Results Discussions, Conclusions, Abstracts etc. for writing a research paper What is said concerning a scientific paper applies in substance equally to a dissertation What is different is the emphasis placed for each section. This comes about because a Dissertation and a research paper have different objectives

2 2. Sections of a Thesis/Dissertation In terms of sections or parts, a dissertation does not differ much from a scientific paper. However, as pointed out earlier, the dissertation is much longer and comprehensive in all the parts. Typically, a dissertation includes: (a) Introduction and Literature (b) Materials and Methods (c) Results and Discussions (d) Conclusion 3. Writing the Sections of a Dissertation When writing ,students are advised to read these sections together with the relevant sections on “The Writing Process”. Requirements for a Research paper and a dissertation are broadly similar. The students are therefore advised to refer to the relevant sections on Introduction, Experimental ( Materials & Methods), Results & Discussions, Conclusions, Abstracts etc. for writing a research paper. What is said concerning a scientific paper applies in substance equally to a dissertation. What is different is the emphasis placed for each section. This comes about because a Dissertation and a Research paper have different objectives

3.1Introduction and literature Because a dissertation is more comprehensive than a paper, it must demonstrates a good understanding of a research problem and a thorough knowledge of the literature In the introduction and Literature section (a)The student must demonstrate he/she has read widely and comprehensively literature and references relevant to the research problem. Students are expected to critically evaluate and interprete the literature in a meaningful perspective. from this, the faculty will be able to evaluate the students understanding of the principles and theoretical structure of the discipline and insight to the particular problem he/she sets out to resolve (b)The research problem is clearly formulated and set up. It is in the introduction and literature review that the student demonstrates he/she presents a clear analysis of the problem and a thorough elaboration of the theoretical framework. he/she must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the theoretical structure of the research problem (c)The proposed approach to resolve the research problem is then discussed thoroughly in detailed logical steps So we expect both the Introduction and Literature review to be very comprehensive and detailed

3 3.1Introduction and Literature Because a dissertation is more comprehensive than a paper, it must demonstrates a good understanding of a research problem and a thorough knowledge of the literature. In the Introduction and Literature section: (a)The student must demonstrate he/she has read widely and comprehensively literature and references relevant to the research problem. Students are expected to critically evaluate and interprete the literature in a meaningful perspective.From this, the faculty will be able to evaluate the student’s understanding of the principles and theoretical structure of the discipline and insight to the particular problem he/she sets out to resolve. (b)The research problem is clearly formulated and set up.It is in the introduction and literature review that the student demonstrates he/she presents a clear analysis of the problem and a thorough elaboration of the theoretical framework. He/she must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the theoretical structure of the research problem (c)The proposed approach to resolve the research problem is then discussed thoroughly in detailed logical steps. So we expect both the Introduction and Literature Review to be very comprehensive and detailed

3.2 Experimental( Materials Methods) Again, while similar to a scientific paper, very much more details are expected Much more analytical discussions on the research design as a whole, the techniques and procedures employed should be included Details of novel equipment/apparatus fabricated must be presented Liberal but relevant use of Illustrations, Tables, photographs, etc help in the presentation and explanations Detailed instructions on techniques may best be presented under the Appendix section 3.3 Results and discussions For a dissertation, the results and Discussions are usually separate chapters The resul ts section normally include too much data to be included in a journal, but they are nevertheless important for future students and therefore should be included. again best under ppendix Under the discussions section the student is expected (a) To critically evaluate interprete the data, results (b) To discuss to what extent (and how) the data help to resolve the research problem (c) If the data &e results do not resolve the problem, venture to propose new explanatory

4 3.2Experimental ( Materials & Methods) Again, while similar to a scientific paper, very much more details are expected. Much more analytical discussions on the research design as a whole, the techniques and procedures employed should be included. Details of novel equipment/apparatus fabricated must be presented. Liberal but relevant use of Illustrations, Tables, photographs, etc help in the presentation and explanations Detailed instructions on techniques may best be presented under the Appendix Section. 3.3Results and Discussions For a dissertation, the Results and Discussions are usually separate chapters. The results section normally include too much data to be included in a journal, but they are nevertheless important for future students and therefore should be included. ( again best under Appendix). Under the Discussions section the student is expected (a) To critically evaluate & interprete the data, results (b) To discuss to what extent (and how) the data help to resolve the research problem (c) If the data & results do not resolve the problem, venture to propose new explanatory

models 3.4 Conclusions Again a more comprehensive and detailed approach is expected Please refer to Conclusions under Writing a research pa per

5 models! 3.4Conclusions Again a more comprehensive and detailed approach is expected. Please refer to Conclusions under Writing a Research paper



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