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中国水利水电出版社:21世纪电子商务与现代物流管理系列教材《现代物流专业英语 Modern Logistics》课程教学资源(PPT课件)Chapter 3 Logistical Strategy

The Mission of Logistics Management How Is Logistic Strategy Fit Achieved

Chapter 3 Logistical Strategy The Mission of Logistics Management How Is Logistic Strategy Fit Achieved

The Mission of Logistics Management How Is Logistic Strategy Fit Achieved Chapter 3 Logistical Strategy

3.1 The Mission of Logistics Management Key points: logistics management process; mission of logistics management Difficult points: FMS; MRP Requirements: By the end of this lesson, you should be able to understand the mission of logistics management describe logistics management process

Key points: logistics management process; mission of logistics management Difficult points: FMS; MRP Requirements: By the end of this lesson, you should be able to understand the mission of logistics management. describe logistics management process. 3.1 The Mission of Logistics Management

The mission of logistics management Supplier Procurement Operations Distribution Customers FIGURE 3. 1.1 Logistics management process

The Mission of Logistics Management Supplier Procurement Operations Distribution Customers FIGURE 3.1.1 Logistics management process

Sentence Explanations 传统上,在生产中优先考虑的因素和 目标通常聚焦于运营效率上,通 过长时间的生产管理,建立、调 节和产品标准化能够使它们达到 最小化,企业便能够提高运营效 1. Manufacturing priorities and objectives have typically been focused on operating efficiency, achieved through long production runs, minimized set-ups and change-overs and product standardization

1. Manufacturing priorities and objectives have typically been focused on operating efficiency, achieved through long production runs, minimized set-ups and change-overs and product standardization. Sentence Explanations 传统上,在生产中优先考虑的因素和 目标通常聚焦于运营效率上,通 过长时间的生产管理,建立、调 节和产品标准化能够使它们达到 最小化,企业便能够提高运营效 率

Sentence Explanations 2. On the other hand marketing has sought to achieve 必必 competitive advantage through variety high service levels and frequent product changes

2. On the other hand marketing has sought to achieve competitive advantage through variety high service levels and frequent product changes. Sentence Explanations

Sentence Explanations 在生产和营销哪个更加重要的 争论中,二者的冲突必然 会导致与公司总目标相反 的结果。 3. The internecine disputes between the barons' of production and marketing an clearly counter- productive to the achievement of overall corporate goalS

3. The internecine disputes between the 'barons' of production and marketing an clearly counter￾productive to the achievement of overall corporate goals. Sentence Explanations 在生产和营销哪个更加重要的 争论中,二者的冲突必然 会导致与公司总目标相反 的结果

Sentence Explanations Not only is the cost of purchased materials and supplies a significant part of total costs in most organizations, but there is a major opportunity for leveraging the capabilities and competencies of suppliers through closer integration of the buyers and the suppliers logistics processes

4. Not only is the cost of purchased materials and supplies a significant part of total costs in most organizations, but there is a major opportunity for leveraging the capabilities and competencies of suppliers through closer integration of the buyers' and the suppliers' logistics processes . Sentence Explanations

Sentence Explanations 它基本上属于计划观念,主要是 寻求建立一种框架,通过该 框架的运营能够把市场需要 转化为生产战略和计划,接 着与公司的采购战略和计划 5. It is fundamentally a planning concept th at seeks to create a framework through which the needs of the marketplace can be translated into a manufacturing strategy and plan, which in turn links into a strategy and plan for procurement

5. It is fundamentally a planning concept that seeks to create a framework through which the needs of the marketplace can be translated into a manufacturing strategy and plan, which in turn links into a strategy and plan for procurement. Sentence Explanations 它基本上属于计划观念,主要是 寻求建立一种框架,通过该 框架的运营能够把市场需要 转化为生产战略和计划,接 着与公司的采购战略和计划 相对接

Questions 1. What is logistics management process? 2. What is the definition of logistics management? 3. Discuss the integrated logistics management

1. What is logistics management process? 2. What is the definition of logistics management? 3. Discuss the integrated logistics management. Questions

3.2 How Is Logistic Strategies Fit Achieved Key points: strategic fit; responsive supply chain efficient supply chain Difficult points: achieving strategic fit Requirements: By the end of this lesson, you should be able to discuss the basic steps to achieve this strategic fit understand the attributes of customer demand

3.2 How Is Logistic Strategies Fit Achieved Key points: strategic fit; responsive supply chain; efficient supply chain Difficult points: achieving strategic fit Requirements: By the end of this lesson, you should be able to discuss the basic steps to achieve this strategic fit. understand the attributes of customer demand



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