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《英语科学写作》课程教学资源:Writing Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Papers in English


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Writing Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Papers In English

Introduction to 2nd edition The need for a good guide for writing Chemistry papers in English was clearly the main reason why Professor Gao Jinzhang wrote his How to write Chemistry Paper in English This well-written guide was very well received by both students and teachers alike. Many a student struggling to put their piece of research work into writing must have found the guidelines and the many examples in the book very practical and helpful o meet the needs of a wider spectrum of readers, the book is now expanded to include many more examples and illustrations taken from a widerspectrum of branches of Chemistry and also from Chemical Engineering.To help us in the revision process, we have referred extensively to books and other resources on a similar subject While the book is meant for beginners we hope the revised book will useful to others as we

Introduction to 2ndEdition The need for a good guide for writing Chemistry papers in English was clearly the main reason why Professor Gao Jinzhang wrote his "How to write Chemistry Paper in English”. This well-written guide was very well received by both students and teachers alike. Many a student struggling to put their piece of research work into writing must have found the guidelines and the many examples in the book very practical and helpful. To meet the needs of a wider spectrum of readers, the book is now expanded to include many more examples and illustrations taken from a wider spectrum of branches of Chemistry and also from Chemical Engineering.To help us in the revision process, we have referred extensively to books and other resources on a similar subject. While the book is meant for beginners, we hope the revised book will useful to others as well

Table of contents Preface Chapter 1 The Importance of Clear writing 1.1 Dissemination of Research Findings 1. 2 Clear Writing in Chemical and chemical Engineering research Findins 1.3 Starting to write a Research Paper Chapter2 Sections of a research Paper, Common Words And phrases Chapter 3 Introduction Section 3.1 Objectives of Introduction Section 3.2 Examples of Introduction Chapter 4 Experimental Section 4. 1 Objectives of Experimental Section

Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1 The Importance of Clear Writing . . 1.1 Dissemination of Research Findings . 1.2 Clear Writing in Chemical and Chemical Engineering Research Findings . 1.3 Starting to Write a Research Paper . Chapter2 Sections of a Research Paper, Common Words And phrases Chapter 3 Introduction Section 3.1 Objectives of Introduction Section ….. 3.2 Examples of Introduction . ….. Chapter 4 Experimental Section … 4. 1 Objectives of Experimental Section

4.2 Examples ofExperimental Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 5.1 Objectives of results and discussion Section 5.2 Examples of Results, Discussion, Results and discussion Chapter 6 Conclusions 6.1 Objectives of Conclusion Section Chapter 7 Illustrations and Tables 7.1 Illustrations 7.1.1 General guidelines on lustration 7.2 Schematic Drawings 7.3 Graphs and graphical Presentations 7.3.1 Line Graphs 7.4 Graphs: Spectra, Chromatograms, Electrochemically generated 7.5 Tables 7.6 Equations 7.7 Photographs Chapter 8 Abstract 8.1 Objectives of Abstract and Summary 8.2 Title 8.3 Key words 84 Authorship… 8.5 Acknowledgements 8. 6 References Chapter 9 Stages in Writing of a research Paper Chapter 10 writing a Dissertation Chapter 1l Submitting Papers for Publication

4.2 Examples of Experimental Chapter 5 Results and Discussion … 5.1 Objectives of Results and Discussion Section 5.2 Examples of Results, Discussion, Results and Discussion Chapter 6 Conclusions … 6.1 Objectives of Conclusion Section Chapter 7 Illustrations and Tables…. 7.1 Illustrations 7.1.1 General Guidelines on Illustrations 7.2 Schematic Drawings 7.3 Graphs and Graphical Presentations 7.3.1 Line Graphs 7.4 Graphs: Spectra, Chromatograms, Electrochemically generated Signals 7.5 Tables 7.6 Equations 7.7 Photographs Chapter 8 Abstract … 8.1 Objectives of Abstract and Summary …. 8.2 Title …. 8.3 Key words . 8.4 Authorship …. 8.5 Acknowledgements … 8.6 References …. …. Chapter 9 Stages in Writing of a Research Paper Chapter 10 Writing a Dissertation Chapter 11 Submitting Papers for Publication

11.1 Instructions to authors 11. 2 Correspondence with Journals Chapter 12 Attending and Presenting Research Findings At Conferences 12.1 Introduction on Conferences 12. 2Tutorialon Using Powerpoint97 to present a Technical Report 12. 3Tips on using Powerpoint for Presentation 12. 4 Sources of Information on forthcoming Conferences Appendix I .I Common English Mistakes made by students 1.2 Tablel. Commonly Misspelt Words 1.3 Table 2. Commonly Misspelt Technical Words and other words .4 Table 3 Common Chemistry terms and terminology I5 Table 4. Common Chemical Engineering Terms and words AppendixⅡl Il I Major Sources of Information for Chemical Engineering I 2 Major Sources of Information for Chemistry 1.3Table 5. Commonly used Analytical Techniques, their abbreviations and Acronyms

11.1 Instructions to Authors 11.2 Correspondence with Journals …. …. Chapter 12 Attending and Presenting Research Findings At Conferences. 12.1 Introduction on Conferences 12. 2Tutorial on Using Powerpoint97 to present a Technical Report 12. 3Tips on using Powerpoint for Presentation 12. 4 Sources of Information on forthcoming Conferences Appendix I I.1 Common English Mistakes made by Students I.2 Table1. Commonly Misspelt Words I.3 Table 2.Commonly Misspelt Technical Words and other Words I.4 Table 3 Common Chemistry Terms and Terminology I.5 Table 4. Common Chemical Engineering Terms and Words Appendix II II.1 Major Sources of Information for Chemical Engineering II.2 Major Sources of Information for Chemistry II.3 .Table 5. Commonly used Analytical Techniques, their Abbreviations and Acronyms …..

I. The lmportance of Clear writing 1. 1 Dissemination of Research findings Research is by its very nature innovat ive. It has little meaning except as part of the structure of scientific knowledge. Also, it is not possible to know how significant or useful a research study is likely to be-either scientifically or practically, until it is available to peers. It is therefore important that the results of research be disseminated as widely as Scientifically, research does not really exist unless it is disseminated and disseminated widely. a scientific paper presented orally, even at a large conference, cannot reach scientists who are not present. Until research is published, therefore, it cannot contribute to scientific knowledge. Hence, for the widest d issemination of research, publication, usually as a scientific paper in a professional journal, is essential As English is the linguafranca of the scientific community,. it is not surprising that the major proportion of research papers are written in English and that most conferences proceed ings are also conducted in English. Hence acquiring the skills of writing our research findings in English appear imperative if we are to publicize our research findings to a wide international scientific community 1. 2. Clear Writing in Chemical and Chemical Engineering Research Findings Have you recently conducted some Chemistry or Chemical Engineering experiments in your laboratory and needed to write a description of them? Perhaps you are a masters or a Doctoral student and the experiments you have just completed produced highly significant results. You naturally would want to publish them in a reputable local or international journal. Or perhaps the experiments form part of the Dissertat ion or Thesis that you will be presenting for your Masters or Doctoral degree. Whatever the reasons for writing, bad

1. The Importance of Clear Writing 1.1 Dissemination of Research Findings Research is by its very nature innovative. It has little meaning except as part of the structure of scientific knowledge. Also, it is not possible to know how significant or useful a research study islikely to be- either scientifically or practically , until it is available to peers.It is therefore important that the results of research be disseminated as widely as possible. Scientifically, research does not really exist unless it is disseminated and disseminated widely. A scientific paper presented orally, even at a large conference, cannot reach scientists who are not present. Until research is published, therefore, it cannot contribute to scientific knowledge. Hence,for the widest dissemination of research; publication, usually as a scientific paper in a professional journal, is essential . As English is the lingua franca of the scientific community ,.it is not surprising that the major proportion of research papers are written in English and that most conferences’ proceedings are also conducted in English. Hence acquiring the skills of writing our research findings in English.appear imperative if we are to publicize our research findings to a wide international scientific community. 1.2. Clear Writing in Chemical and Chemical Engineering Research Findings Have you recently conducted some Chemistry or Chemical Engineering experiments in your laboratory and needed to write a description of them ? Perhaps you are a Masters or a Doctoral student and the experiments you have just completed produced highly significant results. You naturally would want to publish them in a reputable local or international journal. Or perhaps the experiments form part of the Dissertation or Thesis that you will be presenting for your Masters or Doctoral degree. Whatever the reasons for writing, bad

writing can lessen the value of your results, even though they may be promising. Bad writing can even result in research papers being rejected, even though their technical content may be significant! We have personal knowledge of a number of cases where the referees concerned rejected papers on the grounds of obscure and incomprehensible writing I Bad technical writing is common and is not limited to any country. In the Western world there are stories of scientific discoveries that were not not iced immediately after publication simply because of bad writing by the authors. It had to wait forthe discoveries to be repeated for them to be noticed! Obviously then, writing well is just as important as doing theexperiments well So, what is bad writing? It includes bad grammar, spelling mistakes, disorganised presentation of the paper as a whole and of the experimental results in particular. It also includes the use of too many words(non-precise)and too many results which are irrelevant and in the area of references, making biased(usually our own ) references, wrong references as well as omitting references altogether In the view of an Editor-in chiefof Analytical Chemistry (a leading journal in the analytical sciences), the worst kind of bad writing of all is -"not clearly expressing why you carried out the experiments, what could be concluded or not concluded fromthem, and why the conclusions are significant So, how can one write a clear report? This book is intended for students engaged in research, particularly in the Chemical Sciences and Chemical Engineering, who are not sure of how to write up their research findings We hope this book will serve as a general guide for youto begin. As an additional help to produce a clear report, we also suggest that you seek out a competent colleague who is willing to be critical of your writing This is especially helpful if English is not your first language 1.3 Starting to write a research Paper In scientific writing we seek accuracy and clarity. Accuracy is central to scientific writing. We aim to communicate to readers as accurately and as closely as the language permits For accuracy we must ensure the data we are reporting are absolutely accurate Delibrately using and reporting false data is a very serious offense! A more likely offense, however, is biasedness which leads us to misrepresent our data to favour a preconceived interpretation or conclusion. We must scrupulously guard against these two offe C larity istotransmit our observation and research data accurately In scient if ic writing we k to write clearly so that it will result in an accurate transmission of our data and observation to the readers. This means using precise language. Use the scientific

writing can lessen the value of your results, even though they may be promising. Bad writing can even result in research papers being rejected, even though their technical content may be significant! We have personal knowledge of a number of cases where the referees concerned rejected papers on the grounds of obscure and incomprehensible writing ! . Bad technical writing is common and is not limited to any country. In the Western world, there are stories of scientific discoveries that were not noticed immediately after publication simply because of bad writing by the authors. It had to wait for the discoveries to be repeated for them to be noticed! Obviously then, writing well is just as important as doing the experiments well. So, what is bad writing? It includes bad grammar, spelling mistakes, disorganised presentation of the paper as a whole and of the experimental results in particular .It also includes the use of too many words (non-precise) and too many results which are irrelevant;and in the area of references, making biased (usually our own) references, wrong references as well as omitting references altogether! In the view of an Editor-in chief of Analytical Chemistry (a leading journal in the analytical sciences), the worst kind of bad writing of all is - “ not clearly expressing why you carried out the experiments, what could be concluded or not concluded from them, and why the conclusions are significant.” So, how can one write a clear report? This book is intended for students engaged in research, particularly in the Chemical Sciences and Chemical Engineering, who are not sure of how to write up their research findings. We hope this book will serve as a general guide for you to begin. As an additional help to produce a clear report, we also suggest that you seek out a competent colleague who is willing to be critical of your writing.This is especially helpful if English is not your first language. 1.3 Starting to Write a Research Paper In scientific writing we seek accuracy and clarity. Accuracy is central to scientific writing.We aim to communicate to readers as accurately and as closely as the language permits.For accuracy we must ensure the data we are reporting are absolutely accurate.Delibrately using and reporting false data is a very serious offense!A more likely offense , however, is biasedness which leads us to misrepresent our data to favour a preconceived interpretation or conclusion.We must scrupulously guard against these two offenses. Clarity is to transmit our observation and research data accurately .In scientific writing we seek to write clearly so that it will result in an accurate transmission of our data and observation to the readers.This means using precise language . Use the scientific

terminology in our disciplines( Chemistry and Chemical Enginnering) whenever necessary Even everyday words and phrases must be used precisely. With these introductory comments we are now ready to look at the process of writing A research paper has a fomal structure, normally consisting of at least the sections: Introduction, Experimental (or Materials and Methods), Results and Discussion. To begin writing, it helps to write down under each of the sections above, a summary or skeletal form of the section. This may be in point form. The summaries under the appropriate sections establish the central structure of the paper. The student can then later elaborate on each of the sections To help writing the sections we keep in mind the objectives of each What are the main objectives of each of the sections Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion? What should then be the content of each? The following pages will discuss each in turn. Examples of the d ifferent types of content will also be given to help the writer. For each of the sections, common phrases and words used are also reproduced for the writer 's reference We also include a chapter on how to prepare I llustrations and Tables. The tips given will help you prepare illustrations and tables that are normally used in papers For those writing dissertations, you may find the chapter on Writing a Dissertation helpful Requirements and guidelines for preparation for Submitting Papers for Publication are included in a separate chapter. Finally, useful tips are given for preparing papers for Presentation in Technical Conferences The append ices provide lists of terms and words commonly used in both Chemistry and Chemical Engineering together with lists of commonly misspelt words and examples of common mistakes in English taken from local dissertations and research papers. 第一章引言 化学的起源可以追溯到远古时代,作为一门独立的科学分支,也有几个世纪的历史,而 现代化学的成长则是近百年的事,特别是近50年,是化学飞速发展的时期由于其它学科的 出现和发展,使学科间得以相互渗透,于是又出现了许多边缘科学,也出现了更多的学科分

terminology in our disciplines ( Chemistry and Chemical Enginnering) whenever necessary.Even everyday words and phrases must be used precisely. With these introductory comments we are now ready to look at the process of writing. A research paper has a formal structure, normally consisting of at least the sections: Introduction, Experimental (or Materials and Methods), Results and Discussion. To begin writing, it helps to write down under each of the sections above, a summary or skeletal form of the section. This may be in point form. The summaries under the appropriate sections establish the central structure of the paper. The student can then later elaborate on each of the sections. To help writing the sections we keep in mind the objectives of each. What are the main objectives of each of the sections Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion? What should then be the content of each? The following pages will discuss each in turn. Examples of the different types of content will also be given to help the writer. For each of the sections, common phrases and words used are also reproduced for the writer’s reference. We also include a chapter on how to prepare Illustrations and Tables. The tips given will help you prepare illustrations and tables that are normally used in papers. For those writing dissertations, you may find the chapter on Writing a Dissertation helpful. Requirements and guidelines for preparation for Submitting Papers for Publication are included in a separate chapter. Finally, useful tips are given for preparing papers for Presentation in Technical Conferences The appendices provide lists of terms and words commonly used in both Chemistry and Chemical Engineering together with lists of commonly misspelt words and examples of common mistakes in English taken from local dissertations and research papers. 第一章 引 言 化学的起源可以追溯到远古时代,作为一门独立的科学分支,也有几个世纪的历史,而 现代化学的成长则是近百年的事,特别是近 50 年,是化学飞速发展的时期.由于其它学科的 出现和发展,使学科间得以相互渗透,于是又出现了许多边缘科学,也出现了更多的学科分

支,如化学物理、生物化学、地球化学、环境化学、药物化学、计算化学、天然产物化学, 以及其它学科在化学中的应用等等另外,化学各分支之间也相渗透,如配位化学、金属有机 化学、高分子化学与物理、生物无机化学、物理无机化学等等随着人类物质生活水平的不断 提高,人们对消费化学、化妆品化学、食品化学也十分青睐,可以说,化学无时不有,处处 有,人类的生产与生活时时处处离不开化学 20世纪,人类进入了信息社会,信息是一种客观存在,对于化学来说,就是对周围世界 的观察、思考、实验、分析、综合、结论,经过多次反复最后提出一种假说、定律或理论, 以服务于生产与生活而信息的储存与传递,是一切科学发展的重要环节化学文献是储存和传 递信息的方式之一,从某种意义上来说,也是最常用最重要的一种方式,按照文献的性质和 出版形式,分类方法很多,这不属于本书讨论的范围这里所说的仅指学术论文一类,即正式 出版的期刊或学术会议论文集据报道,目前全世界出版的化学化工刊物超过1万种,使用的 语言约30余种,其中以英文发行的刊物约占30%以上,即使以其它语种发行的化学刊物,也 多半有英文摘要美国出版的化学文摘( Chemical Abstracts,简称CA)是化学界公认的权威性 刊物,以英文发行,每年收录文献超过50万条,占全世界化学化工方面论文的98%以上 对于非英语国家的化学工作者来说,正确地使用英语来报道自己的研究成果显得十分重 要当然,要做到信、达、雅并不是一件容易的事,但至少要作到比较准确地传递信息,使国 际同行能够看懂,以利于交流. §1.1论文的框架结构 化学刊物很多,各种杂志都有自己的征稿简则( Instructions for authors),包括刊物的内 容、论文的格式、参考文献的引法,以及打印方式等都有详细说明在投稿前应仔细阅读,严 格按要求去写是成功的第一步 就常见的刊物而言,大致可分为两类:对于分析化学、无机化学、物理化学及配位化学 方面的论文,最常见的格式为 Introduction→ Experimental→ Results& Discussion即先提出问题 然后进行实验,再对所得结果进行各种处理,从中找出某些规律性的东西有时,在 Introduction 之后还插入 Theory或 Calculation等内容,文章的结尾可用 Conclusion进行条理化这种写法比 较符合人们认识客观事物的顺序,一目了然, Experimental部分,除特殊或自制的仪器、装置 要加以详细说明外,一般情况下仅给出名称和厂家即可对于新合成的试剂或实验方法也应详 细说明如果所用仪器和实验方法均为人们所熟知,这一部分内容就十分简单,仅给出仪器和 试剂的规格或纯度即可,由此看来,这类文章的重点是 Experimental→ Results& Discussion 就是说要讨论在何种条件下获得了这些结果,根据这些资料和现象又推出什幺结论,这些结 论的适用范围等等如果在数据处理或理论推导中有别于常规方法,则应加入They或 Calculation部分文章结尾要不要加入 Conclusion视内容而定,如果在讨论部分已简明扼要地 说清楚了,就无需用 Conclusion去条理化 对于有机合成、金属有机方面的论文,常见的写法 Introduction→ Results& Discussion Experimental这类文章多半要报道一种新的合成方法或一些新化合物,而这些化合物是在特 定条件下经过多步合成、分离、纯化得到的,为了让别人重复自己的实验或将其成果尽快转

支,如化学物理、生物化学、地球化学、环境化学、药物化学、计算化学、天然产物化学, 以及其它学科在化学中的应用等等.另外,化学各分支之间也相渗透,如配位化学、金属有机 化学、高分子化学与物理、生物无机化学、物理无机化学等等.随着人类物质生活水平的不断 提高,人们对消费化学、化妆品化学、食品化学也十分青睐,可以说,化学无时不有,处处 有,人类的生产与生活时时处处离不开化学. 20 世纪,人类进入了信息社会,信息是一种客观存在,对于化学来说,就是对周围世界 的观察、思考、实验、分析、综合、结论,经过多次反复最后提出一种假说、定律或理论, 以服务于生产与生活.而信息的储存与传递,是一切科学发展的重要环节.化学文献是储存和传 递信息的方式之一,从某种意义上来说,也是最常用最重要的一种方式,按照文献的性质和 出版形式,分类方法很多,这不属于本书讨论的范围.这里所说的仅指学术论文一类,即正式 出版的期刊或学术会议论文集.据报道,目前全世界出版的化学化工刊物超过1 万种,使用的 语言约 30 余种,其中以英文发行的刊物约占30%以上,即使以其它语种发行的化学刊物,也 多半有英文摘要.美国出版的化学文摘(Chemical Abstracts, 简称 CA)是化学界公认的权威性 刊物,以英文发行,每年收录文献超过 50 万条,占全世界化学化工方面论文的 98%以上. 对于非英语国家的化学工作者来说,正确地使用英语来报道自己的研究成果显得十分重 要.当然,要做到信、达、雅并不是一件容易的事,但至少要作到比较准确地传递信息,使国 际同行能够看懂,以利于交流. §1.1 论文的框架结构 化学刊物很多,各种杂志都有自己的征稿简则(Instructions for Authors ),包括刊物的内 容、论文的格式、参考文献的引法,以及打印方式等都有详细说明.在投稿前应仔细阅读,严 格按要求去写是成功的第一步. 就常见的刊物而言,大致可分为两类:对于分析化学、无机化学、物理化学及配位化学 方面的论文,最常见的格式为Introduction→Experimental→Results & Discussion. 即先提出问题, 然后进行实验,再对所得结果进行各种处理,从中找出某些规律性的东西.有时,在Introduction 之后还插入 Theory 或 Calculation 等内容,文章的结尾可用 Conclusion 进行条理化.这种写法比 较符合人们认识客观事物的顺序,一目了然,Experimental 部分,除特殊或自制的仪器、装置 要加以详细说明外,一般情况下仅给出名称和厂家即可.对于新合成的试剂或实验方法也应详 细说明.如果所用仪器和实验方法均为人们所熟知,这一部分内容就十分简单,仅给出仪器和 试剂的规格或纯度即可,由此看来,这类文章的重点是Experimental→Results & Discussion, 就是说要讨论在何种条件下获得了这些结果,根据这些资料和现象又推出什幺结论,这些结 论的适用范围等等.如果在数据处理或理论推导中有别于常规方法,则应加入 Theory 或 Calculation 部分.文章结尾要不要加入 Conclusion 视内容而定,如果在讨论部分已简明扼要地 说清楚了,就无需用 Conclusion 去条理化. 对于有机合成、金属有机方面的论文,常见的写法 Introduction→Results & Discussion.→ Experimental. 这类文章多半要报道一种新的合成方法或一些新化合物,而这些化合物是在特 定条件下经过多步合成、分离、纯化得到的,为了让别人重复自己的实验或将其成果尽快转

化为商品,必须详尽地报道实验方法这一部分有时变得十分庞杂,也是文章的核心,因而多 半放在文章的后半部分在写不直,先提出问题( Introduction),紧接着从理论上阐明其可能性 ( Discussion),最后附上自己的实验方法( Experimental)这种写法可给人以高屋建瓴的感觉 此外,一篇完整的论文还应有一个摘要( Abstract)、参考文献( References)、通讯联系 人( Corresponding Author),以及致谢( Acknowledgement)等 除了上面两种最常见的写法之外,化学文献中其它类型的文章还很多,如评论( Review) 快报( Letter)及演示文稿( Short paper)等等其写法比较自由,由文章的论题和作者的见解 所决定 §12时态和语态 时态和语态的正确使用,能够使句子充满情感,使文章大放异彩,这种锦上添花的事在 许多语言专着中都有详细的论述对于非英语国家的化学工作者来说,首要的任务是要准确地 表达清楚自己的意思,因而在时态和语态的使用上以简明为准我们对100篇论文进行了分析 统计,给出了一些常见的例子,仅供参考 在化学论文中,最常用的时态有三种,即现在时、过去时和现在完成时主动态和被动态 都可以使用,很少使用虚拟语气,在叙述一般的科学原理、公式推导、计算过程和结论时, 常用现在时:在叙述实验操作或试剂配制时,多采用过去时,如在叙述时遇到了引文,则 定要注间时态,使读者能区分开来 Ex. 1 This review covers development in anal ytical chemistry applied to environmental analysis for 1991-1992. Some references in late 1990 that were not covered in the previous review in this series are also included 本评论概括了199l~-192年间环境分析化学方面的进展.1990年后期的某些文献在上期评 论中未收录者,此期一并评述 Ex. 2 ErCl3. 6HO(99.9%%)was purchased from Aldrich and was used without further purification. Oxydiacetic acid(ODAH2) and(methylimino )diacetic acid(MIDAH2)were also chased from Aldrich and used without further purification Iminodiacetic acid(IDAH2) and disodium dipicolinate(DPANa) were purchased from Sigma N, N '-Ethylenebis N-(o-hydroxyphenyl )glycine )(EHPG) was purchased from Pfaltz and Bauer and was purified and handled according to the procedures described in ref. 16 ErCa·6H2Q9999)购自 Aldrich使用时未经提纯ODA及MDAH2同样购自Adch 未经进一步纯化IDAH及DANa购自 SigmaEHPG购自 Pfaltz& Bauer,使用前参照文献l6所 描述的方法进行了提纯 Ex 3 Pocedure

化为商品,必须详尽地报道实验方法.这一部分有时变得十分庞杂,也是文章的核心,因而多 半放在文章的后半部分.在写不直,先提出问题(Introduction),紧接着从理论上阐明其可能性 (Discussion),最后附上自己的实验方法(Experimental).这种写法可给人以高屋建瓴的感觉. 此外,一篇完整的论文还应有一个摘要(Abstract )、参考文献(References )、通讯联系 人(Corresponding Author ),以及致谢(Acknowledgement )等. 除了上面两种最常见的写法之外,化学文献中其它类型的文章还很多,如评论(Review )、 快报(Letter )及演示文稿(Short paper )等等.其写法比较自由,由文章的论题和作者的见解 所决定. §1.2 时态和语态 时态和语态的正确使用,能够使句子充满情感,使文章大放异彩,这种锦上添花的事在 许多语言专着中都有详细的论述.对于非英语国家的化学工作者来说,首要的任务是要准确地 表达清楚自己的意思,因而在时态和语态的使用上以简明为准.我们对 100篇论文进行了分析 统计,给出了一些常见的例子,仅供参考. 在化学论文中,最常用的时态有三种,即现在时、过去时和现在完成时.主动态和被动态 都可以使用,很少使用虚拟语气,在叙述一般的科学原理、公式推导、计算过程和结论时, 常用现在时;在叙述实验操作或试剂配制时,多采用过去时,如在叙述时遇到了引文,则一 定要注间时态,使读者能区分开来. Ex. 1 This review covers development in analytical chemistry applied to environmental analysis for 1991—1992. Some references in late 1990 that were not covered in the previous review in this series are also included. 本评论概括了1991~1992年间环境分析化学方面的进展.1990年后期的某些文献在上期评 论中未收录者,此期一并评述. Ex. 2 ErCl3·6H2O (99.99%) was purchased from Aldrich and was used without further purification. Oxydiacetic acid (ODAH2) and (methylimino ) diacetic acid (MIDAH2 ) were also purchased from Aldrich and used without further purification. Iminodiacetic acid (IDAH2) and disodium dipicolinate (DPANa2) were purchased from Sigma. N, N -Ethylenebis (N-(o-hydroxyphenyl ) glycine ) (EHPG ) was purchased from Pfaltz and Bauer and was purified and handled according to the procedures described in ref. 16. ErCl3·6H2O(99.99%)购自 Aldrich, 使用时未经提纯.ODAH2 及 MIDAH2 同样购自 Aldrich, 未经进一步纯化.IDAH 及DPANa2购自 Sigma.EHPG 购自 Pfaltz&Bauer, 使用前参照文献[16]所 描述的方法进行了提纯. Ex. 3 Procedure

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