• 新闻采访写作教程(2)
• 时事测验
●新疆地震中外报道比较 学在路上 新闻发布会:鲍威尔 课堂作业:500字短消息 ●讲评上堂课作业
• 新疆地震中外报道比较 • 学在路上 • 新闻发布会: 鲍威尔 • 课堂作业: 500字短消息 • 讲评上堂课作业
学在路上 长征路上的新闻学堂 清华大学新闻学院一年级学生社会实践 2002年暑假
学在路上 长征路上的新闻学课堂 清华大学新闻学院一年级学生社会实践 2002年 暑假
重走长征路”对新闻学院学生的意义 Ⅱ.学生们采访的新长征故事 Ⅲ.同学们的观察与思考
I. “重走长征路”对新闻学院学生的意义 II. 学生们采访的新长征故事 III. 同学们的观察与思考
• 什么是新闻学?
The most disciplined of the narrative arts “一项经过最严格训练的描 述艺术
“The most disciplined of the narrative arts.” “一项经过最严格训练的描 述艺术.
描述什么呢? "The social relations among the people, the occupations they are pursuing. Who are the people who live Describe! Describe! Describe live? there? How do they talk, dress
描述什么呢? “The social relations among the people, the occupations they are pursuing. Who are the people who live there? How do they talk, dress, live? Describe! Describe! Describe!
Journalism is a dynamic feld undergoing tremendous change. Meth ods of news- gathering are changing. News distribution is changing News audiences are changing. News rooms are changing. Even the de finition of news is changing. Yet amidst this great time of change, journalism is also a field built on time-proven principles and trad tions. The challenge today's instructors face is to teach students the while preparing them to adapt what the ews reporting and writing established values, principles and sk nd skills of 上啊m团址2u