新闻采访写作教程(20) 特稿写作
新闻采访写作教程(20) 特稿写作
你是登上长城的美国好汉 新华社北京6月28日电当美国总统克林顿第一眼看到中国的 万里长城时,他连声说道:“真美,太壮观了,简直令人惊叹。 我很难想象长城历史如此久远,城砖都有四百多年历史, 克林顿星期夭站在长城上说。克林顿在星期六跟中国领导人几轮繁忙的会晤 后,今天换上了墨绿色短袖上装,米色西裤,看上去更像一个游客。 972年尼克松总统站在长城上说,“这是一堵伟大的墙 ″1984年里根总统爬上长城后说,“令人敬畏,令人神往。 长城是公元前200年由秦朝(公元前221—前207年)的第 个皇帝秦始皇开始兴建的,目的是抵御北方游牧部落的军队侵扰秦朝的农田 长城从东海岸一直绵延到西部的隔壁沙漠 北京今天是个大热天,气温高达37摄氏度(华氏99度),是 入夏以来气温最高的一天。北京东北80余公里的慕田峪翠绿的群山笼罩在 层薄雾中,青灰色的长城沿山脊蜿蜒而上。慕田峪陡峭的山峰曾是阻碍游牧 民族入侵的天然屏障。 克林顿总统一家是在游览了曾经居住过中国明清两朝( 1368-1911)24位皇帝的紫禁城后,兴致勃勃地来到了慕田峪长城 当他们长长的车队抵达慕田峪山麓脚下后,克林顿一家迎着扎 面而来的热浪,乘缆车登上慕田峪长城。52岁的克林顿同戴着遮阳帽的夫人 希拉里手拉手攀登到15号敌楼 慕田峪长城总长三千多米,共有22座敌楼,始建于明朝,曾 经是通往京畿重要的军事关隘
“你是登上长城的美国好汉” 新华社北京6月28日电当美国总统克林顿第一眼看到中国的 万里长城时,他连声说道:“真美,太壮观了,简直令人惊叹。” “我很难想象长城历史如此久远,城砖都有四百多年历史,” 克林顿星期天站在长城上说。克林顿在星期六跟中国领导人几轮繁忙的会晤 后,今天换上了墨绿色短袖上装,米色西裤,看上去更像一个游客。 1972年尼克松总统站在长城上说,“这是一堵伟大的墙。 ”1984年里根总统爬上长城后说,“令人敬畏, 令人神往。” 长城是公元前200年由秦朝(公元前221—前207年)的第一 个皇帝秦始皇开始兴建的,目的是抵御北方游牧部落的军队侵扰秦朝的农田 。长城从东海岸一直绵延到西部的隔壁沙漠。 北京今天是个大热天,气温高达37摄氏度(华氏99度),是 入夏以来气温最高的一天。北京东北80余公里的慕田峪翠绿的群山笼罩在一 层薄雾中,青灰色的长城沿山脊蜿蜒而上。慕田峪陡峭的山峰曾是阻碍游牧 民族入侵的天然屏障。 克林顿总统一家是在游览了曾经居住过中国明清两朝( 1368—1911)24位皇帝的紫禁城后,兴致勃勃地来到了慕田峪长城。 当他们长长的车队抵达慕田峪山麓脚下后,克林顿一家迎着扑 面而来的热浪,乘缆车登上慕田峪长城。52岁的克林顿同戴着遮阳帽的夫人 希拉里手拉手攀登到15号敌楼。 慕田峪长城总长三千多米,共有22座敌楼,始建于明朝,曾 经是通往京畿重要的军事关隘
我认为长城是中国的象征,是向世界展示—个统一的中 华民族的象征,而不再是一道将人们拒之门外的墙”,他摘下墨镜 对围着他采访照相的中美两国记者说。 照完相,克林顿总统与女儿又攀上前方的16号敌 楼,来到慕田峪长城最险峻的地段。“长城陡然起伏,比我想象的 壮观得多”,他说。 “如果我们在长城上再往上爬几个小时,我们的 身体会更健壮,“他对记者说。“这对我是很好的锻炼,对你们也 是很好的锻炼。” 克林顿总统和他的一家在长城上游览了一个多小 时。他们走下长城后,在一块石碑前停留,石碑上镌刻:“中国的 长城过去是用来防御外族侵扰的设施,现在它是团结各国人民的纽 愿中国的长城继续是团结世界各国人民的象征。 慕田峪长城管理人员向总统_家赠送了慕田峪长 城模型、介绍长城的画册和登上长城的证书。赠送证书的管理人员 借用毛泽东主席“不到长城非好汉”的诗句对克林顿总统说:“您 是登上长城的美国好汉。 克林顿总统在长城留言簿上写到:“感谢你们带 我,我的家人和随行人员游览长城。长城比我们想象的更为辉煌
“我认为长城是中国的象征,是向世界展示一个统一的中 华民族的象征,而不再是一道将人们拒之门外的墙” ,他摘下墨镜 对围着他采访照相的中美两国记者说。 照完相,克林顿总统与女儿又攀上前方的16号敌 楼,来到慕田峪长城最险峻的地段。 “长城陡然起伏,比我想象的 壮观得多” ,他说。 “如果我们在长城上再往上爬几个小时,我们的 身体会更健壮, ”他对记者说。 “这对我是很好的锻炼,对你们也 是很好的锻炼。 ” 克林顿总统和他的一家在长城上游览了一个多小 时。他们走下长城后,在一块石碑前停留,石碑上镌刻:“中国的 长城过去是用来防御外族侵扰的设施,现在它是团结各国人民的纽 带,愿中国的长城继续是团结世界各国人民的象征。 ” 慕田峪长城管理人员向总统一家赠送了慕田峪长 城模型、介绍长城的画册和登上长城的证书。赠送证书的管理人员 借用毛泽东主席“不到长城非好汉”的诗句对克林顿总统说:“您 是登上长城的美国好汉。 ” 克林顿总统在长城留言簿上写到:“感谢你们带 我,我的家人和随行人员游览长城。长城比我们想象的更为辉煌。 ”(完)
新闻特稿又称特写,它与消息或硬新闻的 区别是 硬新闻 特稿 5W 人情味、娱乐性、愉悦性 新闻事件 情绪、氛围、心情、讽刺、幽默 有写作套路 没有固定的模式,可以发挥记者的想像 最重要的在导语里 最重要的内容不一定放在导语中,可以 在导语中通过趣闻逸事、小故事、气氛描 写等表现出来
新闻特稿又称特写,它与消息或硬新闻的 区别是: 硬新闻 特稿 5W 人情味、娱乐性、愉悦性 新闻事件 情绪、氛围、心情、讽刺、幽默 有写作套路 没有固定的模式,可以发挥记者的想像 最重要的在导语里 最重要的内容不一定放在导语中,可以 在导语中通过趣闻逸事、小故事、气氛描 写等表现出来
优秀的记者需要有一对灵敏的耳朵去寻 找精彩的引语‘一双敏锐的眼镜去观察细节
优秀的记者需要有一对灵敏的耳朵去寻 找精彩的引语‘一双敏锐的眼镜去观察细节
鲜活的场面是通过记者亲 眼观察到的一个故事,再通过 记者的笔展现给读者的
鲜活的场面是通过记者亲 眼观察到的一个故事,再通过 记者的笔展现给读者的
In Rural China, a Steep Price of Poverty: Dying ofAIDs By ELISABETH ROSENTHAL,纽约时报》, October28,200 ZHENGZHoU China To celebrate the moon Festival last month, a frail retired doctor named Gao Yaojie scraped together money to hire a taxi, packed it full of medicines, brochures, sweet drinks and cakes and slipped off, once again, from this provincial capital to see patients in remote mud-brick villages where countless farmers are silently dying of AIDS Chinese officials here generally deny there is aIds in rural parts of Henan Province, a farming region in central China south of Beijing. They have forbidden the local news media and government health workers to discuss the topic and blocked outside researchers from studying it. Dr Gao, a small serious woman of 76 in dark hand-me-down clothes, is regularly chased out of the villages she goes to help But Dr. Gao and a few others familiar with the area say small towns here and scattered elsewhere in central China are experiencing an unreported, unrecognized AIDS epidemic. A few covert studies suggest some of the towns have some of the highest localized rates of H I.V. infection in the world some say 20 percent
In Rural China, a Steep Price of Poverty: Dying of AIDS By ELISABETHROSENTHAL,《纽约时报》,October 28, 2000 ZHENGZHOU, China — To celebrate the Moon Festival last month, a frail retired doctor named Gao Yaojie scraped together money to hire a taxi, packed it full of medicines, brochures, sweet drinks and cakes and slipped off, once again, from this provincial capital to see patients in remote mud-brick villages where countlessfarmers are silently dying of AIDS. Chinese officials here generally deny there is AIDS in rural parts of Henan Province, a farming region in central China south of Beijing. They have forbidden the local news media and government health workers to discuss the topic and blocked outside researchers from studying it. Dr. Gao, a small serious woman of 76 in dark hand-me-down clothes, is regularly chased out of the villages she goes to help. But Dr. Gao and a few others familiar with the area say small towns here and scattered elsewhere in central China are experiencing an unreported, unrecognized AIDS epidemic. A few covert studies suggest some of the towns have some of the highest localized rates of H.I.V. infection in the world; some say 20 percent
Beijing Mops Up after Mud Bath By andrew Browne BEIJING (Reuters)-Theskies rained mud over Beijing Thursday Clouds of fine brown dust swirling in from Inner mongolia combined with thundery weather gave the Chinese capital a mud bath Mud was caked on cars and bicycles and streaked on the raincoats of residents brave enough to venture outside under conditions that posed a greater- than-usual health hazard Overnight thunderstorms left trees dripping with brown slime. The mud-slickened streets and choking air graphically demonstrated what Beijing authorities have only just publicly admitted --the city is now Chinas most polluted metropolis By some measures, it is one of the dirtiest cities in the world. In the past several weeks the city has started publishing pollution data Beijing registered 190 on the latest national weekly pollution index --exceeded only by Guiyang in southern Guizhou province The previous week, Beijing topped the index at 259. By comparison, Shanghai was at 170 and Shenyang, once thought to have the foulest air in China. was at 152 A reading of 100-199 is supposed to indicate slight pollution, 200- 299 medium pollution and 300-500 heavy pollution, but the scale does not comply with international standards and is conservative
Beijing Mops Up After Mud Bath By Andrew Browne BEIJING (Reuters) - Theskies rained mud over Beijing Thursday. Clouds of fine brown dust swirling in from Inner Mongolia combined with thunderyweather gave the Chinese capital a mud bath. Mud was caked on cars and bicycles and streaked on the raincoats of residents brave enough to venture outside under conditions that posed a greaterthan-usual health hazard. Overnight thunderstorms left trees dripping with brown slime.The mud-slickened streets and choking air graphically demonstrated what Beijing authorities have only just publicly admitted -- the city is now China's most pollutedmetropolis. By some measures, it is one of the dirtiest cities in the world. In the past several weeks the city has started publishing pollution data. Beijing registered 190 on the latest national weekly pollution index -- exceeded only by Guiyang in southern Guizhou province. The previous week, Beijing topped the index at 259. By comparison, Shanghai was at 170 and Shenyang, once thought to have the foulest air in China, was at 152. A reading of 100-199 is supposed to indicate slight pollution, 200- 299 medium pollution and 300-500 heavy pollution, but the scale does not comply with internationalstandards and is conservative