Chapter 4. Nuclear Power Introduction 2. Characteristics of fission 3. General features 4. Commercial Reactors 5. Nuclear Reactor Safety 6. Nuclear Reactor Accidents 7. Uranium Mining Key elements fuel. neutron moderator. control rod. neutron detector and radioactivity detectors, products
Chapter 4. Nuclear Power 1. Introduction 2. Characteristics of Fission 3. General Features 4. Commercial Reactors 5. Nuclear Reactor Safety 6. Nuclear Reactor Accidents 7. Uranium Mining Key elements: fuel, neutron moderator, control rod, neutron detector and radioactivity detectors, products
World final energy consumption by source 2005 nuclear 2.5% other 3.6% hydro 2.6% combustible renewables&/ waste 44.5% natural gas 18.8% 14.9% Source: IEA(2007)
World final energy consumption by source 2005 oil 44.5% coal 14.9% natural gas 18.8% combustible renewables & waste 13.1% hydro 2.6% other 3.6% nuclear 2.5% Source: IEA (2007)
Europe Russia North America :iI Africa East As West Asia 0 South America Intemational Nuclear Safety Center at ANL, Aug 2005 120°
红沿河核电站国国■ 中国核电厂分布图 每阳核电站■口□ 黑龙江 ■口 秦山核电站■■■ 内蒙古 秦山第二核电站■■■ 秦山第三核电站■ 三门核电站■■□□ 德核电站■■口口 福清核电站■口口口口 商运核电站 建设中 大亚湾核电站■ 口国家发改委同意开展前期工作 岭澳核电站■■ 口口防城港核电站 岭东核电站■国 口日海南昌江核电贴 台山核电站口 资料来源:环境保护部核与辊射安全中心 制图:陈磊 阳江核电站■■
Delivery Construction times for nuclear plants Global average 66 months in mid-1970s 116 months(nearly 10y) in late 1990s 82 months(nearly 7y) during 2001-05
Delivery • Construction times for nuclear plants – Global average • 66 months in mid-1970s • 116 months (nearly 10y) in late 1990s • 82 months (nearly 7y) during 2001-05
2. Characteristics of Fission Energy Estimate the energy released by the fission of 1.0 kg of 2351 U92>142Nd Z r40 +3 n Q Q=(235043924-141.907719-89.904703-3×1.008665) 020553amu(314612Mev1am) This amount of energy is equivalent to2.2×1010 191.4 Mev per fission (1.62e-13J11Mev) kilowatt-hour, or 22 giga-watt =3.15e-11J hour. This amount of energy keeps a 100-watt light bulb lit 3151101001mol6023e23or25,000ears 23591mol 8.06e 13 J(per kg) Discussion This is a large amount of energy, and it is equivalent to the energy produced by burning tones of coal or oil
Energy Estimate the energy released by the fission of 1.0 kg of 235U. (3.15e-11 J) 1000 g = 8.06e13 J (per kg). Discussion This is a large amount of energy, and it is equivalent to the energy produced by burning tones of coal or oil. 1 mol 235 g 6.023e23 1 mol 235U 92 → 142Nd60 + 90Zr40 + 3 n + Q Q = (235.043924 - 141.907719 - 89.904703 - 3x1.008665) = 0.205503 amu (931.4812 MeV/1 amu) = 191.4 MeV per fission(1.6022e-13 J / 1 MeV) = 3.15e-11 J This amount of energy is equivalent to 2.2×1010 kilowatt-hour, or 22 giga-watthour. This amount of energy keeps a 100-watt light bulb lit for 25,000 years. 2. Characteristics of Fission
Fission Energy Budget Energy(Me distribution in fission reactions Kinetic energy of fission fragments 168 Mev Prompt(< 10-s)gamma(r) ray energy 7 Kinetic energy of fission neutrons 5 Gamma(y ray energy from fission products 7 Beta b)decay energy of fission products 8 Energy as antineutrinos(ve 12
7 Fission Energy Budget Kinetic energy of fission fragments Prompt (< 10–6 s) gamma () ray energy Kinetic energy of fission neutrons Gamma () ray energy from fission products Beta () decay energy of fission products Energy as antineutrinos (ve ) 168 MeV 7 5 7 8 12 Energy (MeV) distribution in fission reactions
Neutron interactions 235 10 U 10 nnooaoono 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Neutron energy(Mev) The total and fission cross section for 235u based on NJoY- processed ENDF /B (version v) data
The total and fission cross section for 235U based on NJOY-processed ENDF/B (version V) data. Neutron interactions
234 236 e0.90 238 访0.60 0.0 Neutron energy (Mev) The fast fission cross section for three fissionable uranium isotopes based on NJOY processed ENDF/B(version v) data
The fast fission cross section for three fissionable uranium isotopes based on NJOY processed ENDF/B (version V) data
The Cyclotron and Fission Research Threshold* Energy range( kev) Reaction energy (kev)narrow-energy neutron 5(p,n)51cr290956-52 45c(p,n)45T1564236786 5Fe(p,n)57Co164821425 The threshold energy is the minimum energy of proton required for the reaction Neutrons of desirable energy is required for fission research
10 The Cyclotron and Fission Research Threshold* Energy range (keV) Reaction energy(keV) narrow-energy neutron 51V (p, n) 51Cr 2909 5.6-52 45Sc (p, n) 45Ti 1564 2.36-786 57Fe (p, n) 57Co 1648 2-1425 __________________________________ * The threshold energy is the minimum energy of proton required for the reaction. Neutrons of desirable energy is required for fission research