人教版高中英语必修4《Uhit5 Theme parks》教案 人教版高中英语必修4巛hit5 Theme parks》教案【一】 教学准备 教学目标 (1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并 列出园内的主要活动 (2)阅读文章后,学生能够匹配图片与相应的主题公园,并恰当 使用课文中的关键词汇和句型陈述理由 (3)通过拓展阅读与小组合作,学生能够制定出一个简单的主题 公园一日游计划 (4)通过本节课的学习,学生能够有较强的自信心自如陈述自己 的观点。 教学重难点 (1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并 列出园内的主要活动。 (2)阅读文章后,学生能够匹配图片与相应的主题公园,并恰当 使用课文中的关键词汇和句型陈述理由。 (3)通过拓展阅读与小组合作,学生能够制定出一个简单的主题 公园一日游计划
人教版高中英语必修 4《Unit 5 Theme parks》教案 人教版高中英语必修 4《Unit 5 Theme parks》教案【一】 教学准备 教学目标 (1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并 列出园内的主要活动。 (2)阅读文章后,学生能够匹配图片与相应的主题公园,并恰当 使用课文中的关键词汇和句型陈述理由。 (3)通过拓展阅读与小组合作,学生能够制定出一个简单的主题 公园一日游计划 (4)通过本节课的学习,学生能够有较强的自信心自如陈述自己 的观点。 教学重难点 (1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并 列出园内的主要活动。 (2)阅读文章后,学生能够匹配图片与相应的主题公园,并恰当 使用课文中的关键词汇和句型陈述理由。 (3)通过拓展阅读与小组合作,学生能够制定出一个简单的主题 公园一日游计划
(4)通过本节课的学习,学生能够有较强的自信心自如陈述自己 的观点。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins) (1)导入 教师提问学生“ Have you been to a themepar k?”与“ What can you do in a themepar k?”,以此导入到本课的课题。然后通过图片 介绍主题公园内常见的游乐设施,为文本阅读做好铺垫。 T: Hello, class. Today we are go i ng to ta lk abouttheme parks First, I would I ike to ask you o Is our West Lake Park atheme park? What about jinggi Water Park? (Have you been to a theme park? What can you do in a theme park? S1: West lake is not a theme park Jingq i Water Park is a theme par k S2: I have been to Hongkong Disney l and. In a themepar k we can do a lot of activities
(4)通过本节课的学习,学生能够有较强的自信心自如陈述自己 的观点。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins) (1)导入 教师提问学生“Have you been to a themepark?”与“What can you do in a themepark?”,以此导入到本课的课题。然后通过图片 介绍主题公园内常见的游乐设施,为文本阅读做好铺垫。 T: Hello, class. Today we are going to talk abouttheme parks. First, Iwould like to ask you: ① Is our West Lake Park atheme park? What about Jingqi Water Park? ②Have you been to a theme park? ③ What can you do in a theme park? S1: West lake is not a theme park. Jingqi Water Park is a theme park. S2: I have been to Hongkong Disneyland. In a themepark we can do a lot of activities
T: Exactly, in the theme park we can take roller-coaster, free-fal I drop, sw ing ing ship, ferr is whee l merry-go-round and so on. in a word, there are var ious r i des we can take in a theme park. Well, what doesride mean? s3:游乐设施 T:Yes. Here it is a noun, meanIng“供乘骑的游乐设施 (2)揭题 教师引导学生对课文题目进行预测。 T: With these r ides, there is no doubt that we wi l l have great fun in a theme park, right? Just l ike the tit le of this articlesuggest: Theme parks -fun. But what about"more than fun"? What does it mean in your op in ion s4:“ more than fun” means you can a l so get a lot ofinformati on [意图说明]教师通过图片及设问,从学生所熟悉的福州西湖公园 和鲸奇水上乐园入手,激发学生原有的普通公园与主题公园知识体 系,引导学生对文章题目进行预测,引发好奇心,从而导入新课。 Step 2 Reading(34 mins) (1)扫读。引导学生回答以下问题。(3mins) How many theme parks are introduced? What are they?
T: Exactly, in the theme park we can take roller-coaster,free-fall drop,swinging ship, Ferris wheel, merry-go-round and so on. In a word,there are various rides we can take in a theme park. Well, what does “ride”mean? S3: 游乐设施 T: Yes. Here it is a noun, meaning “供乘骑的游乐设施”. (2)揭题 教师引导学生对课文题目进行预测。 T: With these rides, there is no doubt that we willhave great fun in a theme park, right? Just like the title of this articlesuggest: Theme parks – fun. But what about “more than fun”? What does it meanin your opinion? S4: “more than fun” means you can also get a lot ofinformation. [意图说明]教师通过图片及设问,从学生所熟悉的福州西湖公园 和鲸奇水上乐园入手,激发学生原有的普通公园与主题公园知识体 系,引导学生对文章题目进行预测,引发好奇心,从而导入新课。 Step 2 Reading (34 mins) (1) 扫读。引导学生回答以下问题。(3 mins) a. How many theme parks are introduced? What are they?
Andwhere are they? b. Where do you think you wou ld see this kind ofwriting? T: Thank you, your op ini on is quite reasonab le. Nowlet s do some read ing tasks to check it. First, I would like you to find out How many theme parks are introduced? S5: Three T: Yes. It is very obv ious. When we try to find outthe ma in i dea of a paragr aph usual ly we can focus on the first and the I astsentence. Then tel I me what the three theme parks are? And where are they S5: D i sney Land, Do I l wood and Came lot T: Thanks for your accurate answers. Now that we havea rough dea of this article, where do you think you would see this kind ofwr iting? S6: Newspaper S7: Magazine? T: Yes, very Iike ly. Maybe from a newspaper or travel magaz ine
Andwhere are they? b. Where do you think you would see this kind ofwriting? T: Thank you, your opinion is quite reasonable. Nowlet’ s do some reading tasks to check it. First, I would like you to find out: “ How many theme parks are introduced?” S5: Three. T: Yes. It is very obvious. When we try to find outthe main idea of a paragraph, usually we can focus on the first and the lastsentence. Then tell me what the three theme parks are? And where are they? S5: Disney Land, Dollywood andCamelot. T: Thanks for your accurate answers. Now that we havea rough idea of this article, where do you think you would see this kind ofwriting? S6: Newspaper? S7: Magazine? T: Yes, very likely. Maybe from a newspaper or atravel magazine
[意图说明]引导学生扫读全文,关注文章结构,思考文章的出处, 整体理解本篇课文 (2)跳读及拓展阅读。(20mins) a.引导学生填写以下表格 T: Obvi ous ly, it aims to attract the readers to go tothese theme parks, so what e lse is it go ing to tel l us? Now, please read thearticle through and find out important informat i on to fill out the fol low i ngform T: All right. It is time to check. Will you? S8: Disney l and fairy the theme is tale stor ies; activities are travel through space visit a pirate sh ip, meet fairy ta le characters, ride a swing ing ship, and go on a free-fal i drop S9: Dol lywood, the theme is cul ture of thesouth -eastern USA activities are l isten to Amer i can country mus ic, see car pentersand other craftsmen make the ir work, try some traditional candy, r ide an oldsteam engine train, see ba ld eagles, take a ride on thunderhead and other r ides S10: Came lot, the theme is ancient Eng l ish history andstories. Activities are watch mag ic shows
[意图说明]引导学生扫读全文,关注文章结构,思考文章的出处, 整体理解本篇课文。 (2)跳读及拓展阅读。(20mins) a.引导学生填写以下表格。 T: Obviously, it aims to attract the readers to go tothese theme parks, so what else is it going to tell us? Now, please read thearticle through and find out important information to fill out the followingform. T: All right. It is time to check. Will you? S8: Disneyland fairy,the theme is tale stories; activities are travelthrough space, visit a pirate ship , meet fairy tale characters, ride a swinging ship, and go on a free-fall drop. S9: Dollywood, the theme is culture of thesouth-eastern USA; activities are listen to American country music, see carpentersand other craftsmen make their work, try some traditional candy, ride an oldsteam engine train, see bald eagles, take a ride on Thunderhead and other rides. S10: Camelot, the theme is ancient English history andstories. Activities are watch magic shows
see fighting with swords or on hor seback, visit farm area and learn about farms in anc benteng l and [意图说明]引导学生通过跳读获取特定的信息,将这些信息转 化为表格形式,加深对文本的理解 b.展示图片,引导学生进行图片与三大主题公园的匹配,并陈述 理由。 T: Thanks! anyone has any different i deas? No? Ok, itseems that all of you have had a good under standing of this article That isgreat. Next, We are go ing to p lay a game I would like to show you some pictures, please tel l me which theme park it be longs to and why. If you know, just standup and say it, as soon as poss ible. Ready? Go! Ss: Di sney I and T: Wonderful. What about this one? What is in thepicture? Ss: Steam engine train T: Exactly. So, it is. Ss: Do I I wood T: Next one? Ss: Came lot
see fighting with swords or on horseback, visit farm area and learn aboutfarms in ancientEngland. [意图说明] 引导学生通过跳读获取特定的信息,将这些信息转 化为表格形式,加深对文本的理解。 b.展示图片,引导学生进行图片与三大主题公园的匹配,并陈述 理由。 T: Thanks! Anyone has any different ideas? No? Ok, itseems that all of you have had a good understanding of this article. That isgreat. Next, We are going to play a game. I would like to show you some pictures,please tell me which theme park it belongs to and why. If you know, just standup and say it, as soon as possible. Ready? Go! Ss: Disney land. T: Wonderful. What about this one? What is in thepicture? Ss: Steam engine train. T: Exactly. So, it is… Ss: Dollywood. T: Next one? Ss: Camelot
T: Yes. We can see knights fighting with swords. Andnext Ss: Came lot. There is bald eagle T: Ok. The last one, the last chance. Ready Go S11: Came ot T: Wh S11: it is a farm T: Yes, you have sharp eyes. [意图说明]运用图片,提供课文关键词汇和句型的运用情境, 引导学生复述三大主题公园的主要特点,检测学生对文章的理解。采 用学生快速站起回答的游戏方式,可以调动课堂气氛,创造轻松的学 习环境。 回顾课文题目,引导学生思考其含义 T: Now we have finished the reading, cou l d you te l I methe mean ing of the title Theme parks -fun and more than fun"? Before reading, shuman ment ioned that it can prov i defun but a lso informat ion. Do you agree with her or do you have a new S12: I think it means themeparks can br ing peop le happ iness
T: Yes. We can see knights fighting with swords. Andnext? Ss: Camelot. There is bald eagle. T: Ok. The last one, the last chance. Ready? Go! S11: Camelot. T: Why? S11: it is a farm. T: Yes, you have sharp eyes. [意图说明] 运用图片,提供课文关键词汇和句型的运用情境, 引导学生复述三大主题公园的主要特点,检测学生对文章的理解。采 用学生快速站起回答的游戏方式,可以调动课堂气氛,创造轻松的学 习环境。 c. 回顾课文题目,引导学生思考其含义。 T: Now we have finished the reading, could you tell methe meaning of the title “Theme parks -fun and more than fun”? Before reading, Shuman mentioned that it can providefun but also information. Do you agree with her or do you have a new idea? S12: I think it means themeparks can bring people happiness
T: Yes. It br ings happ i ness that s the fun part. What about re than fun? S12: more than fun means theme parks are more interest ing than other parks T: Yes, it is more interesting. Anyth ing e l se? No? Ok, thank you. Sit down, please. He ment i onedit has a lot of fun. Yeas it is. Aboutmore than fun, we can agree with Shuman's idea Theme parks provide us a lotinformation. For example, Dol I yhood, what can we learn from it? Ss: Amer ican culture What about came lot? Ss: Eng I andhistor y T: Ye [意图说明]在扫读与跳读练习后,引导学生回顾全文,进一步 检测其对课文的理解。 (3)批判性阅读。(6mins) a.引导学生思考以下问题 (1. Is it always fun and more than fun in the theme park? @2. Did you have any unhappy exper iences in the theme park?
T: Yes. It brings happiness.That’s the fun part. What about more than fun? S12: more than fun meanstheme parks are more interesting than other parks. T: Yes, it is moreinteresting. Anything else? No? Ok, thank you. Sit down, please. He mentionedit has a lot of fun. Yeas, it is. Aboutmore than fun, we can agree with Shuman’s idea. Theme parks provide us a lotinformation. For example, Dollyhood, what can we learn from it? Ss: American culture. T: Yes. What about Camelot? Ss:Englandhistory. T: Yes. [意图说明] 在扫读与跳读练习后,引导学生回顾全文,进一步 检测其对课文的理解。 (3)批判性阅读。(6mins) a.引导学生思考以下问题: ①. Is it always fun and more than fun in the theme park? ②. Did you have any unhappy experiences in the theme park?
Orhave you heard about any unhappy exper i ences in the theme p Exact ly. Besides those exci ting r ides, we can also learn a lot ofthings in the theme par ks. but is it al way s fun and more than fun in the themepar k? d id you have any unhappy exper iences in the theme park? Or have you heardabout any unhappy exper iences in the theme park? You just ment ioned you went toD i sney Land. Anything unsat isfied? S12: At noon, we a l I hungry. We went to restaur ant It was expensive. It was bad T: So you were not sat sf iedwith the food [意图说明]引导学生结合自己的经历进行批判性阅读,培养学 生思维的独立性。 b.引导学生进行拓展阅读,归纳作者行程不愉快的三个理由 提出相应的应对方式 T: Actua l ly you are not al one. Now let s read a Bad Day at Mag ic Land and find out three th ings that ru ined thewr iter s theme park tr ip S13: First, he threw up. I twas embar rassed. Second, his food was ruined. third, his glasses fell in thewater
Orhave you heard about any unhappy experiences in the theme park? T: Exactly. Besides those exciting rides, we can also learn a lot ofthings in the theme parks. But is it always fun and more than fun in the themepark? Did you have any unhappy experiences in the theme park? Or have you heardabout any unhappy experiences in the theme park? You just mentioned you went toDisney Land. Anything unsatisfied? S12: At noon, we all hungry.We went to restaurant. It was expensive. It was bad. T: So you were not satisfiedwith the food. [意图说明] 引导学生结合自己的经历进行批判性阅读,培养学 生思维的独立性。 b. 引导学生进行拓展阅读,归纳作者行程不愉快的三个理由, 提出相应的应对方式。 T: Actually you are not alone. Now let’s read A Bad Day at Magic Land and find out three things that ruined thewriter’ s theme park trip. S13: First, he threw up. Itwas embarrassed. Second, his food was ruined. Third, his glasses fell in thewater
T: Yes, the reasons are that he went on too many roller coasters and had an expens ive and terrible lunch What s worse his glasses fe ll into thewater. We don t want such a tr ip. of cour se. we want fun and more than fun. Howto avoi d al i these things? Can we try ali the r ides? Ss: N T: We don t have the time aswe l l as the energy. so we need to Ss: Plan T: Yes. We need to choosewhat s our favor ite, for example What about food? It is al way s expensive in atheme park or any dest i nat ion? Ss: Sandwi ch? T: Good idea. Maybe we canhave some homemade food. Wha about glasses? Bes i des g l asses, what is eas i ly lost? Ss: watch, purse, phone T: Yes. To prevent it fromhappening, we should take care of our per sona l things [意图说明]通过拓展阅读,进一步丰富学生对主题公园的认识, 并为下一环节的一日游计划做好铺垫
T: Yes, the reasons are that he went on too many roller coasters and had an expensive and terrible lunch.What’s worse, his glasses fell into thewater. We don’t want such a trip. Of course, we want fun and more than fun. Howto avoid all these things? Can we try all the rides? Ss: No. T: We don’t have the time aswell as the energy. So we need to ? Ss:Plan? T: Yes. We need to choosewhat’s our favorite, for example. What about food? It is always expensive in atheme park or any destination? Ss: Sandwich? T: Good idea. Maybe we canhave some homemade food. What about glasses? Besides glasses, what is easilylost? Ss: watch, purse, phone… T: Yes. To prevent it fromhappening, we should take care of our personal things. [意图说明] 通过拓展阅读,进一步丰富学生对主题公园的认识, 并为下一环节的一日游计划做好铺垫