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长春工业大学:《大学英语写作 English Writing》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Chapter IV Developing Paragraphs(赵红路)

• Coherence (content) • Unity (thought) • Transition (form) • Effective paragraphs

English Writing 外国语学院英语专业教研室 赵红路 E-mailhonglu@yahoo.cn Tel:13194369777

1 English Writing 外国语学院英语专业教研室 赵 红 路 E-mail: honglu@yahoo.cn Tel: 13194369777

Chapter IV Developing P aragraphs Coherence(content) Unity(thought) Transition(form) Effective paragraphs

2 Chapter IV. Developing Paragraphs • Coherence (content) • Unity (thought) • Transition (form) • Effective paragraphs

Unity(thought) Topic sentence

3 Unity (thought) • Topic sentence

Coherence(content) Five ways to improve the coherence 1. the use of parallel constructions 2. the use of repetition 3. the use of pronouns to refer to nouns in preceding sentences 4. being consistent in the person and number of nouns and pronouns, the tense of verbs 5. the use of transitional expressions

4 Coherence (content) • Five ways to improve the coherence • 1. the use of parallel constructions • 2. the use of repetition • 3. the use of pronouns to refer to nouns in preceding sentences • 4. being consistent in the person and number of nouns and pronouns, the tense of verbs • 5. the use of transitional expressions

Transition(form) 表添加:and, again, besides, furthermore, moreover. in addition what's more. further 表时间: afterwards, later, earlier, subsequently, at the same time, simultaneously, immediately, meanwhile, in the meantime, formerly, presently, shortly, then etc

5 Transition (form) • 表添加: and, again, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what’s more, further • 表时间:afterwards, later, earlier, subsequently, at the same time, simultaneously, immediately, meanwhile, in the meantime, formerly, presently, shortly, then, etc

表对比:but, however, nevertheless, instead, (in) contrast, in spite of this, on the one hand on the other hand, for one thing,.. for another, on the contrary 表举例: as an illustration, for example,for instance. To make it clear. . may serve as a good illustration. We may take. . as an example. a good case in point is To illustrate this point, let us consider

6 • 表对比:but, however, nevertheless, instead, by (in) contrast, in spite of this, on the one hand, … on the other hand, for one thing, … for another, on the contrary • 表举例:as an illustration, for example, for instance, To make it clear,… may serve as a good illustration. We may take … as an example, A good case in point is… • To illustrate this point, let us consider…

表归纳: to sum up, In short( brief), In a word,n conclusion. To conclude From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that Taking into account all the facts concerned, we can say that Judging from all the evidence available, we may draw the conclusion that

7 • 表归纳:to sum up, In short (brief), In a word, In conclusion, To conclude • From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that… • Taking into account all the facts concerned, we can say that… • Judging from all the evidence available, we may draw the conclusion that…

表因果: therefore,thus, hence. as a result accordingly, consequently 表让步: of course, to be sure, to tell the truth, certainly. naturally, no doubt 表重复: as i have said, in other words,to repeat

8 • 表因果:therefore, thus, hence, as a result, accordingly, consequently • 表让步: of course, to be sure, to tell the truth, certainly, naturally, no doubt • 表重复:as I have said, in other words, to repeat

Ways of Developing a Paragraph Development by Time(chronological order) Development by Process(logical order) Development by Space(spatial order) Development by example (induction \deduction)(general/specific)

9 Ways of Developing a Paragraph – Development by Time (chronological order) – Development by Process (logical order) – Development by Space (spatial order) – Development by Example (induction\deduction) (general/specific)

Development by analogy, Comparison and Contrast(alternating/block) Development by cause and effect Development by classification Development by definition

10 – Development by analogy, Comparison and Contrast (alternating/block) – Development by Cause and Effect – Development by Classification – Development by definition

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