《普通遗传学》课程教学大纲 (Genetics) 适用专业:农学、草业科学。 课程学时:48学时 课程学分:3学分 课程代码:0100K003 先修课程:植物学、生物化学、植物生理学、生物统计学等课程。 一、课程的性质与任务(小四号黑体)(间距段前段后0,5行) 普通遗传学是我校植物生产类本、专科各专业的一门重要专业基础课。通过本课程的学习,学生应较为全面 地了解遗传学的基本知识和一般研究方法:理解生物遗传和变异现象,基本规律、内在原因和分子基础,初步掌握 与植物育种学有密切联系的遗传学基本原理和技能,为进一步学好植物育种学等专业课程定基础。 执行本大纲应注意的事项:教学过程中要注意理论联系实际,并注重启发学生学习的主动性:本课程系统性 较强,注意以讲授基本原理为主、突出重点难点,一般内容由学生通过自学加以理解。 遗传学是研究生物遗传和变异规律性的科学,是生命科学的基础理论学科。它是植物生产类本、专科各专业的 一门重要专业基础课,为植物育种学和有关学科提供坚实的理论基础。 二、课程的内容与基本要求 第一章绪论 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解遗传学的发生发展过程、现状、研究对象和任务,掌握遗传和变异的概念 及其相互关系。 教学内容:遗传学,遗传和变异,遗传学研究任务,遗传学的产生和发展,遗传学在科学和生产发展中的作 多 第二章遗传的细胞学基础 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解细胞的结构、功能,掌握染色体的形态、数目、结构特点,细胞分裂方式 和遗传学意义:基本了解生物繁殖方式、过程和生活史。 教学内容:细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核:染色体的形态、数目和结构模型:有丝分裂、诚数分裂的过程和遗传 学意义:雌雄配子的发生、受精、直感现象、无融合生殖(自学);低等植物、高等植物的生活周期(自学)。 实验内容:(一)植物细胞有丝分裂永久制片的观察与根尖细胞染色体制片技术 (二)植物细胞减数分裂永久制片的观察与花粉母细胞染色体制片技术 (三)植物染色体组型分析 教学提示:重点是染色体形态结构及细胞分裂方式,实验操作技术。 第三章遗传物质的分子基础
《普通遗传学》课程教学大纲 (Genetics) 适用专业:农学、草业科学。 课程学时:48学时 课程学分:3学分 课程代码:0100X003 先修课程:植物学、生物化学、植物生理学、生物统计学等课程。 一、课程的性质与任务(小四号黑体)(间距段前段后0.5行) 普通遗传学是我校植物生产类本、专科各专业的一门重要专业基础课。通过本课程的学习,学生应较为全面 地了解遗传学的基本知识和一般研究方法;理解生物遗传和变异现象,基本规律、内在原因和分子基础,初步掌握 与植物育种学有密切联系的遗传学基本原理和技能,为进一步学好植物育种学等专业课程定基础。 执行本大纲应注意的事项:教学过程中要注意理论联系实际,并注重启发学生学习的主动性;本课程系统性 较强,注意以讲授基本原理为主、突出重点难点,一般内容由学生通过自学加以理解。 遗传学是研究生物遗传和变异规律性的科学,是生命科学的基础理论学科。它是植物生产类本、专科各专业的 一门重要专业基础课,为植物育种学和有关学科提供坚实的理论基础。 二、课程的内容与基本要求 第一章 绪论 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解遗传学的发生发展过程、现状、研究对象和任务,掌握遗传和变异的概念 及其相互关系。 教学内容:遗传学,遗传和变异,遗传学研究任务,遗传学的产生和发展,遗传学在科学和生产发展中的作 用。 第二章 遗传的细胞学基础 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解细胞的结构、功能,掌握染色体的形态、数目、结构特点,细胞分裂方式 和遗传学意义;基本了解生物繁殖方式、过程和生活史。 教学内容:细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核;染色体的形态、数目和结构模型;有丝分裂、减数分裂的过程和遗传 学意义;雌雄配子的发生、受精、直感现象、无融合生殖(自学);低等植物、高等植物的生活周期(自学)。 实验内容:(一)植物细胞有丝分裂永久制片的观察与根尖细胞染色体制片技术 (二)植物细胞减数分裂永久制片的观察与花粉母细胞染色体制片技术 (三)植物染色体组型分析 教学提示:重点是染色体形态结构及细胞分裂方式,实验操作技术。 第三章 遗传物质的分子基础
教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解分子遗传学的基本知识,DA、NA的分子结构及复制:三联体密码,遗传 密码与蛋白质的翻译,中心法则及其发展。 教学内容:DNA是主要遗传物质的间接证据和直接证据:DNA和RNA的分子结构和复制:三联体密码,遗传密码 的转录、翻译,中心法则(自学): 教学提示:重点是DNA的复制、RNA的转录及加工和蛋白质翻译过程。 第四章孟德尔遗传 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握分离规律、重组规律的现象、实质和比例:分离规律、重组规律的验证方 法和应用:概率原理在遗传学研究中的应用。单位性状、相对性状、基因型和表现型的概念。 教学内容:单位性状和相对性状,基因的分离和组合,表现型和基因型的概念:一对性状的杂交结果,分离 规律验证-一自交法,测交法,F1花粉鉴定法:分离比例实现的条件。两对相对性状的杂交结果,自由组合现象的解 释和验证及其实质:多对相对性状的遗传:概率原理计算基因型和表现型的概率:非等位基因互作的六种类型,多 因一效,一因多效:孟德尔规律的应用。 教学提示:重点是分离规律、自由组合规律及其实质,概率原理计算基因型和表现型的概率和基因互作。 实验内容:(四)果蝇的单因子实验 (五)果蝇的伴性遗传 第五章连锁遗传和性连锁 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解连锁遗传现象,掌握连锁与交换的遗传机理,交换值的测定方法,基因定 位的方法;了解连锁遗传图的制作方法,连锁遗传规律的应用。 教学内容:性状连锁遗传的表现、解释和验证,连锁和交换的遗传机理:自交法和测交法测定交换值:基因 定位和连锁传图(自学);性连锁和性别决定。 教学提示:重点是连锁和交换的遗传机理,交换值的测定。 第六章染色体变异 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握染色体结构变异的类型、原因、诱发方法和鉴定方法:使学生了解植物染 色体数目变异的一般途径,整倍体和非整倍体,单倍体和多倍体的特点和应用以及诱变方法。 教学内容:缺失、重复、倒位、易位的概念、类别和遗传效应:染色体结构变异的诱发和应用(自学)。染 色体组,单倍体,同源多倍体,异源多倍体,多倍体形成的途径和应用(自学):单体、三体、缺体、四体,非整 倍体的应用(自学)。 教学提示:重点是染色体结构变异的鉴定、染色体的倍数性变异。 第七章 细菌和病毒的遗传 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解细菌和病毒在遗传学研究中的优越性,掌握细菌的转化、接合和性导,了 解噬菌体的转导。 教学内容:细南,病毒,细南和病毒在遗传研究中的优越性:细菌的转化、接合和性导:噬菌体的结构、基 因重组和转导(自学)。 教学提示:重点是转化、接合、性导、转导。 第八章基因的表达与调控 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握经典遗传学和分子遗传学基因概念的不同:了解基因调控。 教学内容:基因的概念,基因微细结构,基因的作用与性状的表达:基因调控(自学)。介绍乳糖操纵元模 型及对有无乳糖的反应。 教学提示:重点是基因的概念,及基因的调控
教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解分子遗传学的基本知识,DNA、RNA的分子结构及复制;三联体密码,遗传 密码与蛋白质的翻译,中心法则及其发展。 教学内容:DNA是主要遗传物质的间接证据和直接证据;DNA和RNA的分子结构和复制;三联体密码,遗传密码 的转录、翻译,中心法则(自学); 教学提示:重点是DNA的复制、RNA的转录及加工和蛋白质翻译过程。 第四章 孟德尔遗传 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握分离规律、重组规律的现象、实质和比例;分离规律、重组规律的验证方 法和应用;概率原理在遗传学研究中的应用。单位性状、相对性状、基因型和表现型的概念。 教学内容:单位性状和相对性状,基因的分离和组合,表现型和基因型的概念;一对性状的杂交结果,分离 规律验证-自交法,测交法,F1花粉鉴定法;分离比例实现的条件。两对相对性状的杂交结果,自由组合现象的解 释和验证及其实质;多对相对性状的遗传;概率原理计算基因型和表现型的概率;非等位基因互作的六种类型,多 因一效,一因多效;孟德尔规律的应用。 教学提示:重点是分离规律、自由组合规律及其实质,概率原理计算基因型和表现型的概率和基因互作。 实验内容:(四)果蝇的单因子实验 (五)果蝇的伴性遗传 第五章 连锁遗传和性连锁 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解连锁遗传现象,掌握连锁与交换的遗传机理,交换值的测定方法,基因定 位的方法;了解连锁遗传图的制作方法,连锁遗传规律的应用。 教学内容:性状连锁遗传的表现、解释和验证,连锁和交换的遗传机理;自交法和测交法测定交换值;基因 定位和连锁传图(自学);性连锁和性别决定。 教学提示:重点是连锁和交换的遗传机理,交换值的测定。 第六章 染色体变异 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握染色体结构变异的类型、原因、诱发方法和鉴定方法;使学生了解植物染 色体数目变异的一般途径,整倍体和非整倍体,单倍体和多倍体的特点和应用以及诱变方法。 教学内容:缺失、重复、倒位、易位的概念、类别和遗传效应;染色体结构变异的诱发和应用(自学)。染 色体组,单倍体,同源多倍体,异源多倍体,多倍体形成的途径和应用(自学);单体、三体、缺体、四体,非整 倍体的应用(自学)。 教学提示:重点是染色体结构变异的鉴定、染色体的倍数性变异。 第七章 细菌和病毒的遗传 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解细菌和病毒在遗传学研究中的优越性,掌握细菌的转化、接合和性导,了 解噬菌体的转导。 教学内容:细菌,病毒,细菌和病毒在遗传研究中的优越性;细菌的转化、接合和性导;噬菌体的结构、基 因重组和转导(自学)。 教学提示:重点是转化、接合、性导、转导。 第八章 基因的表达与调控 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握经典遗传学和分子遗传学基因概念的不同;了解基因调控。 教学内容:基因的概念,基因微细结构,基因的作用与性状的表达;基因调控(自学)。介绍乳糖操纵元模 型及对有无乳糖的反应。 教学提示:重点是基因的概念,及基因的调控
第九章基因工程和基因组学 教学目的:通过讲授结合学生自学,使学生了解基因工程的基本原理及基因组学的一般常识。 教学内容:基因工程的概述,限制性内切核酸酶、载体,基因的分离与鉴定:基因组图谱的构建及其应用、 后基因组学(自学)。 教学提示:重点是基因工程及其运用。 第十章 基因突变 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握基因突变的特征、表现和鉴定方法,了解诱变方法及其应用。了解转座因 子的特性。 教学内容:基因突变的概念、部位、时期、特征、表现和鉴定方法,物理和化学诱发方法和应用(自学)。 转座子的发现、鉴定及其结构特性和应用(自学)。 教学提示:重点是基因突变的特征和性状的表现。 第十一章 细胞质遗传 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握细胞质遗传现象、特征和物质基础,植物雄性不有类和原因,了解“三 系“配套。 教学内容:细胞质遗传的概念和特点:母性影响:叶绿体遗传和线粒体遗传:植物雄性不育的遗传, 教学提示:重点是植物雄性不有系的遗传。 第十三章数量性状遗传 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解数量性状遗传的特点,遗传率估算的方法及应用。掌握近亲繁殖和杂种优 势的概念,近亲繁殖的遗传效应,了解近亲繁殖的杂种优势在有种中的应用。 教学内容:数量性状的特征,多基因假说:研究数量性状遗传的基本统计方法,遗传率的概念,估算方法和 应用。近亲繁殖的概念的遗传效应,纯系学说:杂种优势的表现和遗传理论:近亲繁殖和杂种优势的应用。简介数 量性状基因定位(自学)。 教学提示:重点是广义和狭义遗传率的估算方法,近亲繁殖的遗传效应和杂种优势的应用。 三、学时分配 章节 教学内容 其中 总学时 理论学时 实验课学时 遗传的细学基 遗传物质的分子基础 第四草 孟德尔遗传 性连 细菌和病毒的遗传 第八章 基因的表达与调控 弟九 工程和因组学 第十三章 物量遗伪 学时合计 16 四、教学方法与教学手段说明 本课程主要采用多媒体手段,以课堂讲授为主,辅以学生课后自学,结合实验教学,进行相关知识教学 活动
第九章 基因工程和基因组学 教学目的:通过讲授结合学生自学,使学生了解基因工程的基本原理及基因组学的一般常识。 教学内容:基因工程的概述,限制性内切核酸酶、载体,基因的分离与鉴定;基因组图谱的构建及其应用、 后基因组学(自学)。 教学提示:重点是基因工程及其运用。 第十章 基因突变 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握基因突变的特征、表现和鉴定方法,了解诱变方法及其应用。了解转座因 子的特性。 教学内容:基因突变的概念、部位、时期、特征、表现和鉴定方法,物理和化学诱发方法和应用(自学)。 转座子的发现、鉴定及其结构特性和应用(自学)。 教学提示:重点是基因突变的特征和性状的表现。 第十一章 细胞质遗传 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生掌握细胞质遗传现象、特征和物质基础,植物雄性不育类和原因,了解"三 系"配套。 教学内容:细胞质遗传的概念和特点;母性影响;叶绿体遗传和线粒体遗传;植物雄性不育的遗传。 教学提示:重点是植物雄性不育系的遗传。 第十三章 数量性状遗传 教学目的:通过讲授,使学生了解数量性状遗传的特点,遗传率估算的方法及应用。掌握近亲繁殖和杂种优 势的概念,近亲繁殖的遗传效应,了解近亲繁殖的杂种优势在育种中的应用。 教学内容:数量性状的特征,多基因假说;研究数量性状遗传的基本统计方法,遗传率的概念,估算方法和 应用。近亲繁殖的概念的遗传效应,纯系学说;杂种优势的表现和遗传理论;近亲繁殖和杂种优势的应用。简介数 量性状基因定位(自学)。 教学提示:重点是广义和狭义遗传率的估算方法,近亲繁殖的遗传效应和杂种优势的应用。 三、学时分配 章节 教学内容 总学时 其中 理论课学时 实验课学时 第一章 绪论 1 1 第二章 遗传的细胞学基础 12 3 9 第三章 遗传物质的分子基础 2 2 第四章 孟德尔遗传 11 4 7 第五章 连锁遗传和性连锁 2 2 第六章 染色体变异 4 4 第七章 细菌和病毒的遗传 3 3 第八章 基因的表达与调控 3 3 第九章 基因工程和基因组学 3 3 第十章 基因突变 3 3 第十一章 细胞质遗传 2 2 第十三章 数量遗传 2 2 学时合计 48 32 16 四、教学方法与教学手段说明 本课程主要采用多媒体手段,以课堂讲授为主,辅以学生课后自学,结合实验教学,进行相关知识教学 活动
五、考核方式和要求 理论部分采用闭卷考试,占本课程总成绩70%,实验课、作业及考勤等平时成绩占本课程总成绩30% 六、教材与主要参考书目 1、朱军主编,《遗传学》(第三版),中国农业出版社。 2、刘祖洞等编《遗传学》(上、下册),人民教有出版社 3、戴朝羲主编,《遗传学》,高等教有出版社。 4、丁巨波主编,《植物遗传学参考从书》,中国农业出版社。 5、季道藩主编,《遗传学实验》,中国农业出版社。 6、祝水金主编,《遗传学实验指导》,中国农业出版社 Syllabus of Genetics for Biotechnology Specialty(遗传学教学大纲,生物 技术专业适用) Introduction the products of both"nature and nurture".The hereditary units (g (biological potentialities/limitations):the environment provides the"nurture"which interacts with the genes to give the organism its distinctive anatomical,biochemical,physiological and behavioral characteristics. Johann(Gregor)Mendel laid the foundation of modern genetics with the publication of his pioneering work on peas in 1866,but his work was not appreciated in his lifetime.The science of genetics began in 1900 with ce the Genetics has rapidly prolif t M pertormed are now included i istinctive oth Developmental Genetics and Microbial Genetics.Further specializations are indicated by fields labeled Drosophila Genetics,Human Genetics,Fungal Genetics,Viral Genetics,Animal and Plant Breeding. Immunogenetics,etc. GENETICS:ANALYSIS OF GENES AND GENOMES (fifth edition)by Hartl DL Jones EW is used as textbook. Distribution of Periods(Total:60) Chapter Topic Period DNA lar Ge etics and Genomics pulat of Segregatior 6 Ge and Chro netic Linkage and Chromosome Mappin 6 Molecular Biology of DNA Replication and Recombination 4 Molecular Mechanisms of Mutation and DNA Repair 6 Molecular Organization of Chromosomes 4 Human Karyotypes and Ch romosome Behavior 10121B Genetics o R and Get omics ulation Extranuclear Inheritance The Genetic Basis of Complex Inheritance
五、考核方式和要求 理论部分采用闭卷考试,占本课程总成绩70%,实验课、作业及考勤等平时成绩占本课程总成绩30%。 六、教材与主要参考书目 1、朱军主编,《遗传学》(第三版),中国农业出版社。 2、刘祖洞等编《遗传学》(上、下册),人民教育出版社。 3、戴朝羲主编,《遗传学》,高等教育出版社。 4、丁巨波主编,《植物遗传学参考从书》,中国农业出版社。 5、季道藩主编,《遗传学实验》,中国农业出版社。 6、祝水金主编,《遗传学实验指导》,中国农业出版社。 Syllabus of Genetics for Biotechnology Specialty(遗传学教学大纲,生物 技术专业适用) Introduction Genetics, the science of heredity, is a fundamental discipline in the biological sciences. All living things are the products of both "nature and nurture". The hereditary units (genes) provide the organism with its "nature" (biological potentialities/limitations); the environment provides the "nurture" which interacts with the genes to give the organism its distinctive anatomical, biochemical, physiological and behavioral characteristics. Johann (Gregor) Mendel laid the foundation of modern genetics with the publication of his pioneering work on peas in 1866, but his work was not appreciated in his lifetime. The science of genetics began in 1900 with the rediscovery of his original paper. Since then, Genetics has rapidly proliferated into numerous distinctive subdisciplines. The kind of studies that Mendel performed are now included in the discipline called Transmission Genetics. Other major areas of investigation are now categorized as Cytogenetics, Cytoplasmic (Plastid) Genetics, Quantitative Genetics, Population (Evolutionary) Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Developmental Genetics and Microbial Genetics. Further specializations are indicated by fields labeled Drosophila Genetics, Human Genetics, Fungal Genetics, Viral Genetics, Animal and Plant Breeding, Immunogenetics, etc. GENETICS: ANALYSIS OF GENES AND GENOMES (fifth edition) by Hartl DL & Jones EW is used as textbook. Distribution of Periods (Total: 60) Chapter Topic Period 1 Introduction to Molecular Genetics and Genomics 4 2 DNA Structure and DNA Manipulation 4 3 Transmission Genetics: The Principle of Segregation 6 4 Genes and Chromosomes 6 5 Genetic Linkage and Chromosome Mapping 6 6 Molecular Biology of DNA Replication and Recombination 4 7 Molecular Mechanisms of Mutation and DNA Repair 6 8 Molecular Organization of Chromosomes 4 9 Human Karyotypes and Chromosome Behavior 6 10 Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses 4 11 Molecular Biology of Gene Expression 4 12 Molecular Mechanisms of Gene Regulation 4 13 Genetic Engineering and Genomics 4 16 Extranuclear Inheritance 4 18 The Genetic Basis of Complex Inheritance 4
Content of Syllabus ◆经'n产 nmo ated Included in Chanter Lare the basic concepts of molecular genetics:DNA str ucture replication exp and mutation.Chapter I also includes a discussion of experimental evidence that DNA is the genetic material,and introduces the concepts of genome and proteome. Chapter 2 DNA Structure and DNA Manipulation the experimental ructure,and nd the d to Study DNA such as SNPs,RFLPs,and other kev a ppr that fo m the basis of mode ssed Chapter 3 through 5(Transmission Genetics:The Principle of Segregation;Genes and Chromosomes; Genetic Linkage and Chromosome Mapping) Chapter 3 through 5 are the core of Mendelian genetics,including segregation and independent assortment, the chromo ome 0y01 ome mapping,and tetrad Also incl k of M an g it Mendet's nd show ho modern ge uld carr out mendel's study evamining t enoty on th one hand and the morphological phenotypes on the other.This pedagogy provides a solid basis for understanding not onl Mendel's experiments as he actually performed and interpreted them,but also for understanding how modern molecular approaches are used in genetic analysis.Molecular markers are also integrated in the discussion of human genetic analysis.An important principle of genetics,too often ignored or given inad quate treatment is that of the complementation test and how complementation differs from segregation or other genetic principles.Chapte es a clear and concise c 5, ow complem s used in mutation screens to group mutations nto categori Chapter 6 through 8 (olecular biology of dnA replication and recombination:molecular Mechanisms of mutation and dna renair:molecular org anization of chromosomes) Chapter 6 through 8 deal with the molecular structure and replication of DNA and the molecular organization of chromosomes,as well as the molecular basis of mutation and the effects of mutagens,including the genetic effects of the Chernoby l nuclear accident.Chapter 6 also covers the molecular mechanisms of recom ination and Chapter 7 the rapidly growing fie of DNA repair.Ch hapter 8 includes a discussion of repetitive DNA sequences in eukaryotic genomes and the molecular structures of centromeres and telomeres Chanter 9 Hun an Ko nd Ch Chapter 9 covers the r genetic implications of chromosome abnormalities-duplications,deficiencies,inversions,and translocations- are also discussed.The importance of polyploidy in plant evolution should be emphasized and genome evolution in the cereal grains as an example is examined s of Bacteria and Their Viruses with the principle genetics in prokaryotes s.beginning with the genetics of mobile DNA There is a conjugation,and transduction.as well s discussion of tem Chapter 11 and 12(Molecular Biology of Gene Expression;Molecular Mechanisms of Gene Regulation) Chapters 11 and 12 deal with molecular genetics in the strict sense.These chapters include the classical principles of gene expression and gene regulation.For the first time we include broader aspects of gene
Content of Syllabus Chapter 1 Introduction to Molecular Genetics and Genomics Chapter 1 is an overview of genetics designed to bring students with disparate backgrounds to a common level of understanding. This chapter enables classical, molecular, and evolutionary genetics to be integrated. Included in Chapter 1 are the basic concepts of molecular genetics: DNA structure, replication, expression, and mutation. Chapter 1 also includes a discussion of experimental evidence that DNA is the genetic material, and introduces the concepts of genome and proteome. Chapter 2 DNA Structure and DNA Manipulation Chapter 2 emphasizes that the primary tools of the modern geneticist derive from the experimental manipulation of DNA. It includes a more detailed look at DNA structure, and it introduces the principal methods of DNA manipulation including restriction enzymes, electrophoresis, DNA hybridization, Southern blotting, and the polymerase chain reaction. How and why these methods are used to study DNA markers such as SNPs, RFLPs, and other key approaches that form the basis of modern genetic analysis are discussed. Chapter 3 through 5 (Transmission Genetics: The Principle of Segregation; Genes and Chromosomes; Genetic Linkage and Chromosome Mapping) Chapter 3 through 5 are the core of Mendelian genetics, including segregation and independent assortment, the chromosome theory of heredity, mitosis and meiosis, linkage and chromosome mapping, and tetrad analysis in fungi. Also included is the basic probability framework of Mendelian genetics and the testing of genetic models by means of the chi-square test. Unique in Chapter 3 is the integration of molecular genetics with Mendel’s experiments. We describe the molecular basis of the wrinkled mutation and show how a modern geneticist would carry out Mendel’s study, examining the molecular phenotypes on the one hand and the morphological phenotypes on the other. This pedagogy provides a solid basis for understanding not only Mendel’s experiments as he actually performed and interpreted them, but also for understanding how modern molecular approaches are used in genetic analysis. Molecular markers are also integrated in the discussion of human genetic analysis. An important principle of genetics, too often ignored or given inadequate treatment, is that of the complementation test and how complementation differs from segregation or other genetic principles. Chapter 3 includes a clear and concise description of complementation, with examples, showing how complementation is used in mutation screens to group mutations into categories corresponding to genes. Chapter 6 through 8 (Molecular Biology of DNA Replication and Recombination; Molecular Mechanisms of Mutation and DNA Repair; Molecular Organization of Chromosomes) Chapter 6 through 8 deal with the molecular structure and replication of DNA and the molecular organization of chromosomes, as well as the molecular basis of mutation and the effects of mutagens, including the genetic effects of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Chapter 6 also covers the molecular mechanisms of recombination and Chapter 7 the rapidly growing field of DNA repair. Chapter 8 includes a discussion of repetitive DNA sequences in eukaryotic genomes and the molecular structures of centromeres and telomeres. Chapter 9 Human Karyotypes and Chromosome Behavior Chapter 9 covers the principles of cytogenetics, including the human genome with special reference to human chromosome number and structure and the types of aberrations that are found in human chromosomes. The genetic implications of chromosome abnormalities-duplications, deficiencies, inversions, and translocationsare also discussed. The importance of polyploidy in plant evolution should be emphasized and genome evolution in the cereal grains as an example is examined. Chapter 10 Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses Chapter 10 deals with the principles of genetics in prokaryotes, beginning with the genetics of mobile DNA, plasmids, and integrons, and their relationships to the evolution of multiple antibiotic resistance. There is a through discussion of mechanisms of genetic recombination in microbes, including transformation, conjugation, and transduction, as well as discussion of temperate and virulent bateriophages. Chapter 11 and 12 (Molecular Biology of Gene Expression; Molecular Mechanisms of Gene Regulation) Chapters 11 and 12 deal with molecular genetics in the strict sense. These chapters include the classical principles of gene expression and gene regulation. For the first time we include broader aspects of gene
regulation that are topics of much current research:chromation remodeling complexes,imprinting and other epigenetic modifications in gene expression,transcriptional and post-transcriptional cosuppression,and RNA interference (RNAI). x13 omics included are the use of restriction enz and vectors in reco DNA Cl es site-directed muta aenic animals and plants and applications of genetic engineerin Also discussed are me used in large-scale genomic sequencing and a summary of what new principles have emerged from genomic sequencing.Functional genomics is introduced by examining how DNA microarrays("DNA chips")are used to study global patterns of coordinated gene expression. 6covers organelle genetics,including genetic defects in human mitochondrial DNA Chapter 18 The genetic basis of Complex Inheritance Chapter 18 deal with the genetic basis of complex inheritance.The discussion includes the complex traits causes of variation,genetic analysis of complex traits,artificial selection,correlation between relatives, heritabilties of threshold traits,as well as identification of genes affecting complex traits.The approach to quantitative genetics includes a discussion of how particular genes influencing quantitative traits(QTLs,or quantitative-tr nay be ide nants of human behavior with examples he identificatron of the "natural Prozac polymorphism in the human serotonin transporter gene. Reference 1 Snustad D Pet al.Principles of Genetics,2nd John Wiley&Sons 2 Hartwell L H,et al.Genetics:from genes to genomes W/CD ROM.McGuaw-Hill 3 Klug Ss et al Essentials of Genetics 4 Prentice Hall of Geneti s.Addison Wesley 7Chinnici J P.et al.Genetics:practice problems and solutions.Adison Wesley 9 Winter PC cs Lab tory Investig sLtd
regulation that are topics of much current research: chromation remodeling complexes, imprinting and other epigenetic modifications in gene expression, transcriptional and post-transcriptional cosuppression, and RNA interference (RNAi). Chapter 13 Genetic Engineering and Genomics Chapter 13 focuses on recombinant DNA and genomics. Included are the use of restriction enzymes and vectors in recombinant DNA, cloning strategies, site-directed mutagenesis, the production of genetically defined transgenic animals and plants, and applications of genetic engineering. Also discussed are methods used in large-scale genomic sequencing and a summary of what new principles have emerged from genomic sequencing. Functional genomics is introduced by examining how DNA microarrays ("DNA chips") are used to study global patterns of coordinated gene expression. Chapter 16 Extranuclear Inheritance Chapter 16 covers organelle genetics, including genetic defects in human mitochondrial DNA. Chapter 18 The Genetic Basis of Complex Inheritance Chapter 18 deal with the genetic basis of complex inheritance. The discussion includes the complex traits, causes of variation, genetic analysis of complex traits, artificial selection, correlation between relatives, heritabilties of threshold traits, as well as identification of genes affecting complex traits. The approach to quantitative genetics includes a discussion of how particular genes influencing quantitative traits (QTLs, or quantitative-trait loci) may be identified and mapped by linkage analysis. There is also a section on the genetic determinants of human behavior with examples of the approach using "candidate" genes that led to the identification of the "natural Prozac" polymorphism in the human serotonin transporter gene. Reference 1 Snustad D P, et al. Principles of Genetics,2nd .John Wiley & Sons 2 Hartwell L H, et al. Genetics: from genes to genomes W/CD ROM. McGuaw-Hill 3 Klug S S, et al. Essentials of Genetics,4th . Prentice Hall 4 Russel P J. Fundamentals of Genetics 2nd . Addison Wesley 5 Russel P J. iGenetics with Free Solutions. Addison Wesley 6 Lewin B. Genes VII. Oxford Univetsity Press 7 Chinnici J P, et al. Genetics: practice problems and solutions. Adison Wesley 8 Mattens T R, et al. Genetics Laboratory Investigations12th . Prentice Hall 9 Winter P C, et al. Instant Notes in Genetics. Bios Scientific Publishers Ltd