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浙江工商大学:《生物工程进展 Progress of Bioengineering》课程资源_(英文版)教学大纲

教学目的和任务:重点学习生物技术及生物工程领域的基本原理、最新技术和进展。让 学习掌握生物技术及生物工程领域的学科前沿,为开拓思路、今后的应用和科学研究工作打好基础。

《生物工程进展(英)》教学大纲 (Progress of Bioengineering) 基本信息 课程代码:1010622 学分:2 总课时:32 课程性质:专业选修课 适用专业:生物工程 先修课程:生物化学 二、本课程教学目的和任务 教学目的和任务:重点学习生物技术及生物工程领域的基本原理、最新技术和进展。让 学习掌握生物技术及生物工程领域的学科前沿,为开拓思路、今后的应用和科学研究工作打 好基础。 三、教学方法与手段 以课堂讲授为主。 四、教学内容及要求 Part i Introduction of bioengineering Part I Progress in biosynthesis of plant natural products I, Plant cell: a small factory for natural products 2, Cell signal leading to the biosynthesis of natural products 3. Engineering the metabolic pathways in the context of whole plant cell Part II Application of recombinant DNA technology I, nucleic acid sequences as diagnostic tools 2, protein engineering and metabolic engineering 3, plant breeding in the twenty-first century 4, new drugs and new therapies for genetic diseases Part iv Progress in plant gene engineering procedure to produce transgenic plants 2, action principle of selectable markers used in plant gene engineering 3. application of plant gene engineering technology Partv Pharmaceutical Biotechnology http:/spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn

http://spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn 《生物工程进展(英)》教学大纲 (Progress of Bioengineering) 一、基本信息 课程代码:1010622 学 分:2 总 课 时:32 课程性质:专业选修课 适用专业:生物工程 先修课程:生物化学 二、本课程教学目的和任务 教学目的和任务:重点学习生物技术及生物工程领域的基本原理、最新技术和进展。让 学习掌握生物技术及生物工程领域的学科前沿,为开拓思路、今后的应用和科学研究工作打 好基础。 三、教学方法与手段 以课堂讲授为主。 四、教学内容及要求 Part Ⅰ Introduction of Bioengineering Part Ⅱ Progress in biosynthesis of plant natural products 1、Plant cell: a small factory for natural products 2、Cell signal leading to the biosynthesis of natural products 3、Engineering the metabolic pathways in the context of whole plant cell Part Ⅲ Application of recombinant DNA technology 1、nucleic acid sequences as diagnostic tools 2、protein engineering and metabolic engineering 3、plant breeding in the twenty-first century 4、new drugs and new therapies for genetic diseases Part Ⅳ Progress in plant gene engineering 1、procedure to produce transgenic plants 2、action principle of selectable markers used in plant gene engineering 3、application of plant gene engineering technology Part Ⅴ Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

I, Isolation of gene of interest and expression 2, Formulation of protein product 3. Cell disruption methods and protein Isolation method 五、教学时数分配表 Chapter Content 参考时数 Introduction of bioengineering Progress in biosynthesis of plant natural products Application of recombinant DNa technol Progress in plant Pharmaceutical biotechnology Total 六、考核方式及成绩评定标准 考核方式:闭卷 成绩评定标准:平时成绩占30%;期末成绩占70%。成绩评定为百分制 七、教材及主要参考书 参考教材: Introduction to Biotechnology, by William J. Thieman, Michael a. Palladino 参考书目: [1] From gene to genomes: Concepts and applications of DNA technology, Dale jW et al. first edition. Science press. 2004 [2]吴乃虎《基因工程原理》科学出版社第一版1999年 八、其它说明 该课程有多位在生物技术或生物工程领域不同方向的教师授课,上述教材作为参考教 材,学生上课以讲义为主,今后如有合适教材,统一更新 执笔人:顾青 http:/spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn

http://spxy.zjgsu.edu.cn 1、Isolation of gene of interest and expression 2、Formulation of protein product 3、Cell disruption methods and protein Isolation methods 五、教学时数分配表 Chapter Content 参考时数 1 Introduction of Bioengineering 2 2 Progress in biosynthesis of plant natural products 9 3 Application of recombinant DNA technology 9 4 Progress in plant gene engineering 6 5 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 6 Total 32 六、考核方式及成绩评定标准 考核方式:闭卷 成绩评定标准:平时成绩占 30%;期末成绩占 70%。成绩评定为百分制。 七、教材及主要参考书 参考教材:Introduction to Biotechnology, by William J. Thieman, Michael A. Palladino, 2003 参考书目: [1] From gene to genomes: Concepts and applications of DNA technology, Dale JW, et al. First Edition. Science Press,2004 [2] 吴乃虎《基因工程原理》 科学出版社 第一版 1999 年 八、其它说明 该课程有多位在生物技术或生物工程领域不同方向的教师授课,上述教材作为参考教 材,学生上课以讲义为主,今后如有合适教材,统一更新。 执笔人: 顾 青



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