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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第三册)B3U3_03 B3 U3 Read by critical thinking


Read by critical thinking PART 2 Read by Critical Thinking 超 In-Class Reading After-Class Reading S

T In-Class Reading PART 2 Read by Critical Thinking After-Class Reading

Read by critical thinking A In-Class Reading Before Reading 超 Global Reading Detailed Reading S After Reading

T In-Class Reading Detailed Reading Before Reading Global Reading After Reading

Read by critical thinking 袜 厨 Before Reading

T Before Reading

Read by critical thinking Before Reading What would you do? Suppose you're young parents with a six-year-old boy and have just received a well-paid and challenging job in another city.Would you leave for the job,or just drop and stay with your family

T Before Reading What would you do? Suppose you’re young parents with a six-year-old boy and have just received a well-paid and challenging job in another city. Would you leave for the job, or just drop and stay with your family?

Read by critical thinking Before Reading Step 1 All the students are divided into two groups(Group A Group B)according to their answers to the question. Step 2 Have a discussion.Students in each group should explain their decision,and make an arrangement for the growing of their children

T Before Reading Step 1 Step 2 All the students are divided into two groups (Group A & Group B) according to their answers to the question. Have a discussion. Students in each group should explain their decision, and make an arrangement for the growing of their children

Read by critical thinking 洗 厨 Global Reading

T Global Reading

Read by critical thinking Global Reading Have a fast reading through the whole text and try to divide the passage into parts according to the following outline: reasons why mothers take jobs outside the home 好 consequences impact of mothers'working outside different reactions from children Suggestions for dealing with the problems

T Have a fast reading through the whole text and try to divide the passage into parts according to the following outline: Global Reading ❖ reasons why mothers take jobs outside the home ❖ consequences & impact of mothers’ working outside ❖ different reactions from children ❖ Suggestions for dealing with the problems

Read by critical thinking 袜 厨 Detailed Reading

T Detailed Reading

Read by critical thinking Detailed Reading Step 1 Group A are required to find out the detailed reasons why mothers take jobs outside home and its consequences and impacts. Group B are asked to search out children's reactions and the suggested ways to cope with the problems

T Detailed Reading Step 1 Group A are required to find out the detailed reasons why mothers take jobs outside home and its consequences and impacts. Group B are asked to search out children’s reactions and the suggested ways to cope with the problems

Read by critical thinking Detailed Reading Step 1 FOR GROUP A Reasons for mothers'taking jobs outside the home -financial need -career choices for personal fulfillment

T Detailed Reading Step 1 For Group A Reasons for mothers’ taking jobs outside the home -- financial need -- career choices for personal fulfillment

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