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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第二册)B2U6_Self-market_Reading Material_B2U6课文翻译及课后练习答案


Unit 1 Food In-Class Reading Food and Culture 饮食与文化 1对于什么样的食物好吃,我们都有自己的看法。对于什么样的食物不好吃,我们也有自己 的看法。因此,来自某种文化的人常常会觉得来自另一种文化的人吃的食物难以忍受或者令 人作区。比如,著名的拳击手穆罕默德·阿里访问非洲时,一名随团成员看到有人抓起一只 蝴蝶就吃了下去时便恶心得想吐。许多人会觉得吃老鼠肉令人恶心,但世界上有生活在42 种不同文化中的人认为鼠肉是合适的食物。 2在非洲,有些人认为非洲白蚁可以做成美餐。对于其他许多人来说,如果非吃(白蚁)不 可的话,他们很可能会呕吐。但是,如果拿100克的白蚁和100克制作好的汉堡包相比,前 者所含的热量是后者的两倍多,其所含的蛋白质也几乎是后者的两倍。 3不过,对食物的好恶似乎并不一定与营养有关。例如,花椰菜在营养最丰富的常见蔬菜中 排名第一,但它在美国人最喜欢的蔬菜中仅名列第21位。西红柿在营养最丰富的蔬菜中排 名第16,但它在美国人最喜欢的蔬菜中却名列榜首。 4但不喜欢并不是某些文化(中的人们)不吃某种食物的唯一原因。在一些文化中,有些食 物是禁忌。“禁忌”一词来源于斐济群岛的语言,用来表示禁止做的事。有些食物在某些宗教 中被列为禁忌,但也有一些饮食禁忌与宗教无关。通常我们不去考虑为什么在我们的文化中 有些东西是禁忌。我们也许甚至不知道它们为什么是禁忌。人类学家试图发现禁忌背后隐藏 的原因。例如,印度“圣牛”为人们所熟知。牛可以在印度的大街上到处走,它们可以吃街上 食品摊主所供应的食物中任何它们想吃的东西。结果,牛就成了问题。可是,在印度没人会 去杀牛或吃牛肉。杀牛或吃牛肉是禁忌。这种习俗在其他人看起来似乎很奇怪,但人类学家 相信这自有其原因。首先,牛是很宝贵的,因为农民需要它们帮助犁地。其次,牛粪可作地 里的肥料。在印度,许多农民买不起化肥。还有,牛粪弄干后可用来烧火做饭。因此,杀牛 食肉的农民很快发现他们无法犁地,无法给庄稼施肥,或者不能烧火做饭。 5再比如,美国人不吃狗肉,尽管来自其他一些文化的人视狗肉为佳肴。在美国,狗作为宠 物对人们极为重要。它们通常被视为家庭的一部分,有时候几乎被当成孩子一样。此外,狗 的用处还在于防范罪犯。盗贼一般不进入有狗的住宅,因为狗会吠叫,而且可能会袭击试图 进入房子的陌生人。显而易见,狗在社会中被视为人类的伙伴及防范罪犯的卫士,它们所处 的地位使得吃狗肉成为了禁忌。 6不止一种文化忌食猪肉。有迹象表明一些古埃及人不吃猪肉,古代以色列人也视猪肉为禁 忌。对禁食猪肉的一种解释是,未经充分烹调的猪肉可能会传播一种疾病一旋毛虫病,但大 多数人不再认为这能很好地解释禁食猪肉的原因。另一种解释是以色列人原属游牧民族一他 们总是居无定所。要养猪,人们就得在某地定居下来。以色列人不愿在一个地方定居,因为 他们不想改变自己的文化。正因如此,他们便不食猪肉。 7人类学家相信,对食物的好恶大多是不同人不同生活方式的结果。有些人生活在既有大型 动物又有许多昆虫的地区。他们杀死大型动物有困难,需要花很大的力气。对他们来说,以 昆虫为食要容易些,因为捕捉昆虫既不困难又不需花太大的力气。四处流动、过游牧生活的 人不愿意以猪肉为食。有些人也不吃像狗那样的宠物。美国人牛肉吃得很多,因为有大量的 土地可用来养牛,而且牛肉可以通过铁路以低廉的价格进行长途运输

1 Unit 1 Food In-Class Reading Food and Culture 饮食与文化 1 对于什么样的食物好吃,我们都有自己的看法。对于什么样的食物不好吃,我们也有自己 的看法。因此,来自某种文化的人常常会觉得来自另一种文化的人吃的食物难以忍受或者令 人作呕。比如,著名的拳击手穆罕默德·阿里访问非洲时,一名随团成员看到有人抓起一只 蝴蝶就吃了下去时便恶心得想吐。许多人会觉得吃老鼠肉令人恶心,但世界上有生活在 42 种不同文化中的人认为鼠肉是合适的食物。 2 在非洲,有些人认为非洲白蚁可以做成美餐。对于其他许多人来说,如果非吃(白蚁)不 可的话,他们很可能会呕吐。但是,如果拿 100 克的白蚁和 100 克制作好的汉堡包相比,前 者所含的热量是后者的两倍多,其所含的蛋白质也几乎是后者的两倍。 3 不过,对食物的好恶似乎并不一定与营养有关。例如,花椰菜在营养最丰富的常见蔬菜中 排名第一,但它在美国人最喜欢的蔬菜中仅名列第 21 位。西红柿在营养最丰富的蔬菜中排 名第 16,但它在美国人最喜欢的蔬菜中却名列榜首。 4 但不喜欢并不是某些文化(中的人们)不吃某种食物的唯一原因。在一些文化中,有些食 物是禁忌。“禁忌”一词来源于斐济群岛的语言,用来表示禁止做的事。有些食物在某些宗教 中被列为禁忌,但也有一些饮食禁忌与宗教无关。通常我们不去考虑为什么在我们的文化中 有些东西是禁忌。我们也许甚至不知道它们为什么是禁忌。人类学家试图发现禁忌背后隐藏 的原因。例如,印度“圣牛”为人们所熟知。牛可以在印度的大街上到处走,它们可以吃街上 食品摊主所供应的食物中任何它们想吃的东西。结果,牛就成了问题。可是,在印度没人会 去杀牛或吃牛肉。杀牛或吃牛肉是禁忌。这种习俗在其他人看起来似乎很奇怪,但人类学家 相信这自有其原因。首先,牛是很宝贵的,因为农民需要它们帮助犁地。其次,牛粪可作地 里的肥料。在印度,许多农民买不起化肥。还有,牛粪弄干后可用来烧火做饭。因此,杀牛 食肉的农民很快发现他们无法犁地,无法给庄稼施肥,或者不能烧火做饭。 5 再比如,美国人不吃狗肉,尽管来自其他一些文化的人视狗肉为佳肴。在美国,狗作为宠 物对人们极为重要。它们通常被视为家庭的一部分,有时候几乎被当成孩子一样。此外,狗 的用处还在于防范罪犯。盗贼一般不进入有狗的住宅,因为狗会吠叫,而且可能会袭击试图 进入房子的陌生人。显而易见,狗在社会中被视为人类的伙伴及防范罪犯的卫士,它们所处 的地位使得吃狗肉成为了禁忌。 6 不止一种文化忌食猪肉。有迹象表明一些古埃及人不吃猪肉,古代以色列人也视猪肉为禁 忌。对禁食猪肉的一种解释是,未经充分烹调的猪肉可能会传播一种疾病—旋毛虫病,但大 多数人不再认为这能很好地解释禁食猪肉的原因。另一种解释是以色列人原属游牧民族—他 们总是居无定所。要养猪,人们就得在某地定居下来。以色列人不愿在一个地方定居,因为 他们不想改变自己的文化。正因如此,他们便不食猪肉。 7 人类学家相信,对食物的好恶大多是不同人不同生活方式的结果。有些人生活在既有大型 动物又有许多昆虫的地区。他们杀死大型动物有困难,需要花很大的力气。对他们来说,以 昆虫为食要容易些,因为捕捉昆虫既不困难又不需花太大的力气。四处流动、过游牧生活的 人不愿意以猪肉为食。有些人也不吃像狗那样的宠物。美国人牛肉吃得很多,因为有大量的 土地可用来养牛,而且牛肉可以通过铁路以低廉的价格进行长途运输

After-Class Reading 烹任与菜肴 1人与动物相区别的一点是人喜爱熟食。尽管人们发现高等动物猿能像人一样用声音和肢体 动作进行交流,但是猿从来不加工食物。而且,我们还希望吃的食物色香味俱佳。人的感官 非常敏锐,辨别力强,所有社会在其发展己超越了单纯维持生存的阶段后就会满足人们对美 食的欲望。世界著名菜系推出的菜肴都是色味俱全一色泽和口感与味道一样重要。 2世界公认的有三大国菜:法国菜、印度菜和中国菜。法国烹饪被普遍认为是欧洲最出色的 法国菜使用黄油、乳酪和奶油,是所有著名国菜中的典范:它把简单和精细相结合,利用法 国的本土资源,尽显地方特色,并成为真正的国际名菜。 3这三大烹饪都有赖以出名的重要特色。使用黄油、乳酪和奶油烹饪是法国菜的显著特点: 否则,法国菜便毫无特色。同样,法国厨师本能地会在烧菜时加葡萄酒,就像中国厨师天生 会用酱油一样。第二种菜系,印度菜,以使用香料而闻名。中国菜则以制作世界上最可口的 主食米饭而成为第三种菜系。当然,这三种菜系都有这样或那样的共同特色。法国菜也有几 样有名的米饭值得夸耀。在印度有的地区烹饪也用黄油,中国菜系中的四川川菜也以其浓重的 辣味而闻名。但是,它们确实是因为各有其显著特点才被分成三大类的。这三种特色各异的 菜系在人类历史上长期发展,持续至今。 4烹饪风格之间的界限非常清楚,其变化也不像语言或种族界限那么大。印度对世界烹饪的 贡献是使用香料来提升食物的味道,而且印度烹饪具有很大的地区差异一从南方非常辛辣 的咖喱菜肴到北方地区稍加调料的素菜,变化之多令人赞叹。印度菜的色泽和味道是其他菜 系所不能及的。以米饭作为主食是印度烹饪和中国烹饪共有的特色。中国厨师教导我们,菜 的口感不应忽视。很久以前,中国人就把猛火快炒的烹饪艺术发挥到了极致,这种做法能保 持蔬菜的鲜脆和营养。绝大部分的准备时间是用来切菜和剁肉,而不是用在真正的烧菜过程 中。 5中国菜肴地域种类繁多,令外国人眼花缭乱。辛辣、清淡、酸、甜,各种味道应有尽有。 中国菜最会利用自己本土产的动植物了,这一点别的国菜无法媲美。每种可食用的蔬菜和动 物的任何一部分似乎都有其用处。 6近来,对国菜的保护受到三方面的威胁:1)全球交通运输和通讯的变革,2)国与国之间 贸易的增长,3)妇女社会角色的转变。 7快捷又廉价的交通和通讯有可能会威胁到国菜,因为来自其他国家的游客希望吃到自己习 惯的家乡菜。第二种威胁来自于食物和食品在国与国之间的流通。方便食品使费时烹饪的(菜 肴)魅力大减。我们能够为食品加工辩护,并且列述食品的冷冻、冷冻干燥以及装罐等技术 的好处,但是西方的食品加工技术对国菜不失为一种威胁。 8最后,女性角色的转变也影响到一个国家的烹饪风格。这种转变对家庭已经产生了深远的 影响,而这种影响还会继续存在。数千年来,烹饪的任务主要由女性来承担。如果她们时间 少了,而且不再愿意花大量时间准备和烹饪,就会影响家庭所吃的饭菜。而今,妇女还可以 走出自己所在的区域、突破自身的经验限制来进一步研究菜肴,收集世界其他地区的烹饪理 念和菜谱,并把这些融入到自己的烹饪中去。然而,对国菜的威胁却依然存在一也许这些 提到的显而易见的好处甚至还加重了这种威助。 9保护富有特色的国菜也许与人们的行为有关。所有著名的国菜,除了其地方菜的种类繁多、 巧妙利用了可用资源以及对世界饮食习惯有所影响等共同点之外,它们对食物的态度也是相 同的。适度地尊重饮食意味着食物不只是人类生存的必需品。食物对每个人的生活至关重要。 做工精致、外观诱人的美味佳肴是印度菜、法国菜和中国菜等国菜给予我们人生的一大享受

2 After-Class Reading 烹饪与菜肴 1 人与动物相区别的一点是人喜爱熟食。尽管人们发现高等动物猿能像人一样用声音和肢体 动作进行交流,但是猿从来不加工食物。而且,我们还希望吃的食物色香味俱佳。人的感官 非常敏锐,辨别力强,所有社会在其发展已超越了单纯维持生存的阶段后就会满足人们对美 食的欲望。世界著名菜系推出的菜肴都是色味俱全——色泽和口感与味道一样重要。 2 世界公认的有三大国菜:法国菜、印度菜和中国菜。法国烹饪被普遍认为是欧洲最出色的。 法国菜使用黄油、乳酪和奶油,是所有著名国菜中的典范:它把简单和精细相结合,利用法 国的本土资源,尽显地方特色,并成为真正的国际名菜。 3 这三大烹饪都有赖以出名的重要特色。使用黄油、乳酪和奶油烹饪是法国菜的显著特点; 否则,法国菜便毫无特色。同样,法国厨师本能地会在烧菜时加葡萄酒,就像中国厨师天生 会用酱油一样。第二种菜系,印度菜,以使用香料而闻名。中国菜则以制作世界上最可口的 主食米饭而成为第三种菜系。当然,这三种菜系都有这样或那样的共同特色。法国菜也有几 样有名的米饭值得夸耀。在印度有的地区烹饪也用黄油,中国菜系中的四川菜也以其浓重的 辣味而闻名。但是,它们确实是因为各有其显著特点才被分成三大类的。这三种特色各异的 菜系在人类历史上长期发展,持续至今。 4 烹饪风格之间的界限非常清楚,其变化也不像语言或种族界限那么大。印度对世界烹饪的 贡献是使用香料来提升食物的味道,而且印度烹饪具有很大的地区差异——从南方非常辛辣 的咖喱菜肴到北方地区稍加调料的素菜,变化之多令人赞叹。印度菜的色泽和味道是其他菜 系所不能及的。以米饭作为主食是印度烹饪和中国烹饪共有的特色。中国厨师教导我们,菜 的口感不应忽视。很久以前,中国人就把猛火快炒的烹饪艺术发挥到了极致,这种做法能保 持蔬菜的鲜脆和营养。绝大部分的准备时间是用来切菜和剁肉,而不是用在真正的烧菜过程 中。 5 中国菜肴地域种类繁多,令外国人眼花缭乱。辛辣、清淡、酸、甜,各种味道应有尽有。 中国菜最会利用自己本土产的动植物了,这一点别的国菜无法媲美。每种可食用的蔬菜和动 物的任何一部分似乎都有其用处。 6 近来,对国菜的保护受到三方面的威胁:1) 全球交通运输和通讯的变革,2) 国与国之间 贸易的增长,3) 妇女社会角色的转变。 7 快捷又廉价的交通和通讯有可能会威胁到国菜,因为来自其他国家的游客希望吃到自己习 惯的家乡菜。第二种威胁来自于食物和食品在国与国之间的流通。方便食品使费时烹饪的(菜 肴)魅力大减。我们能够为食品加工辩护,并且列述食品的冷冻、冷冻干燥以及装罐等技术 的好处,但是西方的食品加工技术对国菜不失为一种威胁。 8 最后,女性角色的转变也影响到一个国家的烹饪风格。这种转变对家庭已经产生了深远的 影响,而这种影响还会继续存在。数千年来,烹饪的任务主要由女性来承担。如果她们时间 少了,而且不再愿意花大量时间准备和烹饪,就会影响家庭所吃的饭菜。而今,妇女还可以 走出自己所在的区域、突破自身的经验限制来进一步研究菜肴,收集世界其他地区的烹饪理 念和菜谱,并把这些融入到自己的烹饪中去。然而,对国菜的威胁却依然存在——也许这些 提到的显而易见的好处甚至还加重了这种威胁。 9 保护富有特色的国菜也许与人们的行为有关。所有著名的国菜,除了其地方菜的种类繁多、 巧妙利用了可用资源以及对世界饮食习惯有所影响等共同点之外,它们对食物的态度也是相 同的。适度地尊重饮食意味着食物不只是人类生存的必需品。食物对每个人的生活至关重要。 做工精致、外观诱人的美味佳肴是印度菜、法国菜和中国菜等国菜给予我们人生的一大享受

课内阅读练习答案 Part One Preparation 1. Check Your Vocabulary Foods Vegetables Fruit Meat Cereal Others Drinks (谷类食品) cabbage,beet, apple, pear, pork,beef, rice,oat, egg, tea,coffee, carrot, peach. lamb.mutton. wheat. bean curd, Coke,rum, lettuce, fig, grape, bacon, maize corn, cake,cookie, Pepsi,wine, eggplant, plum. chicken, millet,barley, biscuit. Seven-up, bean, persimmon, duck,turkey, cornflakes, cracker, Sprite,beer, pea, onion. pineapple, etc. noodles.rice nut,fish, whisky, garlic,pepper, apricot, cake. shrimp, brandy,milk. spinach. banana, dumpling. lobster, juice, cucumber, mango, spaghetti, crab,clam. soda water, tomato, orange, macaroni, etc. lemonade, potato, cherry, steamed mineral turnip,celery, watermelon, bread /roll, water,etc. mushroom, grapefruit, pan cake, broccoli, lemon, pizza,etc. cauliflower, strawberry, beansprout, blueberry, pumpkin, durian, wax gourd, lychee /litchi. asparagus, papaya, snow pea,etc. coconut, star fruit, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, kiwi fruit,etc. 2.How Much Do You Know About Food? 1A2B3C4C5B6A7C8B9C10A 3.Comparing Diets STEPTWO Sample 1.This is,generally speaking,a healthy diet.Apart from the fact that the food is too much for a 10-year-old boy,his diet includes most of the nutrients necessary for a healthy body.For example, milk is abundant in calcium which is necessary for children to grow,eggs are rich in protein,a substance indispensable to sustain one's life and make one strong and healthy;and vegetables and

3 课内阅读练习答案 Part One Preparation 1. Check Your Vocabulary Foods Vegetables Fruit Meat Cereal Drinks (谷类食品) Others cabbage, beet, carrot, lettuce, eggplant, bean, pea, onion, garlic, pepper, spinach, cucumber, tomato, potato, turnip, celery, mushroom, broccoli, cauliflower, beansprout, pumpkin, wax gourd, asparagus, snow pea, etc. apple, pear, peach, fig, grape, plum, persimmon, pineapple, apricot, banana, mango, orange, cherry, watermelon, grapefruit, lemon, strawberry, blueberry, durian, lychee / litchi, papaya, coconut, star fruit, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, kiwi fruit, etc. pork, beef, lamb, mutton, bacon, chicken, duck, turkey, etc. rice, oat, wheat, maize / corn, millet, barley, cornflakes, noodles, rice cake, dumpling, spaghetti, macaroni, steamed bread / roll, pan cake, pizza, etc. egg, bean curd, cake, cookie, biscuit, cracker, nut, fish, shrimp, lobster, crab, clam, etc. tea, coffee, Coke, rum, Pepsi, wine, Seven-up, Sprite, beer, whisky, brandy, milk, juice, soda water, lemonade, mineral water, etc. 2. How Much Do You Know About Food? 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 A 3. Comparing Diets STEP TWO Sample 1 • This is, generally speaking, a healthy diet. Apart from the fact that the food is too much for a 10-year-old boy, his diet includes most of the nutrients necessary for a healthy body. For example, milk is abundant in calcium which is necessary for children to grow; eggs are rich in protein, a substance indispensable to sustain one’s life and make one strong and healthy; and vegetables and

fruit supply people with water,vitamins and amino acids. .I don't think this is a healthy diet.Breakfast is quite reasonable with cornflakes and milk,which can provide him with enough nutrition and calories for a whole morning But lunch and dinner along with the two snacks seem to contain too many calories,well above the necessary level for a 10-year-old boy.What's more,he has too much sugar in a day,100 grams.These might lead him to obesity.As for fruit and vegetables,he could have more of both.In a word,the diet for a 10-year-old British boy probably has too much starch and sugar but not enough fruit and vegetables. 2 On a typical day,a 10-year-old boy in China has various choices.At breakfast,he usually has one or two pieces of bread,one egg,a glass of milk.Or he may eat some deep-fried dough sticks and drink a glass of soybean milk.At lunch,he usually eats rice or noodles,fish or meat plus vegetables.Supper is almost the same as lunch,but sometimes he may also have some porridge. He also has snacks during the day,including biscuits,candies,chocolates,peanuts and some fruit. Usually he will not eat snacks before bed time. 3.The two diets have different structures.The British boy usually has milk,bread,and /or toast as his main food,while the main food for a Chinese boy is rice or noodles for a change.In addition to the main food,a Chinese boy will mainly have two kinds of dishes during lunch or dinner:Fish /meat(called hun cai in Chinese)and vegetables(su cai). Sometimes,a Chinese boy will have soybean milk instead of cow's milk.The British boy takes desserts and snacks while a Chinese boy mainly has cooked dishes during lunch and supper,and fruit and biscuits/cookies as snacks. Comparing these two diets,it's not difficult to find that the British boy eats much more than a Chinese boy.What's more,the British boy eats a wider variety of things,while it seems that the diet of a Chinese boy contains less fat and may lack some kinds of nutrition.The Chinese pay less attention to breakfast,though it should be the most important meal of the day,while the British breakfast is abundant in amount and nourishment.Besides,the British diet consists of many drinks such as milk,tea,soup and lemonade while the Chinese diet usually has soup,a tradition of Chinese meals. STEPTHREE Sample 1.Different Diets At School: Student A For breakfast,I usually have bread and milk.I also have boiled eggs.My breakfast is usually rich and it makes a good start of a day.The lunch and supper are similar to each other.I usually choose meat and vegetables.Traditional Chinese cooking suits me very well.My favorite food is pumpkin with yolk.Chinese cabbages,beans and mushrooms are also among my favorites.I prefer fish to beef,and beef to pork.An obvious problem of my eating habits is that I almost never eat noodles or steamed bread or any other cooked wheat food.In conclusion,I usually like salty dishes because they are tasty. Student B Well,actually my daily meals are very simple and randomly taken,which means I do not have meals regularly.I sometimes have something to eat as meals,for example,rice cake for breakfast. fried rice and some pickles for lunch,and noodles for supper.I seldom have vegetables and fruit

4 fruit supply people with water, vitamins and amino acids. • I don’t think this is a healthy diet. Breakfast is quite reasonable with cornflakes and milk, which can provide him with enough nutrition and calories for a whole morning. But lunch and dinner along with the two snacks seem to contain too many calories, well above the necessary level for a 10-year-old boy. What’s more, he has too much sugar in a day, 100 grams. These might lead him to obesity. As for fruit and vegetables, he could have more of both. In a word, the diet for a 10-year-old British boy probably has too much starch and sugar but not enough fruit and vegetables. 2 On a typical day, a 10-year-old boy in China has various choices. At breakfast, he usually has one or two pieces of bread, one egg, a glass of milk. Or he may eat some deep-fried dough sticks and drink a glass of soybean milk. At lunch, he usually eats rice or noodles, fish or meat plus vegetables. Supper is almost the same as lunch, but sometimes he may also have some porridge. He also has snacks during the day, including biscuits, candies, chocolates, peanuts and some fruit. Usually he will not eat snacks before bed time. 3 • The two diets have different structures. The British boy usually has milk, bread, and / or toast as his main food, while the main food for a Chinese boy is rice or noodles for a change. In addition to the main food, a Chinese boy will mainly have two kinds of dishes during lunch or dinner: Fish / meat (called hun cai in Chinese) and vegetables (su cai). Sometimes, a Chinese boy will have soybean milk instead of cow’s milk. The British boy takes desserts and snacks while a Chinese boy mainly has cooked dishes during lunch and supper, and fruit and biscuits / cookies as snacks. • Comparing these two diets, it’s not difficult to find that the British boy eats much more than a Chinese boy. What’s more, the British boy eats a wider variety of things, while it seems that the diet of a Chinese boy contains less fat and may lack some kinds of nutrition. The Chinese pay less attention to breakfast, though it should be the most important meal of the day, while the British breakfast is abundant in amount and nourishment. Besides, the British diet consists of many drinks such as milk, tea, soup and lemonade while the Chinese diet usually has soup, a tradition of Chinese meals. STEP THREE Sample 1. Different Diets At School: Student A For breakfast, I usually have bread and milk. I also have boiled eggs. My breakfast is usually rich and it makes a good start of a day. The lunch and supper are similar to each other. I usually choose meat and vegetables. Traditional Chinese cooking suits me very well. My favorite food is pumpkin with yolk. Chinese cabbages, beans and mushrooms are also among my favorites. I prefer fish to beef, and beef to pork. An obvious problem of my eating habits is that I almost never eat noodles or steamed bread or any other cooked wheat food. In conclusion, I usually like salty dishes because they are tasty. Student B Well, actually my daily meals are very simple and randomly taken, which means I do not have meals regularly. I sometimes have something to eat as meals, for example, rice cake for breakfast, fried rice and some pickles for lunch, and noodles for supper. I seldom have vegetables and fruit

because I think they are bland.Snacks such as chips,ice-cream and the like are the daily favorites for me. Student C Usually in the morning,I have a boiled egg and several pieces of whole-wheat bread with a glass of milk or soybean milk.Sometimes I have some fruit in order to have enough vitamins for the morning too.For lunch,I usually have rice with some meat and vegetables.Sometimes I have noodles too.I prefer light food because it's much healthier.Although I am not from the region where people eat spicy food,my tongue is really a big fan of it,so I eat spicy food from time to time.For supper,I don't eat much.Fruit and vegetables are my preferences. At Home(for All): All of us have a much wider variety of food at home,like seafood,more snacks,more fruit,etc. Our parents take good care of our health and love to cook delicious and healthy food for us when we are back home.So in holidays and vacations we can enjoy better food. 2.Advice on the Improvement of the Diet: For StudentA Student A should have less salty food because it's unhealthy.What's more,rice and wheat are important main food for people,so anyone should have an appropriate amount of them.I suggest that he/she should try to have more wheat food and more bland food. For Student B Student B's diet is unhealthy and could be a negative example for young people,because it's fast and non-nutritious.First of all,I suggest that he she should have a regular breakfast if possible. Then,he she should eat more fruit and vegetables because they can provide necessary vitamins for the body.Finally,snacks are tasty but eating too many may cause one to become fat.So I hope he /she will change his/her eating habits. For Student C Student C's eating habit should be recommended for all of us.His /Her diet not only contains enough vitamins and energy for daily work but also meets his her needs for taste.I think we should follow his/her example because the food is really healthy.But,I don't think we should eat too much spicy food because it is bad for the stomach. Additional activity Jokes and Riddles About Food STEP ONE Work in groups and guess what they are. 1 What food is never alone? Answer:Pear. 2 What room cannot people live in? Answer:Mushroom STEPTWO Read the following riddles about food and try to remember them. 1 Riddle:What do you call a chicken running down the road? Answer:Fast food. 2 Riddle:What kind of vegetable gets into a lot of fights? Answer:A black-eyed pea(豇豆). 3 Riddle:What science do you learn when you shake a can of pop?

5 because I think they are bland. Snacks such as chips, ice-cream and the like are the daily favorites for me. Student C Usually in the morning, I have a boiled egg and several pieces of whole-wheat bread with a glass of milk or soybean milk. Sometimes I have some fruit in order to have enough vitamins for the morning too. For lunch, I usually have rice with some meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles too. I prefer light food because it’s much healthier. Although I am not from the region where people eat spicy food, my tongue is really a big fan of it, so I eat spicy food from time to time. For supper, I don’t eat much. Fruit and vegetables are my preferences. At Home (for All): All of us have a much wider variety of food at home, like seafood, more snacks, more fruit, etc. Our parents take good care of our health and love to cook delicious and healthy food for us when we are back home. So in holidays and vacations we can enjoy better food. 2. Advice on the Improvement of the Diet: For Student A Student A should have less salty food because it’s unhealthy. What’s more, rice and wheat are important main food for people, so anyone should have an appropriate amount of them. I suggest that he / she should try to have more wheat food and more bland food. For Student B Student B’s diet is unhealthy and could be a negative example for young people, because it’s fast and non-nutritious. First of all, I suggest that he / she should have a regular breakfast if possible. Then, he / she should eat more fruit and vegetables because they can provide necessary vitamins for the body. Finally, snacks are tasty but eating too many may cause one to become fat. So I hope he / she will change his / her eating habits. For Student C Student C’s eating habit should be recommended for all of us. His / Her diet not only contains enough vitamins and energy for daily work but also meets his / her needs for taste. I think we should follow his / her example because the food is really healthy. But, I don’t think we should eat too much spicy food because it is bad for the stomach. Additional activity Jokes and Riddles About Food STEP ONE Work in groups and guess what they are. 1 What food is never alone? Answer: Pear. 2 What room cannot people live in? Answer: Mushroom. STEP TWO Read the following riddles about food and try to remember them. 1 Riddle: What do you call a chicken running down the road? Answer: Fast food. 2 Riddle: What kind of vegetable gets into a lot of fights? Answer: A black-eyed pea (豇豆). 3 Riddle: What science do you learn when you shake a can of pop?

Answer:Fizziks(嘶嘶作响)(physics). Part Two Reading-Centered Activities In-Class Reading Post-Reading Reading Comprehension 1 Country Taboo Reasons India cow 1)Cows help plow the fields. 2)Cow manure can be used as fertilizer. 3)Cow manure can be dried and burned to make a cooking fire. The United States dog 1)Dogs serve as companions for people. 2)Dogs serve as protection against thieves. Ancient Egypt Israel pork 1)Pork cooked insufficiently may spread disease. 2)People did not want to stay in one place to raise pigs. 2 1 nutrition,religion,the ways of life of different people 2 butterflies,rats,termites 3 calories,protein 4 there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be shipped cheaply for long distances by railroads 5 they go wherever they want to in the streets;they can eat anything from the supplies of the foodsellers on the streets w3 Sample 1 Differences: People in northern China like noodles,jiaozi,steamed rolls,etc.while people in southern China prefer rice. ·People in northern China eat a lot of Chinese cabbage(大白菜),while people in southern China eat a lot of other vegetables. People in Southeast China like soup very much,while people in the north rarely have soup. People in East China eat a lot of seafood,while people in West China eat a lot of beef and lamb. People in some provinces,such as Sichuan,Hunan and Hubei,like food that tastes hot,while people in some other places like Jiangsu and Zhejiang enjoy food that tastes a little bit sweet Possible Reasons: I think the differences are related to people's tastes,the availability of foods,weather,soil and geographical conditions,etc.For instance,the northern part of China is very cold in winter and it is cool all the year round,so people need to eat some food of high calories in order to maintain

6 Answer: Fizziks (嘶嘶作响) (physics). Part Two Reading-Centered Activities In-Class Reading Post-Reading Reading Comprehension 1 Country Taboo Reasons India cow 1) Cows help plow the fields. 2) Cow manure can be used as fertilizer. 3) Cow manure can be dried and burned to make a cooking fire. The United States dog 1) Dogs serve as companions for people. 2) Dogs serve as protection against thieves. Ancient Egypt & Israel pork 1) Pork cooked insufficiently may spread disease. 2) People did not want to stay in one place to raise pigs. 2 1 nutrition, religion, the ways of life of different people 2 butterflies, rats, termites 3 calories, protein 4 there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be shipped cheaply for long distances by railroads 5 they go wherever they want to in the streets; they can eat anything from the supplies of the foodsellers on the streets 3 Sample 1 Differences: • People in northern China like noodles, jiaozi, steamed rolls, etc. while people in southern China prefer rice. • People in northern China eat a lot of Chinese cabbage (大白菜), while people in southern China eat a lot of other vegetables. • People in Southeast China like soup very much, while people in the north rarely have soup. • People in East China eat a lot of seafood, while people in West China eat a lot of beef and lamb. • People in some provinces, such as Sichuan, Hunan and Hubei, like food that tastes hot, while people in some other places like Jiangsu and Zhejiang enjoy food that tastes a little bit sweet. Possible Reasons: I think the differences are related to people’s tastes, the availability of foods, weather, soil and geographical conditions, etc. For instance, the northern part of China is very cold in winter and it is cool all the year round, so people need to eat some food of high calories in order to maintain

their body temperature.Farmers in the north grow a lot of wheat because the weather and soil are good for the grain,so people in the area eat a lot of cooked wheat food like noodles,steamed bread rolls and the like.People in Zhejiang,Jiangsu,Shanghai and other places on the coast can get seafood easily so they eat more seafood than those living in the inner part of China 2.When I was younger and saw people eat things I didn't like,my first reaction was disgust.I just couldn't understand how people could eat such nauseating things.Sometimes I felt that people were cruel when they ate animals that were a help to human beings.As I grew older and traveled to different places I began to be more tolerant.I dislike many things but I don't care if other people like them.I know it's just personal preferences.When I'm faced with this kind of situation, I'll order something I like to get rid of the smell and will not look at the food I dislike. .I don't mind what other people prefer eating.People can have different likes and dislikes. Nowadays a variety of foods are available and people can have their own choices.Many people don't mind trying anything new,even food from other countries.When we eat out with other people,we have a lot of opportunities to try something we haven't had before.Some of the new dishes are very tasty indeed.But we have to think about our environment as well as health before eating. Vocabulary 1 1 common 2 appropriate 3 forbidden 4 supplies 5 related 6 evidence 7 requires 8 raise 9 spread 10 sufficiently 2 1 disgusting 2 habit 3 insects 4 reasonable 5 relatively 6 animals 7 harvested 8 grow 9 nearly 10 other 11 altogether 12 consumed 13 avoided 14 popular 15 offers 16 served 17 would 18 enjoyed 19 considered 20 reject 3 1G2F3B4C5H6E718D9A10J Translation 1 We regard him as the best player in the game. 2 The scientist picked up those little pieces of rock and carefully put them into a box. 3 The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States. 4 The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to the little boy. 5 She was standing by the window,apparently quite calm and relaxed. 6 Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales. 7 She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light. 8 People no longer trusted him after that incident. Part Three Further Development 1.Grammar Review 1“As”introduces an adverbial clause of comparison(比较) 2“As”introduces an adverbial clause of time(时间), 3“As”introduces an adverbial clause of manner(方式) 4“As”introduces an adverbial clause of cause or reason(原因)

7 their body temperature. Farmers in the north grow a lot of wheat because the weather and soil are good for the grain, so people in the area eat a lot of cooked wheat food like noodles, steamed bread / rolls and the like. People in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places on the coast can get seafood easily so they eat more seafood than those living in the inner part of China. 2 • When I was younger and saw people eat things I didn’t like, my first reaction was disgust. I just couldn’t understand how people could eat such nauseating things. Sometimes I felt that people were cruel when they ate animals that were a help to human beings. As I grew older and traveled to different places I began to be more tolerant. I dislike many things but I don’t care if other people like them. I know it’s just personal preferences. When I’m faced with this kind of situation, I’ll order something I like to get rid of the smell and will not look at the food I dislike. • I don’t mind what other people prefer eating. People can have different likes and dislikes. Nowadays a variety of foods are available and people can have their own choices. Many people don’t mind trying anything new, even food from other countries. When we eat out with other people, we have a lot of opportunities to try something we haven’t had before. Some of the new dishes are very tasty indeed. But we have to think about our environment as well as health before eating. Vocabulary 1 1 common 2 appropriate 3 forbidden 4 supplies 5 related 6 evidence 7 requires 8 raise 9 spread 10 sufficiently 2 1 disgusting 2 habit 3 insects 4 reasonable 5 relatively 6 animals 7 harvested 8 grow 9 nearly 10 other 11 altogether 12 consumed 13 avoided 14 popular 15 offers 16 served 17 would 18 enjoyed 19 considered 20 reject 3 1 G 2 F 3 B 4 C 5 H 6 E 7 I 8 D 9 A 10 J Translation 1 We regard him as the best player in the game. 2 The scientist picked up those little pieces of rock and carefully put them into a box. 3 The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States. 4 The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to the little boy. 5 She was standing by the window, apparently quite calm and relaxed. 6 Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales. 7 She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light. 8 People no longer trusted him after that incident. Part Three Further Development 1. Grammar Review 1 “As” introduces an adverbial clause of comparison (比较). 2 “As” introduces an adverbial clause of time (时间). 3 “As” introduces an adverbial clause of manner (方式). 4 “As” introduces an adverbial clause of cause or reason (原因)

5“As”introduces an adverbial clause of concession(让步). 2.Vocabulary Review 1 neglects omit:not include sb.or sth.,either deliberately or because you forget to do it neglect:fail to look after or give the proper amount of attention 2 persists persist:continue to do sth.even if it is difficult or if one faces opposition insist:say firmly that sth.must be done or provided 3 retaining retain:keep sth.,continue to have sth. contain:include effective efficient:working successfully,without wasting time or energy effective:good at producing or causing the intended results 5 reserved preserve:maintain or keep alive (a memory or quality) reserve:put aside or keep sth.for a later occasion or special use 6 single single:You use single to indicate that you are considering something on its own and separately from other things like it. singular:The singular form of a word is the form that is used when referring to one person or thing. 7 version vision:one's ability to see clearly with one's eyes version:a particular variant of sth. 8 taken up pick up:lift sth.up take up:fill (space or time) 3.Food Proverbs and Food Preparation SectionA 1D2E3B4F5G6C7A Explanations: 1 Halfa loaf is better than none.有一点总比没有好。 Meaning:Even if you have only a little,it is better than none at all. 2 The proof of the pudding is in the eating.布丁好坏,一尝便知。 Meaning:Something new can only be judged to be good or bad after it has been tried or used

8 5 “As” introduces an adverbial clause of concession (让步). 2. Vocabulary Review 1 neglects omit: not include sb. or sth., either deliberately or because you forget to do it neglect: fail to look after or give the proper amount of attention 2 persists persist: continue to do sth. even if it is difficult or if one faces opposition insist: say firmly that sth. must be done or provided 3 retaining retain: keep sth., continue to have sth. contain: include 4 effective efficient: working successfully, without wasting time or energy effective: good at producing or causing the intended results 5 reserved preserve: maintain or keep alive (a memory or quality) reserve: put aside or keep sth. for a later occasion or special use 6 single single: You use single to indicate that you are considering something on its own and separately from other things like it. singular: The singular form of a word is the form that is used when referring to one person or thing. 7 version vision: one’s ability to see clearly with one’s eyes version: a particular variant of sth. 8 taken up pick up: lift sth. up take up: fill (space or time) 3. Food Proverbs and Food Preparation Section A 1 D 2 E 3 B 4 F 5 G 6 C 7 A Explanations: 1 Half a loaf is better than none. 有一点总比没有好。 Meaning: Even if you have only a little, it is better than none at all. 2 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁好坏,一尝便知。 Meaning: Something new can only be judged to be good or bad after it has been tried or used

3 Too many cooks spoil the broth.厨师多了烧坏汤。 Meaning:If there are too many people trying to do the same job at the same time,the job will not be done well. 4 One man's meat is another man's poison.甲之熊掌,乙之砒霜: Meaning:Something that one person likes may not be liked by someone else 5 You can't have your cake and eat it too.两者不可兼得。 Meaning:If you eat your cake,you can't have it.In other words,one can't have two good things at the same time. 6Don't put all your eggs in one basket..不要把一切希望寄托在一件事上。 Meaning:Don't depend completely on one thing or one course of action in order to achieve success.Or one should try alternative ways. 7It's no use crying over spilt milk.不要做无益的后悔。 Meaning:It's useless to waste time feeling sorry about an earlier mistake or problem that can't be changed. Section B STEP ONE Sample Rice,tomato soup with eggs,some pineapple,roast chicken leg,baked beans,some apples .Rice,onion with eggs(fried),tomato slices with sugar,potato crisps/chips,some milk. Roast potato,fried chicken leg,tuna,tomato soup with eggs,some pineapple. Four boiled eggs,some milk,baked beans,tomato soup,some apples. Rice,two omelets,some tuna,some pineapple,some yogurt. Fried rice with pineapple,chicken and baked beans,tuna with mashed potatoes,scrambled eggs with stir-fried tomatoes,apple,yogurt,strawberry jam. How to Make Some of the Dishes: Fried rice with pineapple,chicken and baked beans: 1 Flay the chicken leg and cut the meat into small cubes. 2 Cut the pineapple into small cubes too. 3 Steam the rice.After it cools down,stir-fry it with the pineapple and chicken cubes. 4 Decorate the dish with some baked beans. Tuna with mashed potatoes: 1 Slice the onion and cut it into small cubes. 2 Roast the onion cubes and put them into a container. 3 Boil two to three potatoes,and after peeling them,mash them. 4 Add some spices,salt and pepper to the potato mash. 5 Roast the tuna. 6 Mix the roasted tuna,potato mash and the roasted onion together. 4.Eating at Cassandra's STEPTWO Teaching tips 1.Role-play is an activity in which one pretends to be in a particular situation,especially to help one learn a language or deal with a problem.It is a very useful activity and popular with the students,because in doing this activity the students can imagine themselves in a particular situation,assume a particular role,and think about the things to say,to do and ways to solve a 9

9 3 Too many cooks spoil the broth. 厨师多了烧坏汤。 Meaning: If there are too many people trying to do the same job at the same time, the job will not be done well. 4 One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 甲之熊掌,乙之砒霜。 Meaning: Something that one person likes may not be liked by someone else. 5 You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 两者不可兼得。 Meaning: If you eat your cake, you can’t have it. In other words, one can’t have two good things at the same time. 6 Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 不要把一切希望寄托在一件事上。 Meaning: Don’t depend completely on one thing or one course of action in order to achieve success. Or one should try alternative ways. 7 It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 不要做无益的后悔。 Meaning: It’s useless to waste time feeling sorry about an earlier mistake or problem that can’t be changed. Section B STEP ONE Sample • Rice, tomato soup with eggs, some pineapple, roast chicken leg, baked beans, some apples. • Rice, onion with eggs (fried), tomato slices with sugar, potato crisps / chips, some milk. • Roast potato, fried chicken leg, tuna, tomato soup with eggs, some pineapple. • Four boiled eggs, some milk, baked beans, tomato soup, some apples. • Rice, two omelets, some tuna, some pineapple, some yogurt. • Fried rice with pineapple, chicken and baked beans, tuna with mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs with stir-fried tomatoes, apple, yogurt, strawberry jam. How to Make Some of the Dishes: • Fried rice with pineapple, chicken and baked beans: 1 Flay the chicken leg and cut the meat into small cubes. 2 Cut the pineapple into small cubes too. 3 Steam the rice. After it cools down, stir-fry it with the pineapple and chicken cubes. 4 Decorate the dish with some baked beans. • Tuna with mashed potatoes: 1 Slice the onion and cut it into small cubes. 2 Roast the onion cubes and put them into a container. 3 Boil two to three potatoes, and after peeling them, mash them. 4 Add some spices, salt and pepper to the potato mash. 5 Roast the tuna. 6 Mix the roasted tuna, potato mash and the roasted onion together. 4. Eating at Cassandra’s STEP TWO Teaching tips 1. Role-play is an activity in which one pretends to be in a particular situation, especially to help one learn a language or deal with a problem. It is a very useful activity and popular with the students, because in doing this activity the students can imagine themselves in a particular situation, assume a particular role, and think about the things to say, to do and ways to solve a

particular problem.If well designed and organized,role-play can get the students fully involved and engaged in the activity. 2.The procedures of role-play To make a role-play activity successful,it is extremely important to assign the roles properly,with each role clearly defined.Of course,the situation must be well designed,interesting,challenging, thought-provoking and capable of encouraging the students'creativity,and on top of that,the situation must be as far as possible real and close to the students'life. i Instructions The teacher should explain the situation clearly,making sure that all the students understand the situation.The teacher then should give clear instructions as to how the activity should proceed. what is expected of each role,and what is the outcome of the activity. ii Assigning roles In assigning the roles,the teacher should consider various aspects including gender,language proficiency (especially oral proficiency),and personality,if the teacher knows the students well enough,and assign the right role to the right student.When time permits,the teacher may encourage the students to do the activity with the assigned roles,and then do the activity again with the roles shifted. iii Processes During the whole process,the teacher should move from one group to the other to ensure the smooth flow of the activity.More efforts should be made to help the groups with difficulty of one kind or another. iv Presentation After all the groups have finished the role-play,the teacher may invite some groups to do a presentation to the whole class.Students may also volunteer to do the presentation.The teacher must make sure that all the other students are listening and watching carefully when one group is doing the presentation. v Feedback In giving the feedback,it is advisable to invite comments from the students first,which partly helps to make sure that the students listen and watch carefully when one group is giving the presentation.When giving the feedback,the teacher,rather than pointing out the students' grammatical errors or the inappropriate use of certain words,should try to find the merits and comment on them,and meanwhile pointing out areas for improvement. 3.Teacher's Role in This Activity The primary role of the teacher in this activity is that of organizer.The teacher should help to put students in proper groups,give clear instructions and assign proper roles.Apart from that,the teacher should also try to facilitate the smooth going of the activity and give timely help when students get stuck.Sometimes the teacher may also assume a certain role in the activity,which has proved very successful in some cases,but the disadvantage of it is that when the teacher is fully involved in one group,he/she may not have time to help the other groups. Task A:Phone Order Dialog Sample (Worker Cassandra's Worker) Worker:May I help you? Betsy:Yes.I'd like to place an order to be picked up at 6:00. o

10 particular problem. If well designed and organized, role-play can get the students fully involved and engaged in the activity. 2. The procedures of role-play To make a role-play activity successful, it is extremely important to assign the roles properly, with each role clearly defined. Of course, the situation must be well designed, interesting, challenging, thought-provoking and capable of encouraging the students’ creativity, and on top of that, the situation must be as far as possible real and close to the students’ life. i Instructions The teacher should explain the situation clearly, making sure that all the students understand the situation. The teacher then should give clear instructions as to how the activity should proceed, what is expected of each role, and what is the outcome of the activity. ii Assigning roles In assigning the roles, the teacher should consider various aspects including gender, language proficiency (especially oral proficiency), and personality, if the teacher knows the students well enough, and assign the right role to the right student. When time permits, the teacher may encourage the students to do the activity with the assigned roles, and then do the activity again with the roles shifted. iii Processes During the whole process, the teacher should move from one group to the other to ensure the smooth flow of the activity. More efforts should be made to help the groups with difficulty of one kind or another. iv Presentation After all the groups have finished the role-play, the teacher may invite some groups to do a presentation to the whole class. Students may also volunteer to do the presentation. The teacher must make sure that all the other students are listening and watching carefully when one group is doing the presentation. v Feedback In giving the feedback, it is advisable to invite comments from the students first, which partly helps to make sure that the students listen and watch carefully when one group is giving the presentation. When giving the feedback, the teacher, rather than pointing out the students’ grammatical errors or the inappropriate use of certain words, should try to find the merits and comment on them, and meanwhile pointing out areas for improvement. 3. Teacher’s Role in This Activity The primary role of the teacher in this activity is that of organizer. The teacher should help to put students in proper groups, give clear instructions and assign proper roles. Apart from that, the teacher should also try to facilitate the smooth going of the activity and give timely help when students get stuck. Sometimes the teacher may also assume a certain role in the activity, which has proved very successful in some cases, but the disadvantage of it is that when the teacher is fully involved in one group, he / she may not have time to help the other groups. Task A: Phone Order Dialog Sample (Worker = Cassandra’s Worker) Worker: May I help you? Betsy: Yes. I’d like to place an order to be picked up at 6:00



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