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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第二册)B2U3_Self-market_Reading Material_B2U3课文翻译及课后练习答案


Unit 1 Born to Win In-Class Reading Born to Win 生而成功 任何事都不可能由别人来教你,只能在别人的帮助下靠自己去发现。 一伽利略 1每个人生来都是独特的,与众不同的。每个人天生都具有在生活中获得成功的能力。每个 正常人都能够看、听、触摸、品尝,并且思考自己的事情。每个人都有自己的潜在特性一一 他的能力和局限。每个人都能凭自己的本事成为举足轻重、会思考、明事理、富有创造性的 人一一一个成功的人。 2“成功者”和“失败者”这两个词有多种意思。当我们把一个人称作成功者时,我们所指 的并不是一个通过优势控制他人、令其失败而获得成功的人,而是一个无论作为个体或是社 会成员都能够让人信赖并能迅速地采取行动做出真诚回应的人。失败者则是一个未能作出真 诚回应的人。 3很少有人总是成功或总是失败。这(成败)只是一个程度的问题。然而,一个人一旦具备 了成为成功者的能力,他获得成功的次数就会更多。 4对成功者来说成就不是最重要的:最重要的是真诚。真诚的人知道自己的独特之处,也欣 赏他人的独特之处。 5成功者是不怕独立思考并运用自己的知识的人。他能把客观事实与主观意见区分开来,而 且不会装作能解决一切问题。他倾听他人、评价他们所说的话,但他会得出自己的结论。 6成功者能灵活变通。他不会采用已有的、刻板的方式行事。他能根据形势的需要改变自己 的计划。成功者热爱生活。他乐于工作、喜爱游玩、享受美食、欣赏他人和自然带来的乐趣。 他心安理得地从自己的成就中享受乐趣。他(也)毫无妒忌地欣赏他人的成绩。 7成功者关心天下,关爱世人。他关注社会上普遍存在的问题,努力提高生活质量。即使面 对国内和国际上的难题,他也不会认为自己是无能为力的。他尽己所能使世界变得更美好。 8尽管人们生来都具有成功的潜质,但也是生来就要完全依赖于所处环境的。成功者会顺利 地完成从依赖到独立的转变。失败者则没有做到这一点。在这一过程的某个时候失败者开始 回避变得独立,而这种情况通常始于童年时期。营养不良、遭受虐待、不愉快的人际关系、 疾病、长期的失望,以及身体上得不到充分的照料等(经历)都会导致人们成为失败者。 9失败者不善于通过一系列可以采取的行为来恰当地表达自己,这阻碍了他获得成功。如果 他所选择的生活道路毫无前途的话,他可能不知道对自己的生活还可以有其他选择。他不敢 尝试新事物,他不仅重复自身的错误而且常常重复自己家庭和文化群体的错误。 10一个失败者很难去爱别人,也很难得到别人的爱。他不和他人建立亲密、真诚、直接的 关系。相反,他试图使别人按照他的期望生活,也尽量使自己按他人的期望生活。 After-Class Reading 迟做总比不做好 1他躺在草丛中,躲在那儿,同时思索着。 2他研究了这个小女孩的习惯。他知道下午三点左右她会从外祖父的房子里出来玩耍。 3他为此举痛恨自己。 4在他悲惨的一生中,他还从来没有考虑过任何像绑架这样冷酷无情的事情

1 Unit 1 Born to Win In-Class Reading Born to Win 生 而 成 功 任何事都不可能由别人来教你,只能在别人的帮助下靠自己去发现。 ——伽利略 1 每个人生来都是独特的,与众不同的。每个人天生都具有在生活中获得成功的能力。每个 正常人都能够看、听、触摸、品尝,并且思考自己的事情。每个人都有自己的潜在特性—— 他的能力和局限。每个人都能凭自己的本事成为举足轻重、会思考、明事理、富有创造性的 人——一个成功的人。 2 “成功者”和“失败者”这两个词有多种意思。当我们把一个人称作成功者时,我们所指 的并不是一个通过优势控制他人、令其失败而获得成功的人,而是一个无论作为个体或是社 会成员都能够让人信赖并能迅速地采取行动做出真诚回应的人。失败者则是一个未能作出真 诚回应的人。 3 很少有人总是成功或总是失败。这(成败)只是一个程度的问题。然而,一个人一旦具备 了成为成功者的能力,他获得成功的次数就会更多。 4 对成功者来说成就不是最重要的;最重要的是真诚。真诚的人知道自己的独特之处,也欣 赏他人的独特之处。 5 成功者是不怕独立思考并运用自己的知识的人。他能把客观事实与主观意见区分开来,而 且不会装作能解决一切问题。他倾听他人、评价他们所说的话,但他会得出自己的结论。 6 成功者能灵活变通。他不会采用已有的、刻板的方式行事。他能根据形势的需要改变自己 的计划。成功者热爱生活。他乐于工作、喜爱游玩、享受美食、欣赏他人和自然带来的乐趣。 他心安理得地从自己的成就中享受乐趣。他(也)毫无妒忌地欣赏他人的成绩。 7 成功者关心天下,关爱世人。他关注社会上普遍存在的问题,努力提高生活质量。即使面 对国内和国际上的难题,他也不会认为自己是无能为力的。他尽己所能使世界变得更美好。 8 尽管人们生来都具有成功的潜质,但也是生来就要完全依赖于所处环境的。成功者会顺利 地完成从依赖到独立的转变。失败者则没有做到这一点。在这一过程的某个时候失败者开始 回避变得独立,而这种情况通常始于童年时期。营养不良、遭受虐待、不愉快的人际关系、 疾病、长期的失望,以及身体上得不到充分的照料等(经历)都会导致人们成为失败者。 9 失败者不善于通过一系列可以采取的行为来恰当地表达自己,这阻碍了他获得成功。如果 他所选择的生活道路毫无前途的话,他可能不知道对自己的生活还可以有其他选择。他不敢 尝试新事物,他不仅重复自身的错误而且常常重复自己家庭和文化群体的错误。 10 一个失败者很难去爱别人,也很难得到别人的爱。他不和他人建立亲密、真诚、直接的 关系。相反,他试图使别人按照他的期望生活,也尽量使自己按他人的期望生活。 After-Class Reading 迟做总比不做好 1 他躺在草丛中,躲在那儿,同时思索着。 2 他研究了这个小女孩的习惯。他知道下午三点左右她会从外祖父的房子里出来玩耍。 3 他为此举痛恨自己。 4 在他悲惨的一生中,他还从来没有考虑过任何像绑架这样冷酷无情的事情

5然而此时此刻他却躺在草丛里,被树木遮掩着,房子里的人看不见他。他正等待着一个天 真无邪、红头发、两岁大的小女孩向他走近。 6这是一次漫长的等待:有时间进行思考。 7可能在哈伦德的一生中,一切都太过匆忙。 85岁的时候,他那当农民的山地人父亲就去世了。 914岁的时候,他就从格林伍德中学辍学,开始到处流浪。 10他做过农场的临时工,但他不喜欢那工作。 11他尝试做过公共汽车的售票员,但也不喜欢那工作。 12在16岁的时候,他谎报年龄参了军一一可他也不喜欢当兵。在一年的服役期满后,他前 往阿拉巴马州,在那儿试着做铁匠,但没有成功。 13(后来)他成了南方铁路公司的铁路机车司炉工。他喜欢那工作,以为自己找到了真正 的自我。 14在18岁的时候,他结了婚。谁知道没几个月,就在他说自己又被解雇了的那一天,他妻 子说她怀孕了。 15接着,有一天,当他外出找工作的时候,他年轻的妻子散尽他们所有的家产回娘家去了。 16接下来就是经济萧条时期。 17正如人们所说的那样,哈伦德失去得太多,赢不回来了。 18他确实努力了。 19一度,当他在铁路上不断地打各种零工的时候,他尝试过通过函授学习法律。 20但他也半途而废了。 21他尝试过卖保险、卖轮胎。 22他尝试过开渡轮,经营加油站,但都没有用。 23面对现实吧一一哈伦德是一个失败者。 24他现在正躲在弗吉尼亚州罗阿诺克郊外的杂草丛里,筹划一次绑架。 25就如我所说的,他已经观察过这个小女孩的习惯,知道她下午玩耍的时间。 26但是,这一天,小女孩却没有出来玩,所以他那失败之链依旧没有中断。 27在他后来的生活中,他成了科尔宾一家餐馆的主厨和刷瓶工。一切都挺好,直到有一天 新的公路绕餐馆而过。 28这个时候他已经步入晚年。 29当走到人生的暮年时还没有任何可以称道的事情,他不是第一个,也不是最后一个。 30预报幸福的蓝色知更鸟,或者其他什么,总是与他擦肩而过。 31他一直是诚实的一一除了那次他曾试图绑架外。为了对他公平起见,有一点必须指出, 他是想从他那离家出走的妻子那儿绑架走自己的亲生女儿。 32不管怎么说,就在第二天,她们又都重新回到了他的身边。 33但是现在许多年已经过去了,一辈子就要走完,但他和家人还是一无所有。 34他从未真正感觉到自己老了,直到有一天,邮递员带来了他的第一份社会救济金支票。 那一天,哈伦德的内心感到愤恨、抵触,他勃然大怒。 35政府在可怜他。 36是放弃和退休的时候了。 37科尔宾餐馆的顾客们说他们会想念他的,但是他的政府却说生日蛋糕上有65支蜡烛己经 够多了。他们寄来了退休金的支票,并且说他已经“老了”。 38他说:“呸!混蛋!” 39他感到十分愤怒,于是他用这105美元的支票开始了一番新的生意。 40今天,这份生意仍然兴隆。在他死前的20多年时间里,他一直经营得十分成功

2 5 然而此时此刻他却躺在草丛里,被树木遮掩着,房子里的人看不见他。他正等待着一个天 真无邪、红头发、两岁大的小女孩向他走近。 6 这是一次漫长的等待;有时间进行思考。 7 可能在哈伦德的一生中,一切都太过匆忙。 8 5 岁的时候,他那当农民的山地人父亲就去世了。 9 14 岁的时候,他就从格林伍德中学辍学,开始到处流浪。 10 他做过农场的临时工,但他不喜欢那工作。 11 他尝试做过公共汽车的售票员,但也不喜欢那工作。 12 在 16 岁的时候,他谎报年龄参了军——可他也不喜欢当兵。在一年的服役期满后,他前 往阿拉巴马州,在那儿试着做铁匠,但没有成功。 13 (后来)他成了南方铁路公司的铁路机车司炉工。他喜欢那工作,以为自己找到了真正 的自我。 14 在 18 岁的时候,他结了婚。谁知道没几个月,就在他说自己又被解雇了的那一天,他妻 子说她怀孕了。 15 接着,有一天,当他外出找工作的时候,他年轻的妻子散尽他们所有的家产回娘家去了。 16 接下来就是经济萧条时期。 17 正如人们所说的那样,哈伦德失去得太多,赢不回来了。 18 他确实努力了。 19 一度,当他在铁路上不断地打各种零工的时候,他尝试过通过函授学习法律。 20 但他也半途而废了。 21 他尝试过卖保险、卖轮胎。 22 他尝试过开渡轮,经营加油站,但都没有用。 23 面对现实吧——哈伦德是一个失败者。 24 他现在正躲在弗吉尼亚州罗阿诺克郊外的杂草丛里,筹划一次绑架。 25 就如我所说的,他已经观察过这个小女孩的习惯,知道她下午玩耍的时间。 26 但是,这一天,小女孩却没有出来玩,所以他那失败之链依旧没有中断。 27 在他后来的生活中,他成了科尔宾一家餐馆的主厨和刷瓶工。一切都挺好,直到有一天 新的公路绕餐馆而过。 28 这个时候他已经步入晚年。 29 当走到人生的暮年时还没有任何可以称道的事情,他不是第一个,也不是最后一个。 30 预报幸福的蓝色知更鸟,或者其他什么,总是与他擦肩而过。 31 他一直是诚实的——除了那次他曾试图绑架外。为了对他公平起见,有一点必须指出, 他是想从他那离家出走的妻子那儿绑架走自己的亲生女儿。 32 不管怎么说,就在第二天,她们又都重新回到了他的身边。 33 但是现在许多年已经过去了,一辈子就要走完,但他和家人还是一无所有。 34 他从未真正感觉到自己老了,直到有一天,邮递员带来了他的第一份社会救济金支票。 那一天,哈伦德的内心感到愤恨、抵触,他勃然大怒。 35 政府在可怜他。 36 是放弃和退休的时候了。 37 科尔宾餐馆的顾客们说他们会想念他的,但是他的政府却说生日蛋糕上有 65 支蜡烛已经 够多了。他们寄来了退休金的支票,并且说他已经“老了”。 38 他说:“呸!混蛋!” 39 他感到十分愤怒,于是他用这 105 美元的支票开始了一番新的生意。 40 今天,这份生意仍然兴隆。在他死前的 20 多年时间里,他一直经营得十分成功

41这个事事皆败仅一事成功的人一一这个要不是因为失败就成为一个触犯法律的绑架者一 一这个直到该停止的时候才开始的人一一就是哈伦德·桑德斯。 42这份用他第一笔社会救济金启动的生意就是肯德基炸鸡。接下来的故事你就都知道了。 课内阅读练习答案 Part One Preparation 1.What Does Winning Mean? STEP ONE Sample Winning means being No.I or one of the best in your field. Winning means being able to make great contributions to society. Winning means being able to overcome great difficulties that others can't. Winning means being successful in business. Winning means doing what you enjoy and being good at it. Winning means having good health and a happy family. Winning means that you can be the kind of person you want to be. .Winning means being happy and content with your current life STEPTWO Sample From the answers we got,we can see that most students think winning doesn't mean having a lot of money or being someone important.Most students think that winning means being able to do what one is interested in and do it well.What's more,health and a happy family are also considered very important for a winner. According to what we got from our interviewees,the brightest and the best in different fields or professions are winners.Most students admire and respect them very much and hope they can be one of them someday.They feel these people are great contributors to our society,and also the driving force for the development and progress of humanity. 2.Winners in My Eyes Sample I think Helen Keller was a winner.Even though she became blind and deaf at a very early age, she didn't give up.With the help of her teacher,she too became a teacher,writer and lecturer.She couldn't see or hear,but she learned to read and write by touch and feel.Helen also learned several foreign languages:French,German,Latin and Greek.She always wanted to try what others could do.What she achieved was really amazing. For me,my father is a winner.He was born into a very poor family.He hardly had enough to eat when he was a child.Every week he had to walk 20 kilometers to get to school and another 20 kilometers to go back home.Before long he dropped out because his family could no longer afford 3

3 41 这个事事皆败仅一事成功的人——这个要不是因为失败就成为一个触犯法律的绑架者— —这个直到该停止的时候才开始的人——就是哈伦德·桑德斯。 42 这份用他第一笔社会救济金启动的生意就是肯德基炸鸡。接下来的故事你就都知道了。 课内阅读练习答案 Part One Preparation 1. What Does Winning Mean? STEP ONE Sample • Winning means being No. 1 or one of the best in your field. • Winning means being able to make great contributions to society. • Winning means being able to overcome great difficulties that others can’t. • Winning means being successful in business. • Winning means doing what you enjoy and being good at it. • Winning means having good health and a happy family. • Winning means that you can be the kind of person you want to be. • Winning means being happy and content with your current life. STEP TWO Sample • From the answers we got, we can see that most students think winning doesn’t mean having a lot of money or being someone important. Most students think that winning means being able to do what one is interested in and do it well. What’s more, health and a happy family are also considered very important for a winner. • According to what we got from our interviewees, the brightest and the best in different fields or professions are winners. Most students admire and respect them very much and hope they can be one of them someday. They feel these people are great contributors to our society, and also the driving force for the development and progress of humanity. 2. Winners in My Eyes Sample • I think Helen Keller was a winner. Even though she became blind and deaf at a very early age, she didn’t give up. With the help of her teacher, she too became a teacher, writer and lecturer. She couldn’t see or hear, but she learned to read and write by touch and feel. Helen also learned several foreign languages: French, German, Latin and Greek. She always wanted to try what others could do. What she achieved was really amazing. • For me, my father is a winner. He was born into a very poor family. He hardly had enough to eat when he was a child. Every week he had to walk 20 kilometers to get to school and another 20 kilometers to go back home. Before long he dropped out because his family could no longer afford

to send him to school,and he had to work in the fields.However,he taught himself and became a teacher of a village school.He was determined to send my brothers and me to school.Now my brothers and I are all studying in national key universities.My father may seem to be a very ordinary person to other people,but to me,he is a real winner.He is a hero in our family. 3.What Accounts for Success? Sample I think intelligence,hard work and luck are the most important things First you must be intelligent.You won't be able to succeed if you are unintelligent.But,intelligence alone is not enough.You also need to work hard.Success is something you have to earn painstakingly.Besides intelligence and hard work,luck or opportunity is also indispensable. For example,some people succeed,but others don't.This doesn't mean those who failed didn't work hard or weren't intelligent.They just lacked the right opportunity or luck.So,I think in order to succeed,these three elements are important:intelligence,hard work and good luck. In my opinion,the most important thing is to be prepared and perseverant.Opportunities favor only those who are prepared.Many people complain that they don't have the opportunity to succeed.That is not true.Very often they are not ready and don't see the opportunity,much less seize it.Perseverance is also very important.Once you start something,you shouldn't give up when you face difficulties.You need to try again and again to find a way to overcome them.There are many stories about how winners persist on the way to success. I think dreams and determination to pursue success are two vital factors.When you make up your mind to follow your dreams,you will become very independent and diligent.Physical fitness is also important to success.As the old saying goes,"Health is the capital to do revolutionary work."You also need support from your family and society.In other words,your family background and social relationships will contribute to your success if you can use them properly. Part Two Reading-Centered Activities In-Class Reading Post-Reading Reading Comprehension 1.Introduction(Para.1) Each person has the potential to win in his own way. 2.The meanings of"winner”"and"loser'”(Para.2) A winner is one who responds genuinely by being trustworthy and responsive. A loser is one who fails to respond genuinely. 3.Few people are winners or losers all the time.(Para.3) 4.Winners(Paras.4-7) Characteristics of a winner: AA winner is genuine. B A winner is not afraid to do his own thinking and to use his own knowledge. C A winner is flexible. D A winner has a love for life. E A winner cares about the world and its people. 5. Losers (Paras.8-10) 4

4 to send him to school, and he had to work in the fields. However, he taught himself and became a teacher of a village school. He was determined to send my brothers and me to school. Now my brothers and I are all studying in national key universities. My father may seem to be a very ordinary person to other people, but to me, he is a real winner. He is a hero in our family. 3. What Accounts for Success? Sample • I think intelligence, hard work and luck are the most important things. First you must be intelligent. You won’t be able to succeed if you are unintelligent. But, intelligence alone is not enough. You also need to work hard. Success is something you have to earn painstakingly. Besides intelligence and hard work, luck or opportunity is also indispensable. For example, some people succeed, but others don’t. This doesn’t mean those who failed didn’t work hard or weren’t intelligent. They just lacked the right opportunity or luck. So, I think in order to succeed, these three elements are important: intelligence, hard work and good luck. • In my opinion, the most important thing is to be prepared and perseverant. Opportunities favor only those who are prepared. Many people complain that they don’t have the opportunity to succeed. That is not true. Very often they are not ready and don’t see the opportunity, much less seize it. Perseverance is also very important. Once you start something, you shouldn’t give up when you face difficulties. You need to try again and again to find a way to overcome them. There are many stories about how winners persist on the way to success. • I think dreams and determination to pursue success are two vital factors. When you make up your mind to follow your dreams, you will become very independent and diligent. Physical fitness is also important to success. As the old saying goes, “Health is the capital to do revolutionary work.” You also need support from your family and society. In other words, your family background and social relationships will contribute to your success if you can use them properly. Part Two Reading-Centered Activities In-Class Reading Post-Reading Reading Comprehension 1. Introduction (Para. 1) Each person has the potential to win in his own way. 2. The meanings of “winner” and “loser” (Para. 2) A winner is one who responds genuinely by being trustworthy and responsive. A loser is one who fails to respond genuinely. 3. Few people are winners or losers all the time. (Para. 3) 4. Winners (Paras. 4-7) Characteristics of a winner: A A winner is genuine. B A winner is not afraid to do his own thinking and to use his own knowledge. C A winner is flexible. D A winner has a love for life. E A winner cares about the world and its people. 5. Losers (Paras. 8-10)

Possible causes:Poor nutrition,cruelty,unhappy relationships,disease,continuing disappointments,and inadequate physical care. Characteristics of a loser: AA loser lacks the ability to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behavior. B A loser has difficulty giving and receiving love 2.1C2A3A4B5C 3.Sample 1 Winners are honest and independent.They seldom imitate others.Though they learn from others, they make their own decisions.Winners are confident people.Only when people believe they could do something well will they have a chance to succeed.Winners are always energetic.They have great passion for people around them and are interested in everything they do.On the other hand,losers are often dependent and diffident.They expect others to help them and always think others are better.Losers always follow others.They seldom try to form their own opinions.Losers are always afraid of being laughed at by others,so they rarely take any risk. 2.I'm not a winner and I'm not a loser either.I'm afraid that I'm too shy and don't have enough confidence.For example,I don't dare to speak in front of others and seldom raise my hand to ask questions.I'm just an ordinary guy and do not excel in academic work.I need some encouragement to gain more confidence and will try my best to become a winner. I think I'm a winner.I was born and brought up in a small village.I'm the first person in our village to enter a university.I've been a good student and have many good friends.Though I am not the best in my class,I am always confident and know what I should do and what I shouldn't do.In most cases,I set a goal for myself and do my best to reach it.So,I consider myself to be a winner. Vocabulary 1 1.appreciate A be thankful or grateful for感激 B recognize and enjoy the good qualities or worth of sth.orsb.欣赏,赏识 2.capacity A the amount that sth.can hold or contain容量,容积,容纳力 B ability or power能力,才能 3.channel A(n.)a particular television station and the programs that it broadcasts B(v.)direct sth.toward a particular purpose把…导向,引导 4.contribute A join with others in giving捐献,捐赠,贡献出 B help to make sth.happen有助于,促成 5.flexible A that can bend or be bent easily有弹性的,柔韧的 B that can change or be changed to be suitable for new needs灵活的,可变通的 6.guilt A the recognition of having broken a moral rule or official law罪,罪行 B the feelings produced by knowledge or belief that one has done sth.wrong内疚,自责,悔恨

5 Possible causes: Poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships, disease, continuing disappointments, and inadequate physical care. Characteristics of a loser: A A loser lacks the ability to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behavior. B A loser has difficulty giving and receiving love. 2. 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 3. Sample 1 Winners are honest and independent. They seldom imitate others. Though they learn from others, they make their own decisions. Winners are confident people. Only when people believe they could do something well will they have a chance to succeed. Winners are always energetic. They have great passion for people around them and are interested in everything they do. On the other hand, losers are often dependent and diffident. They expect others to help them and always think others are better. Losers always follow others. They seldom try to form their own opinions. Losers are always afraid of being laughed at by others, so they rarely take any risk. 2 • I’m not a winner and I’m not a loser either. I’m afraid that I’m too shy and don’t have enough confidence. For example, I don’t dare to speak in front of others and seldom raise my hand to ask questions. I’m just an ordinary guy and do not excel in academic work. I need some encouragement to gain more confidence and will try my best to become a winner. • I think I’m a winner. I was born and brought up in a small village. I’m the first person in our village to enter a university. I’ve been a good student and have many good friends. Though I am not the best in my class, I am always confident and know what I should do and what I shouldn’t do. In most cases, I set a goal for myself and do my best to reach it. So, I consider myself to be a winner. Vocabulary 1 1. appreciate A be thankful or grateful for 感激 B recognize and enjoy the good qualities or worth of sth. or sb. 欣赏,赏识 2. capacity A the amount that sth. can hold or contain 容量,容积,容纳力 B ability or power 能力,才能 3. channel A (n.) a particular television station and the programs that it broadcasts 频道 B (v.) direct sth. toward a particular purpose 把……导向,引导 4. contribute A join with others in giving 捐献,捐赠,贡献出 B help to make sth. happen 有助于,促成 5. flexible A that can bend or be bent easily 有弹性的,柔韧的 B that can change or be changed to be suitable for new needs 灵活的,可变通的 6. guilt A the recognition of having broken a moral rule or official law 罪,罪行 B the feelings produced by knowledge or belief that one has done sth. wrong 内疚,自责,悔恨

7.potential A(adj.)likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future潜在的,可能的 B(n.)the inherent ability for growth and development潜力,潜能 8.rigid A stiff,not easy to bend硬的,不易弯曲的 B firm or fixed,.difficult or unwilling to change严格的,刻板的 2 achieve-achievement genuine-genuineness expect-expectation respond-response depend-dependence aware-awareness limit-limitation/limit disappoint-disappointment cruel-cruelty capable-capability unique-uniqueness behave-behavior 1 expectations 2 limitations 3 capability 4 achievement 5 response 6 awareness 7 behavior 8 disappointment 9 cruelty 10 dependence 3 1 entered into 2 channeled...into 3 holds/held back 4 unaware of 5 separates...from 6 referred to...as 7 lived up to 8 calls for 9 contributes to 10 see /saw...as Translation 1 A lot of things contributed to the end of my relationship with that company. 2 She showed great courage in the face of serious illness. 3 We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. 4 His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting. 5 Learning a language isn't just a matter of memorizing words. 6 Once she has made her decision,no one can hold her back. 7 They said they would study hard and live up to their parents'expectations. 8 The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new discovery in this field. Part Three Further Development 1.Grammar Review 1 Had they signed the contract ahead of time,they could not have missed the plan. 2 Had we not been interrupted yesterday,we would have finished the work 3 Had he not been working hard in the past five years,things wouldn't be going so smoothly. 4 Were they to cease advertising,prices would be significantly reduced. 5 Had you taken his advice.you wouldn't have made such a mistake. 2.Vocabulary Review 6 ranging 2 reject 3 bypassed 4 address 5 channeled 6 addressed 7 channel 8 reject 9 bypass 10 range 3.Winners or Losers? STEPTWO Sample It is hard to say who is a winner or a loser.Everybody has their own goal and if they manage to reach the goal,they win.But I can tell you which kind of life I appreciate and will strive for.The brothers that make up their minds to conquer the Himalayas are the kind of people I honor and 6

6 7. potential A (adj.) likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future 潜在的,可能的 B (n.) the inherent ability for growth and development 潜力,潜能 8. rigid A stiff, not easy to bend 硬的,不易弯曲的 B firm or fixed, difficult or unwilling to change 严格的,刻板的 2 achieve—achievement genuine—genuineness expect—expectation respond—response depend—dependence aware—awareness limit—limitation / limit disappoint—disappointment cruel—cruelty capable—capability unique—uniqueness behave—behavior 1 expectations 2 limitations 3 capability 4 achievement 5 response 6 awareness 7 behavior 8 disappointment 9 cruelty 10 dependence 3 1 entered into 2 channeled… into 3 holds / held back 4 unaware of 5 separates… from 6 referred to… as 7 lived up to 8 calls for 9 contributes to 10 see / saw… as Translation 1 A lot of things contributed to the end of my relationship with that company. 2 She showed great courage in the face of serious illness. 3 We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. 4 His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting. 5 Learning a language isn’t just a matter of memorizing words. 6 Once she has made her decision, no one can hold her back. 7 They said they would study hard and live up to their parents’ expectations. 8 The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new discovery in this field. Part Three Further Development 1.Grammar Review 1 Had they signed the contract ahead of time, they could not have missed the plan. 2 Had we not been interrupted yesterday, we would have finished the work. 3 Had he not been working hard in the past five years, things wouldn’t be going so smoothly. 4 Were they to cease advertising, prices would be significantly reduced. 5 Had you taken his advice, you wouldn’t have made such a mistake. 2 . Vocabulary Review 6 ranging 2 reject 3 bypassed 4 address 5 channeled 6 addressed 7 channel 8 reject 9 bypass 10 range 3. Winners or Losers? STEP TWO Sample • It is hard to say who is a winner or a loser. Everybody has their own goal and if they manage to reach the goal, they win. But I can tell you which kind of life I appreciate and will strive for. The brothers that make up their minds to conquer the Himalayas are the kind of people I honor and

admire most.I really appreciate their courage and determination.But I have to admit that I'm not that kind of person.I want to be successful in my future career and have a happy family,just the kind of life that James lives.I also hope to be famous in my chosen field. I'm eager to be successful,but it doesn't necessarily mean I want to achieve the kind of success John has.I hate the life John leads.A life with long hours in business and parties every night is intolerable.Even though he earns a lot of money and has many girlfriends,he might never find the person he really loves.That's not the happiness I long for.In short,if I can be a person like James, I think I'll be a winner. Compared with John and Kim,James is the only winner,I believe.He leads a peaceful life with a relaxed body and mind,which just matches my philosophy. John,by contrast,is a complete loser in life though he has a high position in business.He lives in a world full of lies and complaints,never gets love from his wife and his so-called girlfriends. Kim is a controversial example.I consider him a loser too,of a different kind though.I don't think one should reach a goal at the sacrifice of others'lives.Life belongs to us only once so it's too valuable to lose.To be able to conquer the mountain,they should have made much better preparations to minimize or eliminate any potential dangers.No matter what glory he gains for this action,the loss and pain he caused to others certainly dim the glory he received.Anyway,I still admire his bravery and determination. 4.Live Your Dreams Sample 1 The following is what Student A does in class: STEP ONE .Having a happy family (healthy parents,a loving wife and probably a child). .Being a professional in the field of mathematics. STEPTWO Being a professional in the field of medicine. Having my own company producing new drugs. Traveling all over the world. Staying in space a couple of weeks each year. STEP THREE Things are always changing,often with no control at all.Dreams are always perfect and sometimes are even fantasies.So,what I think I will be likely to do 10 years later can only be those things that have a very high probability and are within my reach.On the other hand,my dreams that I wish I could realize are just fantasies and have low probability.Frankly,a dream like "to be a professional in the field of medicine"is my ambition.But as you know,my major is mathematics, so it's unlikely that I will be an expert in medicine.However,I will try my best to make my dreams come true,such as establishing my own company that produces a variety of drugs to cure illnesses or free people from pains.In addition,I want to travel around the world to know about different countries,their people and their cultures.Since things are changing,who knows what could happen in the future? Sample 2 The following is what Student B does in class: STEP ONE >

7 admire most. I really appreciate their courage and determination. But I have to admit that I’m not that kind of person. I want to be successful in my future career and have a happy family, just the kind of life that James lives. I also hope to be famous in my chosen field. I’m eager to be successful, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I want to achieve the kind of success John has. I hate the life John leads. A life with long hours in business and parties every night is intolerable. Even though he earns a lot of money and has many girlfriends, he might never find the person he really loves. That’s not the happiness I long for. In short, if I can be a person like James, I think I’ll be a winner. • Compared with John and Kim, James is the only winner, I believe. He leads a peaceful life with a relaxed body and mind, which just matches my philosophy. John, by contrast, is a complete loser in life though he has a high position in business. He lives in a world full of lies and complaints, never gets love from his wife and his so-called girlfriends. Kim is a controversial example. I consider him a loser too, of a different kind though. I don’t think one should reach a goal at the sacrifice of others’ lives. Life belongs to us only once so it’s too valuable to lose. To be able to conquer the mountain, they should have made much better preparations to minimize or eliminate any potential dangers. No matter what glory he gains for this action, the loss and pain he caused to others certainly dim the glory he received. Anyway, I still admire his bravery and determination. 4. Live Your Dreams Sample 1 The following is what Student A does in class: STEP ONE • Having a happy family (healthy parents, a loving wife and probably a child). • Being a professional in the field of mathematics. STEP TWO • Being a professional in the field of medicine. • Having my own company producing new drugs. • Traveling all over the world. • Staying in space a couple of weeks each year. STEP THREE Things are always changing, often with no control at all. Dreams are always perfect and sometimes are even fantasies. So, what I think I will be likely to do 10 years later can only be those things that have a very high probability and are within my reach. On the other hand, my dreams that I wish I could realize are just fantasies and have low probability. Frankly, a dream like “to be a professional in the field of medicine” is my ambition. But as you know, my major is mathematics, so it’s unlikely that I will be an expert in medicine. However, I will try my best to make my dreams come true, such as establishing my own company that produces a variety of drugs to cure illnesses or free people from pains. In addition, I want to travel around the world to know about different countries, their people and their cultures. Since things are changing, who knows what could happen in the future? Sample 2 The following is what Student B does in class: STEP ONE

I will be studying in the U.S.to earn my PhD there and will be doing research afterward in biochemistry.At the same time,I will be learning French because I hope to go to France and stay there for a few years.I'll be looking for My Better Half and hopefully will be able to get married. STEPTWO To be studying in a university in France while doing a part-time job has been my dream.And I'd love to switch my major to psychology.I would lead a romantic and leisurely life,traveling around Europe on holidays.I would have enough money to buy a house by a river.Then I could do research during the day and read European novels and Chinese ancient poems at night with the river singing or murmuring as the background music.At the same time,I would be a member of a world organization to serve those in need and make some lifetime friends along the way. STEP THREE The reasons why they differ so much from each other are manifold.Since I'm a student here at the university I don't have many choices in the next four years.I can only study hard if I expect a bright future.For the following six years after graduation,it is too hard to imagine what will happen to me.There will be many uncertainties and possibilities,which make it hard to foresee my future after 10 years.Therefore I'm presenting to you a quite realistic picture of what I'll be doing.But what I dream to be doing remains a dream of mine.A few things might stand in my way of achieving my dreams.The first is my major.I don't think my parents will allow me to shift from biochemistry to psychology,because they don't think psychology can bring me a good future. The second is the language problem.I don't think I can master French well enough in a short time. Despite the big gap between reality and dreams,I keep the faith forever that I will try my best to make my dreams come true so long as I can see the dawn of tomorrow. 5.An Interview with a Successful Writer Sample Interviewer:Good afternoon I know you are a very famous writer.Could you please tell us what contributed to your success?Or,what do you think are the three most important qualities for your success? Writer:Thank you.As a matter of fact,it's very hard to say what qualities are the most important. The qualities that contribute to success vary from person to person,or vary from time to time.You know I've been working very hard.So I think diligence should be one of the qualities. Interviewer:OK,diligence.That's good.Then could you please list the other two? Writer:Yes.Since I am a writer,I think experience is also very important.Without experience,it would be very hard to do the writing,especially novels.If you want to tell others stories,you yourself should have a clear idea of what you are talking about. Interviewer:Yes,I agree.I was wondering how you gained your experience. Writer:Oh,through many different ways,such as traveling,talking with different sorts of people and taking different jobs. Interviewer:Sounds interesting.What is the third quality,then? Writer:The third one...I think is imagination.As a writer,one must be imaginative.One has to picture the scene in one's mind as if one were there on the spot. Interviewer:Yes,I agree entirely.So in your opinion,the most important qualities are diligence, experience,and imagination.Thank you very much for granting the interview. 6.That's Me! Sample

8 I will be studying in the U.S. to earn my PhD there and will be doing research afterward in biochemistry. At the same time, I will be learning French because I hope to go to France and stay there for a few years. I’ll be looking for My Better Half and hopefully will be able to get married. STEP TWO To be studying in a university in France while doing a part-time job has been my dream. And I’d love to switch my major to psychology. I would lead a romantic and leisurely life, traveling around Europe on holidays. I would have enough money to buy a house by a river. Then I could do research during the day and read European novels and Chinese ancient poems at night with the river singing or murmuring as the background music. At the same time, I would be a member of a world organization to serve those in need and make some lifetime friends along the way. STEP THREE The reasons why they differ so much from each other are manifold. Since I’m a student here at the university I don’t have many choices in the next four years. I can only study hard if I expect a bright future. For the following six years after graduation, it is too hard to imagine what will happen to me. There will be many uncertainties and possibilities, which make it hard to foresee my future after 10 years. Therefore I’m presenting to you a quite realistic picture of what I’ll be doing. But what I dream to be doing remains a dream of mine. A few things might stand in my way of achieving my dreams. The first is my major. I don’t think my parents will allow me to shift from biochemistry to psychology, because they don’t think psychology can bring me a good future. The second is the language problem. I don’t think I can master French well enough in a short time. Despite the big gap between reality and dreams, I keep the faith forever that I will try my best to make my dreams come true so long as I can see the dawn of tomorrow. 5. An Interview with a Successful Writer Sample Interviewer: Good afternoon. I know you are a very famous writer. Could you please tell us what contributed to your success? Or, what do you think are the three most important qualities for your success? Writer: Thank you. As a matter of fact, it’s very hard to say what qualities are the most important. The qualities that contribute to success vary from person to person, or vary from time to time. You know I’ve been working very hard. So I think diligence should be one of the qualities. Interviewer: OK, diligence. That’s good. Then could you please list the other two? Writer: Yes. Since I am a writer, I think experience is also very important. Without experience, it would be very hard to do the writing, especially novels. If you want to tell others stories, you yourself should have a clear idea of what you are talking about. Interviewer: Yes, I agree. I was wondering how you gained your experience. Writer: Oh, through many different ways, such as traveling, talking with different sorts of people and taking different jobs. Interviewer: Sounds interesting. What is the third quality, then? Writer: The third one… I think is imagination. As a writer, one must be imaginative. One has to picture the scene in one’s mind as if one were there on the spot. Interviewer: Yes, I agree entirely. So in your opinion, the most important qualities are diligence, experience, and imagination. Thank you very much for granting the interview. 6. That’s Me! Sample

Things that I failed to do: ·ride a bicycle;: ·learn to swim; enter a key middle school that I intended to go to: make the college football team; ·keep in good shape; speak Putonghua accurately. Things I succeeded in doing: playing badminton very well; entering a good university; getting scholarships; taking good care of myself; growing taller than my father; earning some pocket money by working part-time as a tutor. Part Four Writing and Translation 2.Translation Practice 1 Failure is the mother of success. 2 Any man who is afraid of failure will can never win! 3 Success means that you enjoy love and are good at doing what you are doing now. 4 One who is eager to win may not necessarily win quickly. 5 A successful person doesn't ask for things from others.On the contrary/Instead,he will ask himself:"What can I leave to this world?" 6 A real winner is someone who makes the greatest contributions to society,not the one who is the richest or the most famous. 3.Writing Sample My Understanding of Winning Some people say that winning means being rich,some say winning means being powerful,and others think winning means being happy.I think winning means doing what you should do and being good at it.Most of us can only live in this world for no more than 80 or 90 years.We shouldn't think too much about what we can get from this world.Instead,we should think about what we can leave to this world.The one who can make more contributions to the world is a real winner.For example,cleaning the street is a humble job in many people's eyes.But in my opinion, street cleaners can also be great winners.They make our city more beautiful.They give us a better environment and consequently a better life.But,on the contrary,some people make money at the cost of the environment.Some are even worse:They cheat or harm others in order to gain power or earn money.Winners or losers?It's time to give it a second thought. 9

9 Things that I failed to do: • ride a bicycle; • learn to swim; • enter a key middle school that I intended to go to; • make the college football team; • keep in good shape; • speak Putonghua accurately. Things I succeeded in doing: • playing badminton very well; • entering a good university; • getting scholarships; • taking good care of myself; • growing taller than my father; • earning some pocket money by working part-time as a tutor. Part Four Writing and Translation 2. Translation Practice 1 Failure is the mother of success. 2 Any man who is afraid of failure will / can never win! 3 Success means that you enjoy / love and are good at doing what you are doing now. 4 One who is eager to win may not necessarily win quickly. 5 A successful person doesn’t ask for things from others. On the contrary / Instead, he will ask himself: “What can I leave to this world?” 6 A real winner is someone who makes the greatest contributions to society, not the one who is the richest or the most famous. 3. Writing Sample My Understanding of Winning Some people say that winning means being rich, some say winning means being powerful, and others think winning means being happy. I think winning means doing what you should do and being good at it. Most of us can only live in this world for no more than 80 or 90 years. We shouldn’t think too much about what we can get from this world. Instead, we should think about what we can leave to this world. The one who can make more contributions to the world is a real winner. For example, cleaning the street is a humble job in many people’s eyes. But in my opinion, street cleaners can also be great winners. They make our city more beautiful. They give us a better environment and consequently a better life. But, on the contrary, some people make money at the cost of the environment. Some are even worse: They cheat or harm others in order to gain power or earn money. Winners or losers? It’s time to give it a second thought



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