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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第三册)B3 U7 Self-market_Reading Material_B3U7 课文翻译及课后练习答案


Unit 7 The Joy of Travel In-class reading 参考译文 新生之旅 125年前我感觉自己成了废物。尽管那时我只有23岁,但我的生活似乎到了尽头。我的未 来看起来似荒漠,就像回顾过去时,看到的是一片空虚。我感到不知所措,毫无选择余地, 毫无希望可言。 2我当时被困在两件事中:做着一份我憎恨的工作并与一个我并不爱的女人订有婚约。当 初,两个承诺都好像是不错的主意,但是我想吸引我的只是成为一个成功的己婚的商人的幻 想,而远非现实。 3我决定进修一门课程,仅仅为了好玩而己。这刚好是一门咨询入门课程,需要个人参与 到集体中去。(这门课程)要求我们对生活中要进行的变动做出公开承诺。出于一时冲动, 我宣布在下次上课之前,我会辞去工作并解除婚约。 4几天后,我失业了,也解除了婚约,为获得的自由而兴奋,但又因为不知道下一步做什 么而惶恐。我需要某种从旧生活到新生活的转变,一种有助于我从一个人转型到另一个人的 (必不可少的)程序。于是我做了一件与我前面的行为同样冲动的事情:我预定了到阿鲁巴 岛为期一周的旅行。 5不管别人会有什么样的想法,但是我并不是在逃避现实,而是在追求未来。我想有一个 彻底的决裂,而且我知道我需要离开自己熟悉的环境,摆脱原来的影响,以便考虑清楚自己 将何去何从。 6在阿鲁巴小岛上的房间里一安顿下来,我就开始了自我改变的进程。其实只要没人能打 电话找到我,让我能平静安宁地思考我想做的事,我到那里去都可以。上午我在海滩上长时 间地散步,下午则坐在我喜爱的树下看书、听录音磁带。最重要的也许是我强迫自己走出房 间去与别人交往。平常我很腼腆,但这时我确信自己是一个完全能和任何人交谈的人。因为 没人了解“真实的”我,我过去的样子,所以,我感到可以自由自在,一改常态。 7我用了将近一年的时间才付清那趟旅行的费用,但是我相信在阿鲁巴岛上仅仅一周的效 果就相当于三年的治疗。那次旅行启动了一系列有助于自我转变的过程。以下是我具体的做 法: 8我让自己在精神状态上做好了转变的准备。我期待重大的事情将会来临,期待这样的旅 行会改变我的生活。我真心实意地相信我会转变,只要我能找一个安静的地方来理清头绪, 来尝试新的思维和行事方法。 9我使自己摆脱了那些常常对我生活会有影响的事,远离那些非要得到其首肯的人。这类 治疗往往需要很长的时间,原因之一是,一旦给予你安全感和帮助的一个疗程结束后,你重 新又回到了原来的世界,那儿你的熟人会诱使你重蹈复辙。通过把自己置身于别人的肯定和 影响之外,我能对自己真正想要的东西有更加清楚的认识。 10我把时间安排好,以便使自己开始转变并取得进展。仅仅靠独居、隔绝、或者全新的 环境本身是不够的:你还必须完成那些轻松而又能使自己受教育的任务。一种疗法的关键不 在于你领悟到什么或谈论了什么,而在于你做了什么。未付诸行动的认识固然可喜,但往往 无助于事。我没有把时间化在看小说和定期给家里打电话上面,而是花在能促使自我转变的 种种活动之中。 11我敦促自己尝试新的生存方式。我体验不同的生活方式,佯装自己是另一个人。我采

1 Unit 7 The Joy of Travel In-class reading 参考译文 新生之旅 1 25年前我感觉自己成了废物。尽管那时我只有23岁,但我的生活似乎到了尽头。我的未 来看起来似荒漠,就像回顾过去时,看到的是一片空虚。我感到不知所措,毫无选择余地, 毫无希望可言。 2 我当时被困在两件事中:做着一份我憎恨的工作并与一个我并不爱的女人订有婚约。当 初,两个承诺都好像是不错的主意,但是我想吸引我的只是成为一个成功的已婚的商人的幻 想,而远非现实。 3 我决定进修一门课程,仅仅为了好玩而已。这刚好是一门咨询入门课程,需要个人参与 到集体中去。(这门课程)要求我们对生活中要进行的变动做出公开承诺。出于一时冲动, 我宣布在下次上课之前,我会辞去工作并解除婚约。 4 几天后,我失业了,也解除了婚约,为获得的自由而兴奋,但又因为不知道下一步做什 么而惶恐。我需要某种从旧生活到新生活的转变,一种有助于我从一个人转型到另一个人的 (必不可少的)程序。于是我做了一件与我前面的行为同样冲动的事情:我预定了到阿鲁巴 岛为期一周的旅行。 5 不管别人会有什么样的想法,但是我并不是在逃避现实,而是在追求未来。我想有一个 彻底的决裂,而且我知道我需要离开自己熟悉的环境,摆脱原来的影响,以便考虑清楚自己 将何去何从。 6 在阿鲁巴小岛上的房间里一安顿下来,我就开始了自我改变的进程。其实只要没人能打 电话找到我,让我能平静安宁地思考我想做的事,我到那里去都可以。上午我在海滩上长时 间地散步,下午则坐在我喜爱的树下看书、听录音磁带。最重要的也许是我强迫自己走出房 间去与别人交往。平常我很腼腆,但这时我确信自己是一个完全能和任何人交谈的人。因为 没人了解“真实的”我,我过去的样子,所以,我感到可以自由自在,一改常态。 7 我用了将近一年的时间才付清那趟旅行的费用,但是我相信在阿鲁巴岛上仅仅一周的效 果就相当于三年的治疗。那次旅行启动了一系列有助于自我转变的过程。以下是我具体的做 法: 8 我让自己在精神状态上做好了转变的准备。我期待重大的事情将会来临,期待这样的旅 行会改变我的生活。我真心实意地相信我会转变,只要我能找一个安静的地方来理清头绪, 来尝试新的思维和行事方法。 9 我使自己摆脱了那些常常对我生活会有影响的事,远离那些非要得到其首肯的人。这类 治疗往往需要很长的时间,原因之一是,一旦给予你安全感和帮助的一个疗程结束后,你重 新又回到了原来的世界,那儿你的熟人会诱使你重蹈复辙。通过把自己置身于别人的肯定和 影响之外,我能对自己真正想要的东西有更加清楚的认识。 10 我把时间安排好,以便使自己开始转变并取得进展。仅仅靠独居、隔绝、或者全新的 环境本身是不够的;你还必须完成那些轻松而又能使自己受教育的任务。一种疗法的关键不 在于你领悟到什么或谈论了什么,而在于你做了什么。未付诸行动的认识固然可喜,但往往 无助于事。我没有把时间化在看小说和定期给家里打电话上面,而是花在能促使自我转变的 种种活动之中。 11 我敦促自己尝试新的生存方式。我体验不同的生活方式,佯装自己是另一个人。我采

用有别于从前的行为方式来体验自己的感受。同时,在各种情况下,不管我通常会怎样做, 我总是迫使自己反其道而行之。这进一步坚定了我的想法:世上无难事,只要我想要做的事, 我都能够做到。 12我就自己想做的事情做公开的承诺,这样我就没有退缩的余地了。对于那些让我非常 害怕的事情,我有过想回避不干的念头。在这次旅行之前,我从没有特地一个人外出旅行过。 每当我想走保险棋的时候,我就会想到马上不得不面对我的同学,要对自己的行为做出解释。 13我系统地分析了我的经历。我每天写日记,并且告诉我遇到的人自己正在做什么以及 为什么这样做。旅行归来之后,我和几个我信任的人谈论所发生的事情。他们中的每个人都 有独到的见解,这些见解都弥足珍贵,而且在我发现他们的见解有助于我把这种经历融入到 我生活中去。 14我回来后做了一些改变,使我能够把在阿鲁巴岛上开始的自我改造继续下去。当你离 家在外时作些改变比较容易,而回来后要保持这些变化就难了。为了保证自己不重新回到老 路上去,回来后我马上对自己的工作和与他人的关系做出了新的决定,这些决定会继续推动 我前进。 15我决定我将来的很多旅行将会具有自我改造的意义。尽管在短短的一星期之内也可能 取得惊人的进展,但是自我改造的过程将贯穿于一生之中。我向自己保证我将不时地去旅行, 以便不断取得进步。 after-class reading 参考译文 浪漫的火车旅行 1如果说现代世界有一个重要特点能使我们的生活与祖辈的生活不同,那可能就是速度。 我们总是在不停地奔波,我们没有耐心忍受速度慢的交通工具。我们想去一个地方,就得快 点到那儿。汽车制造商、航空公司老板以及大运力公共交通系统都有一个共同的目标。他们 总是想方设法让我们越来越快地到达目的地。 2然而,我们当中也有许多人实际上想慢下来。尽管飞机不准点我们抱怨,交通受阻我们 抱怨,但我们也抱怨自己总是来去匆匆。有时,当我们在夜晚听到清晰而高亢的火车汽笛声 时,总会感到忧伤。心中有一种强烈的怀旧感,怀念往事、他乡,那时日子过得比现在慢, 也许是更美好。 3为什么火车的汽笛声会引起怀旧感呢?也许是因为我们许多人记得自己最喜爱的小说 或电影的背景是在火车上,故事里有危险和令人兴奋的情景。有一种关于火车的浪漫情愫是 在现代喷气式飞机上根本不存在的。有好几家铁路公司正利用人们对火车旅行的怀旧心理: 为那些不急着赶时间又喜欢过去那种浪漫的人提供独特的旅游观光。 4将近有一百年的时间,著名的“东方快车”运载过王室成员、富人阔佬、间谍分子以及 危险的国际罪犯。这里是疑案和罪行发生的现场,也是经常见证历史的地方。但在二战以后, 当飞机旅行变得流行起来时,它再也没有了那种老式的浪漫,最终于1977年倒闭。然而没过 多久,一个美国商人着手购买并整修了老“东方快车”的车厢。他把火车修复成原来的样子。 从1982年起,火车每周在伦敦和威尼斯之间开两个来回。尽管这24小时的旅程并无过去的那 种危险和激动,或者说历险,但它竭尽奢华:深艳色的木质装潢、鲜花、香槟、非常独特的 伙食、酒吧车厢里有钢琴伴奏的现场表演

2 用有别于从前的行为方式来体验自己的感受。同时,在各种情况下,不管我通常会怎样做, 我总是迫使自己反其道而行之。这进一步坚定了我的想法: 世上无难事,只要我想要做的事, 我都能够做到。 12 我就自己想做的事情做公开的承诺,这样我就没有退缩的余地了。对于那些让我非常 害怕的事情,我有过想回避不干的念头。在这次旅行之前,我从没有特地一个人外出旅行过。 每当我想走保险棋的时候,我就会想到马上不得不面对我的同学,要对自己的行为做出解释。 13 我系统地分析了我的经历。我每天写日记,并且告诉我遇到的人自己正在做什么以及 为什么这样做。旅行归来之后,我和几个我信任的人谈论所发生的事情。他们中的每个人都 有独到的见解,这些见解都弥足珍贵,而且在我发现他们的见解有助于我把这种经历融入到 我生活中去。 14 我回来后做了一些改变,使我能够把在阿鲁巴岛上开始的自我改造继续下去。当你离 家在外时作些改变比较容易,而回来后要保持这些变化就难了。为了保证自己不重新回到老 路上去,回来后我马上对自己的工作和与他人的关系做出了新的决定,这些决定会继续推动 我前进。 15 我决定我将来的很多旅行将会具有自我改造的意义。尽管在短短的一星期之内也可能 取得惊人的进展,但是自我改造的过程将贯穿于一生之中。我向自己保证我将不时地去旅行, 以便不断取得进步。 after - class reading 参考译文 浪漫的火车旅行 1 如果说现代世界有一个重要特点能使我们的生活与祖辈的生活不同,那可能就是速度。 我们总是在不停地奔波,我们没有耐心忍受速度慢的交通工具。我们想去一个地方,就得快 点到那儿。汽车制造商、航空公司老板以及大运力公共交通系统都有一个共同的目标。他们 总是想方设法让我们越来越快地到达目的地。 2 然而,我们当中也有许多人实际上想慢下来。尽管飞机不准点我们抱怨,交通受阻我们 抱怨,但我们也抱怨自己总是来去匆匆。有时,当我们在夜晚听到清晰而高亢的火车汽笛声 时,总会感到忧伤。心中有一种强烈的怀旧感,怀念往事、他乡,那时日子过得比现在慢, 也许是更美好。 3 为什么火车的汽笛声会引起怀旧感呢?也许是因为我们许多人记得自己最喜爱的小说 或电影的背景是在火车上,故事里有危险和令人兴奋的情景。有一种关于火车的浪漫情愫是 在现代喷气式飞机上根本不存在的。有好几家铁路公司正利用人们对火车旅行的怀旧心理: 为那些不急着赶时间又喜欢过去那种浪漫的人提供独特的旅游观光。 4 将近有一百年的时间,著名的“东方快车”运载过王室成员、富人阔佬、间谍分子以及 危险的国际罪犯。这里是疑案和罪行发生的现场,也是经常见证历史的地方。但在二战以后, 当飞机旅行变得流行起来时,它再也没有了那种老式的浪漫,最终于1977年倒闭。然而没过 多久,一个美国商人着手购买并整修了老“东方快车”的车厢。他把火车修复成原来的样子。 从1982年起,火车每周在伦敦和威尼斯之间开两个来回。尽管这24小时的旅程并无过去的那 种危险和激动,或者说历险,但它竭尽奢华:深艳色的木质装潢、鲜花、香槟、非常独特的 伙食、酒吧车厢里有钢琴伴奏的现场表演

5另一个著名的火车游览活动是“跨西伯利亚专列”,每年夏天从蒙古到莫斯科仅开三趟。 当登上列车开始旅行时,旅客们就有一个欢迎会,互相祝酒畅饮俄罗斯伏特加。在接下来的 一周里,他们穿过前苏联,不时地在大城市和小村庄停下观光。除此之外,这趟旅行还有一 个意外收获,就是车上每天有讲座,由一位专家向旅客讲解俄罗斯历史和文化。 6如果你想找乐子、冒险,你也许会要乘一下“神秘特快”,该车从纽约开往加拿大的蒙 特利尔。那些总想在阿加沙·克里斯蒂的剧本里或是在夏洛克·福尔摩斯侦探小说中扮演一 个角色的人们对这趟旅行特别感兴趣。典型的“神秘快车”之旅会给乘客们提供机会,让他 们侦破发生在这列火车上难解的谋杀谜案。比如,午夜时分枪声响起,很快乘客们知道车上 发生了“谋杀案”。在本次旅行的其余时间里,上的每个人都来参与侦破这个案子,相互交 换与此案有关的信息和意见。当火车进入蒙特利尔站时,这些在旅行的“侦探们”会侦破“案 子”,抓到“罪犯”。当然并没有真正的罪案发生,“凶手”以及好几个其他乘客实际上都是 演员。这种旅行安全、娱乐性强、是一种极富创意的周末游戏。 7如果你想追求火车旅行丰富多彩的生活和美不胜收的景色,你也许可以坐坐印度的火 车。印度政府提供了好几种特别旅程。著名的“休闲火车”之旅,全程50英里,单程要花7 个小时。这趟列车穿过有鲜花、树木以及六百多种鸟类的茂盛森林。在到达目的地前,它还 会停靠好几个站,供乘客们拍照或是野炊。 8另一种叫做“车轮上的宫殿”的旅行是为有更多时间和金钱的旅客提供的。该列车上的 每个豪华车厢过去都属于某位印度王子。在7天的时间里,乘客们会去宫殿、城市观光,那 儿有乐师、骆驼以及手捧鲜花的女子迎接他们。 9也许最不寻常的印度列车是“伟大的印度漫游者”号,它是给那些对宗教感兴趣的人准 备的。在这趟从加尔各答出发为期6天的旅行中,旅客们会去尼泊尔的一个小镇,那里是佛 陀出生之地,还会去乔达摩王子在菩提树下修炼成佛的地方。 课后练习参考答案 Part One Preparation 1.Word Association Tips for teachers: In order to save time,the teacher may divide the class into two big groups and then ask volunteers from each group to write the words that are related to travel on the blackboard. Students should explain how they are related if asked.The teacher should also check the spelling and decide whether each word can be counted,then decide on the winner.Or the teacher may ask the groups to name two words related to travel for each in turn.Any group that fails to come up with two correct new words or mentions something that other groups have already mentioned gets eliminated.The group that stands till the end is the winner. Words that are related to travel: hotel,motel,bus,boat,ship,train,plane,airport,railway/bus station,guide,places of interest, scenic spots,scenery,travel agency,travel agent,map,taxi,highway,(video)camera, photograph,passport,visa (application),restaurant,food,telescope,(exchange)money,foreign currency,cash,credit card,postcard,souvenir,museum,route,itinerary,beach,compass,tent, camp,excursion,tour,trip,journey,voyage,picnic,sleeping bag,tourism,sightseeing, 3

3 5 另一个著名的火车游览活动是“跨西伯利亚专列”,每年夏天从蒙古到莫斯科仅开三趟。 当登上列车开始旅行时,旅客们就有一个欢迎会,互相祝酒畅饮俄罗斯伏特加。在接下来的 一周里,他们穿过前苏联,不时地在大城市和小村庄停下观光。除此之外,这趟旅行还有一 个意外收获,就是车上每天有讲座,由一位专家向旅客讲解俄罗斯历史和文化。 6 如果你想找乐子、冒险,你也许会要乘一下“神秘特快”,该车从纽约开往加拿大的蒙 特利尔。那些总想在阿加沙·克里斯蒂的剧本里或是在夏洛克·福尔摩斯侦探小说中扮演一 个角色的人们对这趟旅行特别感兴趣。典型的“神秘快车”之旅会给乘客们提供机会,让他 们侦破发生在这列火车上难解的谋杀谜案。比如,午夜时分枪声响起,很快乘客们知道车上 发生了“谋杀案”。在本次旅行的其余时间里,上的每个人都来参与侦破这个案子,相互交 换与此案有关的信息和意见。当火车进入蒙特利尔站时,这些在旅行的“侦探们”会侦破“案 子”,抓到“罪犯”。当然并没有真正的罪案发生,“凶手”以及好几个其他乘客实际上都是 演员。这种旅行安全、娱乐性强、是一种极富创意的周末游戏。 7 如果你想追求火车旅行丰富多彩的生活和美不胜收的景色,你也许可以坐坐印度的火 车。印度政府提供了好几种特别旅程。著名的“休闲火车”之旅,全程50英里,单程要花7 个小时。这趟列车穿过有鲜花、树木以及六百多种鸟类的茂盛森林。在到达目的地前,它还 会停靠好几个站,供乘客们拍照或是野炊。 8 另一种叫做“车轮上的宫殿”的旅行是为有更多时间和金钱的旅客提供的。该列车上的 每个豪华车厢过去都属于某位印度王子。在7天的时间里,乘客们会去宫殿、城市观光,那 儿有乐师、骆驼以及手捧鲜花的女子迎接他们。 9 也许最不寻常的印度列车是“伟大的印度漫游者”号,它是给那些对宗教感兴趣的人准 备的。在这趟从加尔各答出发为期6天的旅行中,旅客们会去尼泊尔的一个小镇,那里是佛 陀出生之地,还会去乔达摩王子在菩提树下修炼成佛的地方。 课后练习参考答案 Part One Preparation 1. Word Association Tips for teachers: In order to save time, the teacher may divide the class into two big groups and then ask volunteers from each group to write the words that are related to travel on the blackboard. Students should explain how they are related if asked. The teacher should also check the spelling and decide whether each word can be counted, then decide on the winner. Or the teacher may ask the groups to name two words related to travel for each in turn. Any group that fails to come up with two correct new words or mentions something that other groups have already mentioned gets eliminated. The group that stands till the end is the winner. Words that are related to travel: hotel, motel, bus, boat, ship, train, plane, airport, railway/bus station, guide, places of interest, scenic spots, scenery, travel agency, travel agent, map, taxi, highway, (video) camera, photograph, passport, visa (application), restaurant, food, telescope, (exchange) money, foreign currency, cash, credit card, postcard, souvenir, museum, route, itinerary, beach, compass, tent, camp, excursion, tour, trip, journey, voyage, picnic, sleeping bag, tourism, sightseeing

adventure/adventurous,(means of)transportation,entertainment,resort,mountain,skating, (water-)skiing,cable car,natives,guide book,culture,coach,local customs,guide book, suitcase,knapsack,luggage,airfare,train ticket,phrase book,sunbathing,foreign exchange,etc. 2.Why Do People Travel? 1)They would like to experience something new when traveling and learn from the experience. 2)They would like to have a comfortable journey and enjoy the convenience offered by a package tour. 3)They would like to see the world in its natural state with their own eyes and to understand different cultures.By reading they can only obtain information or knowledge from the printed page through the eyes of the author. Other reasons for travel: --to experience something unfamiliar, --to marvel at the wonder of Great Nature --to escape from a boring lifestyle. --to have a change of pace. --to be fashionable and follow suit. --to leave a fond memory for later reflection, --to have thorough relaxation. --to expand one's horizons. --to know the history of some places, --to learn about the special flavor of a certain culture, --to fulfill the curiosity for something exotic, --to share romance with one's loved one. --to enjoy life to its fullest, --to challenge the extremes of one's life. --to enjoy the serenity of pastoral life, --to experience something one learned from books or somewhere else. --to kill time --to make new friends --to have a second chance --to learn a foreign language 3.Different types of holidays Samples 1)I would surely choose Choice B.I've been a great nature-lover.However,as a city-dweller,I value any opportunity to go near nature.Therefore,a camping holiday would be my priority,a big change to my daily life.Plus,a camping trip would also be beneficial to my health,as I can breathe clean and unpolluted air and exercise by hiking.By relaxing myself this way,I can return full of vigor and vitality. 2)My choice for this three-day vacation would be C:a shopping tour in Hong Kong.I love shopping.And I've heard that Hong Kong is a paradise for shopping-lovers like me.There is a

4 adventure/adventurous, (means of) transportation, entertainment, resort, mountain, skating, (water-)skiing, cable car, natives, guide book, culture, coach, local customs, guide book, suitcase, knapsack, luggage, airfare, train ticket, phrase book, sunbathing, foreign exchange, etc. 2. Why Do People Travel? 1) They would like to experience something new when traveling and learn from the experience. 2) They would like to have a comfortable journey and enjoy the convenience offered by a package tour. 3) They would like to see the world in its natural state with their own eyes and to understand different cultures. By reading they can only obtain information or knowledge from the printed page through the eyes of the author. Other reasons for travel: --to experience something unfamiliar, --to marvel at the wonder of Great Nature, --to escape from a boring lifestyle, --to have a change of pace, --to be fashionable and follow suit, --to leave a fond memory for later reflection, --to have thorough relaxation, --to expand one’s horizons, --to know the history of some places, --to learn about the special flavor of a certain culture, --to fulfill the curiosity for something exotic, --to share romance with one’s loved one, --to enjoy life to its fullest, --to challenge the extremes of one’s life, --to enjoy the serenity of pastoral life, --to experience something one learned from books or somewhere else. --to kill time --to make new friends --to have a second chance --to learn a foreign language 3. Different types of holidays Samples 1) I would surely choose Choice B. I’ve been a great nature-lover. However, as a city-dweller, I value any opportunity to go near nature. Therefore, a camping holiday would be my priority, a big change to my daily life. Plus, a camping trip would also be beneficial to my health, as I can breathe clean and unpolluted air and exercise by hiking. By relaxing myself this way, I can return full of vigor and vitality. 2) My choice for this three-day vacation would be C: a shopping tour in Hong Kong. I love shopping. And I’ve heard that Hong Kong is a paradise for shopping-lovers like me. There is a

wide variety of shops and the service is usually good.In Hong Kong,you can sample the latest fashions and the most innovative kinds of products.Besides,Hong Kong also boasts its international cuisines.So in addition to all the wonderful things I can buy there,I can also treat myself to some really nice food.What's more,flying to and back from Hong Kong is neither time-consuming nor tiring.Therefore,I would have enough time to do what I want in about two days and return home to relax for the rest of time. Part Two Reading-Centered Activities I.Pre-Reading Samples 1) If I had money and time,I would make my dream trips first to Greece,next to Paris and then to Austria.I choose Greece first because I'm very much interested in ancient Greek civilization and am longing for a visit to the Parthenon,the most important and characteristic monument of Greek civilization. Paris is my second choice because it is a romantic city and heaven for artists.Paris is known as the"City of Lights"for its world-renowned beauty and charm.The Louvre,one of the largest and most famous museums in the world,is located on the right bank of the Seine.The Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles are all attractive places of interest. I choose Austria out of my love for classical music.The Land of Music is a name often given to Austria,the hometown for many world-famous classical musicians such as the Strauss family, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,and Franz Schubert. Hopefully,my dreams will come true some day.As you can see,all these places are located in Europe and it won't cost too much to visit them,and it won't take too long before I can save enough to cover the expenses. 2) If I could ever have the luxury of time and money to go on my dream trip,I would first go to Rome,Italy.I saw a movie named Angels and Demons once,and aside from the exciting story,the city of Rome also left a very deep impression on me.It is a city of great beauty and historic significance.I'd love to see St.Peter's Square,Fountain of Four Rivers and those beautiful cathedrals and learn about the interesting stories behind them. The second stop of my dream trip would be New York.I've actually been there once a few years back.But I didn't have enough time then so there is a lot of New York that I didn't get to see. If I could go again,I would definitely check out Central Park,the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and General Grant's Tomb.And I would also love to take a night trip through Manhattan. My last destination will be one of the most beautiful places in China-Jiuzhaigou Valley (the Valley of Nine Villages)in Sichuan Province.I've seen pictures of that magnificent place taken by my roommates.The beauty of the lakes there is truly beyond description.Experiencing the best that the old and contemporary Western-China Civilization can offer will be really refreshing and interesting

5 wide variety of shops and the service is usually good. In Hong Kong, you can sample the latest fashions and the most innovative kinds of products. Besides, Hong Kong also boasts its international cuisines. So in addition to all the wonderful things I can buy there, I can also treat myself to some really nice food. What’s more, flying to and back from Hong Kong is neither time-consuming nor tiring. Therefore, I would have enough time to do what I want in about two days and return home to relax for the rest of time. Part Two Reading-Centered Activities I. Pre-Reading Samples 1) If I had money and time, I would make my dream trips first to Greece, next to Paris and then to Austria. I choose Greece first because I’m very much interested in ancient Greek civilization and am longing for a visit to the Parthenon, the most important and characteristic monument of Greek civilization. Paris is my second choice because it is a romantic city and heaven for artists. Paris is known as the “City of Lights” for its world-renowned beauty and charm. The Louvre, one of the largest and most famous museums in the world, is located on the right bank of the Seine. The Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles are all attractive places of interest. I choose Austria out of my love for classical music. The Land of Music is a name often given to Austria, the hometown for many world-famous classical musicians such as the Strauss family, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Franz Schubert. Hopefully, my dreams will come true some day. As you can see, all these places are located in Europe and it won’t cost too much to visit them, and it won’t take too long before I can save enough to cover the expenses. 2) If I could ever have the luxury of time and money to go on my dream trip, I would first go to Rome, Italy. I saw a movie named Angels and Demons once, and aside from the exciting story, the city of Rome also left a very deep impression on me. It is a city of great beauty and historic significance. I’d love to see St. Peter’s Square, Fountain of Four Rivers and those beautiful cathedrals and learn about the interesting stories behind them. The second stop of my dream trip would be New York. I’ve actually been there once a few years back. But I didn’t have enough time then so there is a lot of New York that I didn’t get to see. If I could go again, I would definitely check out Central Park, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and General Grant’s Tomb. And I would also love to take a night trip through Manhattan. My last destination will be one of the most beautiful places in China—Jiuzhaigou Valley (the Valley of Nine Villages) in Sichuan Province. I’ve seen pictures of that magnificent place taken by my roommates. The beauty of the lakes there is truly beyond description. Experiencing the best that the old and contemporary Western-China Civilization can offer will be really refreshing and interesting

II.In-Class Reading Post-Reading Reading Comprehension 1.Understanding the Organization ofthe Text A.Two things that I was dissatisfied with(para.1-3) 1. My job 2. My engagement B.Purpose of my trip (para.4-6) 3.To transform myself C.Process for change (para.7-14) 4.I created a mindset that made me ready for change. 5.I insulated myself from the usual influences in my life and the people whose approval was most important. 6.I structured my time in order to produce change and growth. 7.I pushed myself to experiment with new ways of being. 8.I made public commitments of what I intended to do,so it would be harder to back down. 9.I processed my experiences systematically. 10.I made changes when I returned that continued the transformation that started while I was in Aruba. D.Conclusion (para.15) 11.I would continue going on transformative trips to keep my growth in the future. 2.Retelling the main idea of the passage This is a story about a man who,at one point of his life,felt very lost and was unhappy with both his work and his personal life.While attending a course which required personal sharing,he made a decision in front of his classmates that he would quit his job and end his engagement.He actually did both.In order to transform himself,he went to Aruba,a beautiful island.In this new and comfortable environment,he did many things that would help him change.Finally,he returned home feeling reborn. 6

6 II. In-Class Reading Post-Reading Reading Comprehension 1. Understanding the Organization of the Text A. Two things that I was dissatisfied with (para.1-3) 1. My job 2. My engagement B. Purpose of my trip (para.4-6) 3. To transform myself C. Process for change (para.7-14) 4. I created a mindset that made me ready for change. 5. I insulated myself from the usual influences in my life and the people whose approval was most important. 6. I structured my time in order to produce change and growth. 7. I pushed myself to experiment with new ways of being. 8. I made public commitments of what I intended to do, so it would be harder to back down. 9. I processed my experiences systematically. 10. I made changes when I returned that continued the transformation that started while I was in Aruba. D. Conclusion (para.15) 11. I would continue going on transformative trips to keep my growth in the future. 2. Retelling the main idea of the passage This is a story about a man who, at one point of his life, felt very lost and was unhappy with both his work and his personal life. While attending a course which required personal sharing, he made a decision in front of his classmates that he would quit his job and end his engagement. He actually did both. In order to transform himself, he went to Aruba, a beautiful island. In this new and comfortable environment, he did many things that would help him change. Finally, he returned home feeling reborn

3.Understanding Specific Information 1)C2)C3)D4)A5)C6)A7)C8)D9)B10)A 4.Ways of Making Changes Samples 1)It can be helpful for those who are determined to change their lives.It offers them the luxury of time and a beautiful and peaceful environment to sort things out and create a new mindset to get away from the past and behave differently.In a different environment,they can focus their attention on what to do next without any disturbance.However,it also has its disadvantages.It may be too expensive and too time-consuming.And isolating oneself from one's friends and family doesn't seem to be the best way for transformation to take place. Anyway,eventually one has to get back to their friends and family who are important for their life and happiness. 2)Other possible ways to make changes: --to do new and different things(sports,reading,painting); --to spend time helping other people; -to look for a new job: --to learn new things(language,some kinds of musical instruments,a craft); --to find a new hobby; --to talk to different people for advice. I think the most effective way is to help other people,because helping others can often bring you great personal fulfillment.It can also take one's mind away from one's own personal troubles. By helping others,one can experience a new kind of happiness and life will become more meaningful than before. Vocabulary 1.1)engagement 2)separating 3)influences 4)arranged 5) chosen 6)In case 7)processed 8)changes 9)benefited 10) go on 1

7 3. Understanding Specific Information 1) C 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) C 6) A 7) C 8) D 9) B 10) A 4. Ways of Making Changes Samples 1) It can be helpful for those who are determined to change their lives. It offers them the luxury of time and a beautiful and peaceful environment to sort things out and create a new mindset to get away from the past and behave differently. In a different environment, they can focus their attention on what to do next without any disturbance. However, it also has its disadvantages. It may be too expensive and too time-consuming. And isolating oneself from one’s friends and family doesn’t seem to be the best way for transformation to take place. Anyway, eventually one has to get back to their friends and family who are important for their life and happiness. 2) Other possible ways to make changes: -- to do new and different things (sports, reading, painting); -- to spend time helping other people; -- to look for a new job; -- to learn new things (language, some kinds of musical instruments, a craft); -- to find a new hobby; -- to talk to different people for advice. I think the most effective way is to help other people, because helping others can often bring you great personal fulfillment. It can also take one’s mind away from one’s own personal troubles. By helping others, one can experience a new kind of happiness and life will become more meaningful than before. Vocabulary 1. 1) engagement 2) separating 3) influences 4) arranged 5) chosen 6) In case 7) processed 8) changes 9) benefited 10) go on

2. 1)trapped 2)value 3)samples 4)structure 5)trap 6)structured 7)sampled 8)process 9)valued 10)process 3.1)A.emptied B.emptiness 2)A.terrified B.terrifying 3)A.entertaining B.entertainment 4)A.introductory B.introduction 5)A.employed B.employment 6)A.transform B.transformation 7)A.convinced B.convincing 8)A.approval B.approve 9)A.isolates/isolated B.isolation 10)A.reinforcement B.reinforced Translation 1.I didn't realize putting on/staging a play involved so much work 2. The most important thing is not what you say but what you do. 3.This is the best result that can be expected in such circumstances 4.It is not the first time that you've found yourself in such a situation. 5. This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer. 6. The new threat on the horizon is unemployment. 7. We have alternative ways of expressing the same idea. 8. He slipped into the old habit of drinking. Part Three Further Development 1.Enriching Your Word Power 1)B2)A3)B4)B5)C6)B7)B8)A9)B10)C11)B12)C 2.Identifying Landmarks(地面标志物) STEP ONE 1)Location of the landmarks: a.the Eiffel Tower in Paris b.Big Ben in London 6

8 2. 1) trapped 2) value 3) samples 4) structure 5) trap 6) structured 7) sampled 8) process 9) valued 10) process 3. 1) A. emptied B. emptiness 2) A. terrified B. terrifying 3) A. entertaining B. entertainment 4) A. introductory B. introduction 5) A. employed B. employment 6) A. transform B. transformation 7) A. convinced B. convincing 8) A. approval B. approve 9) A. isolates/isolated B. isolation 10) A. reinforcement B. reinforced Translation 1. I didn’t realize putting on/staging a play involved so much work. 2. The most important thing is not what you say but what you do. 3. This is the best result that can be expected in such circumstances. 4. It is not the first time that you’ve found yourself in such a situation. 5. This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer. 6. The new threat on the horizon is unemployment. 7. We have alternative ways of expressing the same idea. 8. He slipped into the old habit of drinking. Part Three Further Development 1. Enriching Your Word Power 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) B 8) A 9) B 10) C 11) B 12) C 2. Identifying Landmarks (地面标志物) STEP ONE 1) Location of the landmarks: a. the Eiffel Tower in Paris b. Big Ben in London

c.the Opera House in Sidney d.the Statue of Liberty in New York City e.the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco the canals in Venice g Taj Mahal in India h. the Pyramids in Egypt 2)Possible words: a. beautiful,magnificent,romance,fashions b. time,tradition,English culture,Queen,gentleman 9 graceful architecture,the Olympic Games,beautiful d. freedom,beauty,French Revolution e great architecture,excitement,cable car,hill f romance,beauty,water,rich culture & love,peaceful,quiet,luxury,splendid h ancient,mystery,hard work,amazing architecture STEP TWO In order of importance,they are:the Great Wall,the Yangtze River,the Yellow River,the Tai Mountain in Shandong,the West Lake in Hangzhou,the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai, National Stadium in Beijing (Bird's Nest),Forbidden City in Beijing Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an,Landscape in Guilin. ---The Great Wall,over 6,000 km,is a magnificent relic of ancient Chinese civilizations and is the world's largest man-made structure.Though it is not visible with the naked eye from outer space,some of the wall is discernible in special radar images taken by satellites.There is a famous saying in China:"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man". ---The Yangtze or Chang Jiang River is the longest river in Asia and the third longest river in the world.It is also one of the most important rivers in China.It is famous because of its importance for water conservation and water traffic and its beautiful scenery,especially the Three Gorges. In 1994 construction began on the Three Gorges Dam,and the dam construction was completed in 2006.The dam is the world's largest electrical power station in terms of installed capacity. ---The Yellow River has a history as long as that of the Chinese nationality and thus is the symbol of China.It is considered to be the "Mother River"of China or the "cradle of Chinese Civilization”. ---The Tai Mountain,one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China,has been a place of worship for at least 3,000 years in China.It is extremely beautiful and is associated with many famous poets. ---The West Lake is a fresh water lake situated in the heart of Hangzhou.There are many temples, pagodas,gardens,and artificial islands within the lake.It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011,and was described to have"influenced garden design in the rest of China as well as Japan and Korea over the centuries,"and reflects "an idealized fusion between humans and nature.” ---The Oriental Pearl TV Tower,located in the Pudong district on the bank of the Huangpu River, is the most striking architectural landmark in Shanghai.It has become a symbol of modern China. ---Beijing National Stadium,also known officially as the National Stadium,is the place where the 9

9 c. the Opera House in Sidney d. the Statue of Liberty in New York City e. the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco f. the canals in Venice g. Taj Mahal in India h. the Pyramids in Egypt 2) Possible words: a. beautiful, magnificent, romance, fashions b. time, tradition, English culture, Queen, gentleman c. graceful architecture, the Olympic Games, beautiful d. freedom, beauty, French Revolution e. great architecture, excitement, cable car, hill f. romance, beauty, water, rich culture g. love, peaceful, quiet, luxury, splendid h. ancient, mystery, hard work, amazing architecture STEP TWO In order of importance, they are: the Great Wall, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Tai Mountain in Shandong, the West Lake in Hangzhou, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai, National Stadium in Beijing (Bird’s Nest), Forbidden City in Beijing, Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an, Landscape in Guilin. ---The Great Wall, over 6,000 km, is a magnificent relic of ancient Chinese civilizations and is the world’s largest man-made structure. Though it is not visible with the naked eye from outer space, some of the wall is discernible in special radar images taken by satellites. There is a famous saying in China: “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”. ---The Yangtze or Chang Jiang River is the longest river in Asia and the third longest river in the world. It is also one of the most important rivers in China. It is famous because of its importance for water conservation and water traffic and its beautiful scenery, especially the Three Gorges. In 1994 construction began on the Three Gorges Dam, and the dam construction was completed in 2006. The dam is the world’s largest electrical power station in terms of installed capacity. ---The Yellow River has a history as long as that of the Chinese nationality and thus is the symbol of China. It is considered to be the “Mother River” of China or the “cradle of Chinese Civilization”. ---The Tai Mountain, one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China, has been a place of worship for at least 3,000 years in China. It is extremely beautiful and is associated with many famous poets. ---The West Lake is a fresh water lake situated in the heart of Hangzhou. There are many temples, pagodas, gardens, and artificial islands within the lake. It was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011, and was described to have “influenced garden design in the rest of China as well as Japan and Korea over the centuries,” and reflects “an idealized fusion between humans and nature.” ---The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, located in the Pudong district on the bank of the Huangpu River, is the most striking architectural landmark in Shanghai. It has become a symbol of modern China. ---Beijing National Stadium, also known officially as the National Stadium, is the place where the

opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics were held.Due to the stadium's outward appearance,it was nicknamed "The Bird's Nest".It has now become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Beijing. ---Forbidden City,also known as the Palace Museum,was formerly the imperial palace of the Ming and the Qing Dynasties.It is the biggest and best preserved group of ancient buildings in China and embodies the unique style of Chinese architecture. ---Xi'an is the site of a Qin dynasty tomb that was discovered in 1974.Hundreds of terracotta warrior statues,each with its own likeness,stand guarding the emperor's tomb. ---Guilin is perhaps the site of the most famous landscape in China.A series of finger-like mountains that rise from the plains have attracted painters,poets and tourists for centuries. 3.Sharing Your Travel Experience Samples 1)This is a picture of me and my high school classmates in an old street in Wuzhen,an ancient town in Zhejiang Province.As you probably know,Wuzhen is also known as the "Venice of the East",because the town is surrounded by canals.We went there in spring and spent a whole day there.It was indeed a very unique place and there are many interesting folk culture museums there. This picture was taken when we were about to leave the Bed Museum.This is one of my favorite museums,because you can find a wide range of beds from different periods of the town history. The thing that we were eating is a local specialty called"sister-in-law pancake".It is very good and comes in many flavors.You should check it out when you go there. 2)This is a picture taken at the Niagara Falls.This is one of my favorite pictures on my trip to the U.S.The Niagara Falls is just magnificent.The one in the picture is the Horseshoe Falls.This picture is a bit blurred,because it was taken while I was on the famous"Maid of the Mist",which is a boat that can take tourists really close to the base of the falls.You can see that there is a large amount of mist produced by the falls,therefore the picture looks a bit blurred.But,still the view is breathtakingly beautiful.However,I heard that the view from the Canadian side is even better.So hopefully one day I can see the Falls from the Canadian side too. 4.The Challenges of a Tour Guide STEP ONE At this stage,ask students to remember to work out the time required to get from one place to another.The places to visit might be:Beijing (for three days),Shanghai (for two days), Hangzhou (for two days),Xiamen(for two days),Chengdu(for one day),Guilin(for two days), Xi'an (for two days),etc.The trip might include famous parks,mountains or seaside locations depending on the right season. STEP TWO The tips might include such things as: ---bring a camera; ---bring medicine for upset stomachs and other illnesses; ---keep a dairy; ---bring a dictionary or a phrase book or install some kind of translator apps on your cell or tablet PC: 10

10 opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics were held. Due to the stadium’s outward appearance, it was nicknamed “The Bird’s Nest”. It has now become one of the most popular tourist attractions in Beijing. ---Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, was formerly the imperial palace of the Ming and the Qing Dynasties. It is the biggest and best preserved group of ancient buildings in China and embodies the unique style of Chinese architecture. --- Xi’an is the site of a Qin dynasty tomb that was discovered in 1974. Hundreds of terracotta warrior statues, each with its own likeness, stand guarding the emperor’s tomb. ---Guilin is perhaps the site of the most famous landscape in China. A series of finger-like mountains that rise from the plains have attracted painters, poets and tourists for centuries. 3. Sharing Your Travel Experience Samples 1) This is a picture of me and my high school classmates in an old street in Wuzhen, an ancient town in Zhejiang Province. As you probably know, Wuzhen is also known as the “Venice of the East”, because the town is surrounded by canals. We went there in spring and spent a whole day there. It was indeed a very unique place and there are many interesting folk culture museums there. This picture was taken when we were about to leave the Bed Museum. This is one of my favorite museums, because you can find a wide range of beds from different periods of the town history. The thing that we were eating is a local specialty called “sister-in-law pancake”. It is very good and comes in many flavors. You should check it out when you go there. 2) This is a picture taken at the Niagara Falls. This is one of my favorite pictures on my trip to the U.S. The Niagara Falls is just magnificent. The one in the picture is the Horseshoe Falls. This picture is a bit blurred, because it was taken while I was on the famous “Maid of the Mist”, which is a boat that can take tourists really close to the base of the falls. You can see that there is a large amount of mist produced by the falls, therefore the picture looks a bit blurred. But, still the view is breathtakingly beautiful. However, I heard that the view from the Canadian side is even better. So hopefully one day I can see the Falls from the Canadian side too. 4. The Challenges of a Tour Guide STEP ONE At this stage, ask students to remember to work out the time required to get from one place to another. The places to visit might be: Beijing (for three days), Shanghai (for two days), Hangzhou (for two days), Xiamen (for two days), Chengdu (for one day), Guilin (for two days), Xi’an (for two days), etc. The trip might include famous parks, mountains or seaside locations depending on the right season. STEP TWO The tips might include such things as: ---bring a camera; ---bring medicine for upset stomachs and other illnesses; ---keep a dairy; ---bring a dictionary or a phrase book or install some kind of translator apps on your cell or tablet PC;



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