Activate PART 1 Activate R Brainstorming 超 Discussing Listening Watching
T PART 1 Activate Discussing Brainstorming Listening Watching
Activate R Brainstorming 厨 S 之Sc
T Brainstorming
Activate TASK ONE R Look at the following pictures and try to describe them.Are there any other social problems popping into your mind?
T TASK ONE Look at the following pictures and try to describe them. Are there any other social problems popping into your mind?
Activate Brainstorming:Have they popped up in your mind? Samples:teenagers' addiction to online games,racial discrimination, smoking 问巴 这小子援疯吸 七天七夜了
T Brainstorming: Have they popped up in your mind? Samples: teenagers’ addiction to online games, racial discrimination, smoking
Activate Brainstorming:Have they popped up in your mind? Samples: burglary smuggling war car theft
T Brainstorming: Have they popped up in your mind? Samples: burglary smuggling war car theft
Activate Brainstorming:Have they popped up in your mind? Samples: overpopulation pollution,traffic jam, poverty cetty t
T Brainstorming: Have they popped up in your mind? Samples: overpopulation pollution, traffic jam, poverty
Activate R Discussing 厨 S
T Discussing
Activate TASK TWO Work in groups quickly to prepare a list of words associated with social problems. You'd better go with them according to the following classification:
T TASK TWO Work in groups quickly to prepare a list of words associated with social problems. You’d better go with them according to the following classification:
Activate Crime Environment Interpersonal Communication R Drunk driving Pollution Drug abusing Overpopulation Racial discrimination Murder Resources shortage Inequality Smuggling Global warming Single-parent family Piracy Sand storm Generation gap Fraud Acid rain Aging Juvenile delinquency
T Pollution Resources shortage Global warming Sand storm Acid rain ... Overpopulation Racial discrimination Inequality Single-parent family Generation gap Aging ... Crime Environment Interpersonal Communication Drunk driving Drug abusing Murder Smuggling Piracy Fraud Juvenile delinquency
Activate Economy Education Health Poverty Layoffs Drop out Unemployment Lacking of creativity Overwork Exam-orientated education Inflation Infectious diseases Economic recession Mental problems High pricing Bribery Corruption
T Poverty Layoffs Unemployment Overwork Inflation Economic recession High pricing Bribery Corruption ... Drop out Lacking of creativity Exam-orientated education Infectious diseases Mental problems ... Economy Education & Health