Introduc tion Chapter 9 Pricing Strategy Sides Cases Providing the \ae Questions Readings BACK
Chapter 9 Pricing Strategy Introduction Slides Cases Questions Readings BACK
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问题的提出 平价大药房 缘何走俏上海
cuc ontent 1. Price Setting 2. Price Adapting 3. Price Changes
1. Price Setting 2.Price Adapting 3.Price Changes
What is Price? The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service
4 The amount of money charged for a product or service,or the sum of the values that consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. What is Price?
1. Factors affecting price decisions Internal External factors factors Nature of the market and Marketing demand objectives Pricing Marketing decision Competitors; mix strategy; Other Costs environment Organizational factors(economy, consideration reseller, government
5 1.Factors affecting price decisions • Internal factors Marketing objectives; Marketing mix strategy; Costs; Organizational consideration External factors Nature of the market and demand; Competitors; Other environment factors(economy, reseller, government Pricing decision
The Three Cs Model for Price Setting prices and assessment/ High Price Low Price Costs Competitors' Customers No possible prices of of unique No possible profit at substitutes product demand at Is price eatures this price
6 The Three C’s Model for Price Setting Costs Competitors’ prices and prices of substitutes Customers’ assessment of unique product features Low Price No possible profit at this price High Price No possible demand at this price
2. Setting Pricing Policy 1. Selecting the pricing objective 2. Determining demand 3. Estimating costs 4. Analyzing competitors costs, prices, and offers 5. Selecting a pricing method 6. Selecting final price
7 2.Setting Pricing Policy 1. Selecting the pricing objective 2. Determining demand 3. Estimating costs 4. Analyzing competitors’ costs, prices, and offers 5. Selecting a pricing method 6. Selecting final price
3. Pricing objectives (1)Survival L Low price 2)sales m Maximum current revenue 口 Maximum sales growth
8 3. Pricing Objectives (1) Survival Low price (2) Sales Maximum current revenue Maximum sales growth
()Profit L! Maximum market skimming 口 Maximum current profit (4)Market leadership Market share (5)Product-quality leadership 9
9 (3) Profit Maximum market skimming Maximum current profit (4) Market leadership:Market share (5) Product-quality leadership
ypes of costs Fixed Costs Variable costs (Overhead Costs that don't Costs that do vary vary with sales or directly with the production levels. level of production. Executive Salaries Raw materials Rent Total Costs Sum of the Fixed and Variable Costs for a Given Level of Production
10 Types of Costs Total Costs Sum of the Fixed and Variable Costs for a Given Level of Production Fixed Costs (Overhead) Costs that don’t vary with sales or production levels. Executive Salaries Rent Variable Costs Costs that do vary directly with the level of production. Raw materials