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《人因工程学 Human Factor Engineering》第一章 人因工程学概述

人因工程是基于对人、机器、技术和相关环境 的深入研究,发现并利用人的行为方式、工作 能力、作业限制等特点,通过对工具、机器、 系统、任务、环境进行合理设计,以提高生产 (包括日常生活中人的活动)的效率、安全性、 健康性、舒适性和有效性的一门工程技术学科。第一节 学科概述 第二节 基本原理和研究方法主要研究方法概述

Human Factors 人因了程 feizhous@tom.com Song feizho

Song feizhou Human Factors 人因工程 feizhous@tom.com

教材及参考书 《人因工程》孙林岩主编中国科学技术出 版社 K Human Factors in Engineering and Design》 M.S. Sanders &EJ Mccormick MCGRaW HILL International editions 《工效学》王恒毅主编机械工业出版社 Song feizhou

Song feizhou 教材及参考书 ▪ 《人因工程》孙林岩主编 中国科学技术出 版社 ▪ 《Human Factors in Engineering and Design》 M.S.Sanders&E.J.Mccormick McGRAW -HILL International Enditions ▪ 《工效学》王恒毅主编 机械工业出版社

课程要求 ■1.理解人的生理及心理基础、作业环境、人机界 面、场所人因工程设计等知识中的基本概念和基 本理论 2掌握上述知识中的基本分析方法 3运用上述基本概念、原理和方法,为人-机-环 境系统设计提出合理可行的方案,并加深相关课 程知识的理解。 4.实践性要求学生必须完成一定的实践经验,以 培养自己的实践技能,并加深本课程基础知识的 理解。 Song feizhou

Song feizhou 课程要求 ▪ 1.理解人的生理及心理基础、作业环境、人机界 面、场所人因工程设计等知识中的基本概念和基 本理论。 ▪ 2.掌握上述知识中的基本分析方法。 ▪ 3.运用上述基本概念、原理和方法,为人-机-环 境系统设计提出合理可行的方案,并加深相关课 程知识的理解。 ▪ 4.实践性要求学生必须完成一定的实践经验,以 培养自己的实践技能,并加深本课程基础知识的 理解

实验和上机: 实验部分计8学时。开展演示性实验和参与 性实验。 具体:环境照明测量;环境噪声测量;微 气候测定;作业环境粉尘测定(机动,备 选);反应时间测定等系列心理实验;学 习曲线实验等。 Song feizhou

Song feizhou 实验和上机: ▪ 实验部分计8学时。开展演示性实验和参与 性实验。 ▪ 具体:环境照明测量;环境噪声测量;微 气候测定;作业环境粉尘测定(机动,备 选);反应时间测定等系列心理实验;学 习曲线实验等

考核 平时 实验 考试 Song feizhou

Song feizhou 考核 ▪ 平时 ▪ 实验 ▪ 考试

Human factors Have you ever used a tool, device, appliance, or machine and said to yourself, " what a dumb way to design this; it is so hard to use If only they had done this or that using it would be so much easier The goal of hf is to guide the applications of technology in the direction of benefiting humanity Song feizhou

Song feizhou Human Factors ▪ Have you ever used a tool, device, appliance, or machine and said to yourself, “what a dumb way to design this; it is so hard to use! If only they had done this or that, using it would be so much easier? ▪ The goal of HF is to guide the applications of technology in the direction of benefiting humanity

Comfort Ergonomics (Human factors) Well-being Reduces Efficiency (Enhances safety) Ermor A Physical BMenta CProduction Obectives of Ergonomics (From Industrial Ergonomics: A Practitioner's Guide, 1985) Song feizhou

Song feizhou

第一章人因工程学概述 第一节学科概述 人因工程定义 ≯人因工程是基于对人、机器、技术和相关环境 的深入研究,发现并利用人的行为方式、工作 能力、作业限制等特点,通过对工具、机器、 系统、任务、环境进行合理设计,以提高生产 (包括日常生活中人的活动)的效率、安全性、 健康性、舒适性和有效性的一门工程技术学科。 Song feizhou

Song feizhou 第一章 人因工程学概述 第一节 学科概述 ▪ 人因工程定义 ➢人因工程是基于对人、机器、技术和相关环境 的深入研究,发现并利用人的行为方式、工作 能力、作业限制等特点,通过对工具、机器、 系统、任务、环境进行合理设计,以提高生产 (包括日常生活中人的活动)的效率、安全性、 健康性、舒适性和有效性的一门工程技术学科

Related Terms Human factors Used in the united states and a few other countries Ergonomics Prevalent in europe and the rest of the world Human engineering > Its use is waning Engineering Psychology Used by some psychologists Song feizhou

Song feizhou Related Terms ▪ Human Factors ➢Used in the United States and a few other countries ▪ Ergonomics ➢Prevalent in Europe and the rest of the world ▪ Human Engineering ➢Its use is waning ▪ Engineering Psychology ➢Used by some psychologists

Definition-focus, objectives and approach HF focuses on human beings and their interaction with products, equipment, facilities procedures, and environments used in work and everyday living hf has two objectives To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency with which work and other activities are carried out To enhance certain desirable human values including improved safety, reduced fatigue and stress, increased comfort, greater user acceptance, increased job satisfaction, and improved quality of Song feizhou

Song feizhou Definition-focus, objectives and approach ▪ HF focuses on human beings and their interaction with products, equipment, facilities, procedures, and environments used in work and everyday living ▪ HF has two objectives ➢To enhance the effectiveness and efficiency with which work and other activities are carried out ➢To enhance certain desirable human values, including improved safety, reduced fatigue and stress, increased comfort, greater user acceptance, increased job satisfaction, and improved quality of life

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