医学史简论(6) A Brief History of Medicine 浙江大学医学院余海 Zhejiang University School of Medicine
医学史简论(6) A Brief History of Medicine 浙江大学医学院 余 海 Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Presentation(1)March 29 Wed I Thai Confinement III. The medicine in islam 1. Ting Mei Hua(3160300558) 1. Abier Eltayieb 3160300552 2. Trakullapphan Nattanit ( 3160300559) 2. Rim Bakran 3160300576 3. Thungcharoenkhun Metini ( 3160300561) 4. Uampoom Supichaya3160300567 3. Ouwais alkhateb 3160300620 5. Wuttiprasert Nipaporn (3160300591) 4. Mohamed Miskin 3160300632 6. Sangket Nattaya (3160300595 5. Omar abdelkhalek 3160300579 7. Ratanakreetakul Chotisa (3160300596 6. Areg Mogbel 3 160300569 8. antamontri Angsutorn (3160300642) 7. Esraa abdulhadi 160300550 8. Al Shaban noor Addin 3160300582 II. Siddha medicine 1 Ramachandran Arjun 3160300628 IV. Siamese Twins 2. Venkatesan surya 3160300624 Konthanasak thachita 3160300616 3. poovarasu dharanee 3160300621 Chayanit 3160300557 4.Uma3160300546 3. Sippakorn 3 160300568 ●5. Jayaraj3160300544 4 Vasin3160300641 66. Clemant ashin daniel 3160300605 5. Nalinee3160300640
Presentation (1) March 29 Wed I. Thai Confinement 1. Ting Mei Hua (3160300558) 2. Trakullapphan Nattanit (3160300559) 3. Thungcharoenkhun Metini (3160300561) 4. Uampoom Supichaya (3160300567) 5. Wuttiprasert Nipaporn (3160300591) 6. Sangket Nattaya (3160300595) 7. Ratanakreetakul Chotisa (3160300596) 8. Jantamontri Angsutorn (3160300642) II. Siddha medicine 1. Ramachandran Arjun 3160300628 2. Venkatesan surya 3160300624 3. poovarasu dharanee 3160300621 4. Uma 3160300546 5. Jayaraj 3160300544 6. Clemant Ashin Daniel 3160300605 III. The Medicine in Islam 1. Abier Eltayieb 3160300552 2. Rim Bakran 3160300576 3. Ouwais Alkhateb 3160300620 4. Mohamed Miskin 3160300632 5. Omar Abdelkhalek 3160300579 6. Areg Moqbel 3160300569 7. Esraa Abdulhadi 3160300550 8. Al Shaban Noor Addin 3160300582 IV.Siamese Twins 1. Konthanasak Thachita 3160300616 2. Chayanit 3160300557 3. Sippakorn 3160300568 4. Vasin 3160300641 5. Nalinee 3160300640
Presentation(2)March 31 Fri Ill. History ofSurgery alaria Priyansh Thakor 3 160300631 William Mochtar(陈福辉)3160300587 Rahmani Wasit Ahmad 3160300594 2. Soheib albaurum-3160300592 3. Sanket Dixit 3160300570 3. Amro Bintaleb-3160300609 Jinu christopher 3160300612 4. Abdishakur-3160300604 5. Lakme silva 3160300636 5. Franko shehaj-3160300574 6. Thinu harini 3160300637 7. Fardeen Sayfoo 3160300562 IV. Herbal medicine 8. Aditi marathe 3160300614 Zahraa. Sh Mood 3160300551 Takal Abdifatah roble 3160300629 2. Ahmed jasim 3160300554 Ibrahim khan 3160300611 Hogr Mohammed Ismael 3160300548 MOHAMMED IMAD RASHEED 3160300584 II. History on process of mummification V. The history of dentistry MUALPRASITPORN KHETSOPON- 3160300573 Saif Samar(553) MUALPRASITPORN KANJANAPON-3160300572 2. Beulah Carolin(602) 3 SIRIMAITRITRAKUL APICHAYA-3160300585 ariya (601) 4 SRITOURNOK PATHARAMON-3160300639 4. Humairah(560) RUNGARUNSIRICHOKE SAKATTHAPHON 3160300623 Shahad(566) Farin (583) Neema(575)
Presentation (2)March 31 Fri I. Malaria 1. Priyansh Thakor 3160300631 2. Rahmani Wasit Ahmad 3160300594 3. Sanket Dixit 3160300570 4. Jinu Christopher 3160300612 5. Lakme Silva 3160300636 6. Thinu Harini 3160300637 7. Fardeen Sayfoo 3160300562 8. Aditi Marathe 3160300614 9. Takal Abdifatah Roble 3160300629 10. Ibrahim Khan 3160300611 II. History on process of mummification 1. MUALPRASITPORN KHETSOPON- 3160300573 2. MUALPRASITPORN KANJANAPON- 3160300572 3. SIRIMAITRITRAKUL APICHAYA-3160300585 4. SRITOURNOK PATHARAMON- 3160300639 5. RUNGARUNSIRICHOKE SAKATTHAPHON- 3160300623 III.History of Surgery 1. William Mochtar(陈福辉)-3160300587 2. Soheib Albaurum -3160300592 3. Amro Bintaleb -3160300609 4. Abdishakur -3160300604 5. Franko Shehaj -3160300574 IV. Herbal Medicine 1. Zahraa.Sh.Hmood 3160300551 2. Ahmed Jasim 3160300554 3. Hogr Mohammed Ismael 3160300548 4. MOHAMMED IMAD RASHEED 3160300584 V. The history of dentistry 1. Saif Samar (553) 2. Beulah Carolin (602) 3. Mariya (601) 4. Humairah (560) 5. Shahad (566) 6. Farin (583) 7. Neema (575)
Presentation (3)April 5 I Ayurvedic Medicine Ill. History of Psychiatry Paimpallil joseph Aiswarya-3160300635 1 NAMITHA:3160300543 Jothilingham Niharika-3160300600 2 JEBANESAN ABEL ARNOLD: 3160300622 Kajahussain Nisarya-3160300627 3 HANEIN NABEEL MAJEED: 3160300564 4 ARUTHDHA SREE NEEVANANDAM: 3160300581 T. Gnanasuruthi-3160300545 s RAJA HARISH: 3160300547 5. Thanisha joby-3160300634 6 ZAYA ARIUNBOLD: 3160300626 Swathi selvakumar-3160300638 7. KOZHIKKODAN MALIYEKKEL NAJAB: 3160300630 7. Sanjay Kumar-3160300603 II. History of Mental Health IV. Smallpox Omer alghamdi 3160300607 1. DIANA3160300593 2. Hamza hussein 3160300565 SOHAIB3160300606 3. Jason Christianto Putra 3160300599 OMED3160300586 Ali Hezam 3160300590 4 FAISAL3160300571 Khulood Neama 3160300617 6. Dilame Shiferaw 3160300610 V. Discovery of germ cells 7. Dinah oktalailia 3160300618 1. Zhu ziyue3160300549 8. Salsabilatul Azizah 3160300619 2. Ilham Jamali 3160300598
Presentation (3) April 5 I Ayurvedic Medicine 1. Paimpallil Joseph Aiswarya-3160300635 2. Jothilingham Niharika- 3160300600 3. Kajahussain Nisarya-3160300627 4. T. Gnanasuruthi- 3160300545 5. Thanisha Joby-3160300634 6. Swathi selvakumar-3160300638 7. Sanjay Kumar-3160300603 II. History of Mental Health 1. Omer Alghamdi 3160300607 2. HamzaHussein 3160300565 3. Jason Christianto Putra 3160300599 4. Ali Hezam 3160300590 5. Khulood Neama 3160300617 6. Dilame Shiferaw 3160300610 7. Dinah Oktalailia 3160300618 8. Salsabilatul Azizah 3160300619 III. History of Psychiatry 1. NAMITHA : 3160300543 2. JEBANESAN ABEL ARNOLD : 3160300622 3. HANEIN NABEEL MAJEED : 3160300564 4. ARUTHDHA SREE NEEVANANDAM : 3160300581 5. RAJA HARISH :3160300547 6. ZAYA ARIUNBOLD : 3160300626 7. KOZHIKKODAN MALIYEKKEL NAJAB : 3160300630 IV. Smallpox 1. DIANA 3160300593 2. SOHAIB 3160300606 3. OMED 3160300586 4. FAISAL 3160300571 V. Discovery of germ cells 1. Zhu Ziyue 3160300549 2. Illham Jamali 3160300598
Two people not in any groups o Hyyani Ibtissam 3160300608 o Chowdhury Shamia 3160300615
Two people not in any groups Hyyani Ibtissam 3160300608 Chowdhury Shamia 3160300615
Origin of Medicine Egypt Babylon India China Greece 乏 oo= Rome 3 Medieval Arabic medicine Renaissance Pre-modern medicine Modern medicine ¨TCM
Origin of Medicine Egypt Babylon India China Greece Rome Medieval Arabic medicine Renaissance Pre-modern medicine Modern medicine TCM Western Medicine
Premodern Medicine: background 1642-1651 English Civil War(revolution) Replacement of English monarchy with the common wealth of england then with a protectorate under lord of Protector olive Cromwell, James ll restoration of monarch(1660), William Ill( Prince of Orange ) and Mary ll overthrew James川,“ Glorious revolution”(1688)“ The bill of rights" was passed and established constitutional monarchy(1689) Oliver Cromwel Trial and execution of charles i for treason
Premodern Medicine: background 1642-1651 English Civil War (revolution) Replacement of English monarchy with the Commonwealth of England, then with a Protectorate under Lord of Protector Olive Cromwell,James II restoration of monarch(1660) ,William III (Prince of Orange) and Mary II overthrew James II, “Glorious Revolution”(1688)“The Bill of Rights” was passed and established constitutional monarchy(1689) Oliver Cromwell 1649.1.30 Trial and execution of Charles I for treason
Premodern Medicine: background French revolution The tripod Liberty leading the people
Premodern Medicine: background French revolution "Liberty leading the people" The tripod
近代医学发畏的影响因素:资产阶级革命 French revolution 1789-1799 Liberty, Equality, fraternity Storming of basti‖le Execution of louis xVi with the guillotine T La prise de la Bastille le 1 4 juillet 1789 January 21, 1793
近代医学发展的影响因素:资产阶级革命 French Revolution 1789-1799 Liberty, Equality,Fraternity Execution of Louis XVI with the guillotine January 21, 1793 Storming of Bastille 1793.1.21
Pre-modern medicine: Industrial revolution The Industrial revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, production, mining and transportation had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain. The changes subsequently spread throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. the onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human society; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way Steam power James Watt improved steam engine provided 瓦特1736-1819 powerful energy for dustrial revolutin James Watt
Pre-modern Medicine: Industrial revolution 瓦特 1736-1819 James Watt Steam power - James Watt improved steam engine provided powerful energy for industrial revolutin The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, production, mining, and transportation had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain. The changes subsequently spread throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. The onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human society; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way