CONTENTS 1.Structure and Bonding 1 bonds d pi()bonds 12234 cts,hyperconjugation and 1.7 7.2 Bases Acid-base reactions 00255667 Problems roups 890034 3.Stereochemistry ethane (CH,CH,) CH.CH.CH) 324 l isomers 13661280001 31
Content 3.3 gold-Prelog (Rand 5) Fischer projection 3415567 Problems 4.Reactivity and Mechanism % 42 4212 hile osandcartonradical 49.1 ynamies and kineties 1.9.3K contro 7788194901122234456786 5.Alkvl Halides 5.21 H 5.3 5.3.1 Nucleophilic substitution 5 53.12 890701 71 53.18 icipation 5325319 723 52 The,bimolecular) 5.3.22 reactions e)rea ction 6.Alkenes and Alkynes 62 gen halides n of bromi ein the presence 62.24 domtw (): 6225 Ad 6.226 乡 6.2.27 f1.2- 6.2.28 Re 6.3
Content ion): nions Problems 7.Benzenes 2 32 the Friedel-C 0Q000 7.3 7.3.2 effects 7.4 3671319 of su benzene and thiophene 出8 8.Carbonyl Compounds:Aldehydes and Ketones n 83.3 e:eion crwein-Ponndorf-Verlev 124
2 125 125 of carbon mucleophiles: 12s 23 cetal and sulfur pucleophiles 色 pfaminenucleophilesg tion o mine oximes and Formation of enamines 8.4 842.1 enation of aldehydes and 843 Acid ogen atoms 金 4.42 Alkylatis ofe 85 alde hydesand dol Problems ounds:Carboxylie Acids 143 93 931
Content 9.33 的 ketones on of acid chloride 95 146 ilie substitution reactions of acid 48 cleophi 9.9 der 9.11.3int Clais condensations 多 S场 copy 159 10.1.3 10.5. spectroscopy n-spin splitting or couping 666666600111 NMR spectro copy 1.Natural Products and Synthetis Polvmer rates
Contents ix Waxes.fats and oils 52 tcnsolmen Problems Further Reading Appendix I Bond Dissociation Energies Appendix 2 Bond Lengths 20 Appendix 3 Approximate pK Values(Relalive to Water) Appendix4 Useful Abbreviations Appendix 5 Infrared Absorptions 213 Appendix6 ApproximateH NMR Chemical Shifis 21 Index 216