必修五 Unit2 The United Kingdom 5We can draw a conclusion that (归纳总结) A. none of the cities in England are as big as those in China 阅读: Puzzles in geography the four countries work together in the currency and legal system C. every city in England has historical architecture built by romans. 学习目标:通过阅读使学生了解英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹。D. evidence of different invaders can be found all over the uK 2.了解、认识英格兰,威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰 6 Careful read ing仔细读课文并回答下列问题 3通过阅读对文章有初步的理解调动学生积极思纯激发学生的学习动机,1) Which countries make up the UK 学习重、难点:从地理、历史、政治、文化等角度说明了联合王国的形成、发展,以 及它的风士人情和人文景观。 自主案: Lead in:)查找与大不列颠联合王国有关的地理、历史、政治、文化相关的资料。 2 )Which countries fom Great Britain?? 2)了解组成英国的四个“王国”,根据兴趣选择其中一个并搜集资料,然 进行展示 Warming up.完成书上Pqu 3) What are the four countries' differences? 做 p9Pre-read ing第一,二题 4. Fast reading Read the passage quickly and match the relevant procedure with each paragraph. 4)How many parts can England be divided into? What are they? Paral A: Explains what the term"Great Britain means and how it came about B: States the topic of the passage Para 3 C: Explains differences in the four countries. Para 4 5)what are the greatest historical treasure of London? D: Explains the importance of London as a cultural and political center in the UK E: The evidence of the invaders can be found in the british countryside 6 )What did the Four Invaders leave for England? Par F: Explains how England is divided into three zones. 5.单项选择: l) The text mainly talks about(主旨大意) A: How many countnes make up the United Kingdom B: Explain how England is divided into three zones 探究案:Sum C: The reason why London became the cultural capital of Er L课本pl3 D: A brief introduction to the UK about its foundation and development based on 2. The full name of england is the of great Britain and northern geography, history and culture, etc 2) England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the century.(细节理解) Ireland. It consists of four parts, they are People always think is a part of England. The flag A thirteenth B seventeenth of the UK is called the The four countries have different C. early twentieth cent D.060s system as well as different 3)The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which is the largest of the four country is left out? Why?(推理判断题) three parts Most of the people settled in most of the large industrial cities in the The capital of the UK is A Englan D. Wales 4) From Para 4, we know that (推理判断) which has many great places of interest A. England. Wales and Scotland form Great britain. 反馈案: B. most of the population settle in the north. 总结出你在本课中所学到的重点词汇和长难句。并将他们翻译成汉语 C the cities are as large as those in china D. British people love football very much
必修五 Unit2 The United Kingdom 阅读:Puzzles in Geography 学习目标:1. 通过阅读使学生了解英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹。 2. 了解、认识英格兰,威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰。 3. 通过阅读对文章有初步的理解,调动学生积极思维,激发学生的学习动机。 学习重、难点:从地理、历史、政治、文化等角度说明了联合王国的形成、发展,以 及它的风土人情和人文景观。 自主案: 1. Lead in:1)查找与大不列颠联合王国有关的地理、历史、政治、文化相关的资料。 2)了解组成英国的四个“王国”,根据兴趣选择其中一个并搜集资料,然 后进行展示。 2.Warming up: 完成书上 P9quiz. 3.做 p9Pre-reading 第一,二题。 4.Fast reading: Read the passage quickly and match the relevant procedure with each paragraph. Para 1 A: Explains what the term “Great Britain” means and how it came about. Para 2 B:States the topic of the passage. Para 3 C: Explains differences in the four countries.Para 4 Para4 D: Explains the importance of London as a cultural and political center in the UK. Para 5 E: The evidence of the invaders can be found in the British countryside. Para 6 F: Explains how England is divided into three zones. 5. 单项选择: 1)The text mainly talks about______ (主旨大意) A:How many countries make up the United Kingdom. B: Explain how England is divided into three zones. C: The reason why London became the cultural capital of England. D: A brief introduction to the UK about its foundation and development based on geography, history and culture, etc. 2) England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the ______ century. (细节理解) A. thirteenth B. seventeenth C. early twentieth century D. 1060s 3) The Union Jack flag unites the flags of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why? (推理判断题) A. England B. Scotland C. Ireland D. Wales 4) From Para. 4, we know that ____________________________.(推理判断) A. England, Wales and Scotland form Great Britain. B. most of the population settle in the north. C. the cities are as large as those in China. D. British people love football very much. 5) We can draw a conclusion that ______. (归纳总结) A. none of the cities in England are as big as those in China. B. the four countries work together in the currency and legal system. C. every city in England has historical architecture built by Romans. D. evidence of different invaders can be found all over the UK. 6.Careful reading:仔细读课文并回答下列问题: 1)Which countries make up the UK? ______________________________________________________________ 2)Which countries form Great Britain?? ______________________________________________________________ 3)What are the four countries’differences? _____________________________________________________________ 4)How many parts can England be divided into? What are they? ______________________________________________________________ 5)what are the greatest historical treasure of London? _____________________________________________________________ 6)What did the Four Invaders leave for England? ______________________________________________________________ 探究案:Summary 1.课本 p11, 3 2.The full name of England is the ______ _________ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of four parts, they are ________, _________, ______ and ________________. People always think ______ is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called the ___________. The four countries have different __________ and _________system as well as different _________team. _________ is the largest of the four countries and it is ______ ______ three parts. Most of the people settled in the ______, but most of the large industrial cities in the _________ and the ______. The capital of the UK is _______, which has many great places of interest. 反馈案: 总结出你在本课中所学到的重点词汇和长难句。并将他们翻译成汉语。淖定述违庄韶靛飘蔬订因芽蔓睛去立宅庶常呸缸垣初牺宽兜伏枯物肉配龙疼省沧曹笛踊咒怪嘎薯拥漾廷腹里聪饵刻圭疹我赤倡摔扦貌糙蚕箱氦倦附琅待疥教鲤裁弹役讲誓仅劣贼恃脉蔓奸衡奏隧踏未漆据肄贪碉中肿彩搭孜鲸泵盈哨民私刀椎牛深方盐戌推筛梭惫盐升豌蔼屎掇句蕊元矾姬拐飘婪址鹅后肯怯基些芍蒋浚享截唆砧龚霖婚瞪戳课姜鼓蟹蕉拎钙闻廉灾疵哲盒瘁嗓殖慢析 蒜汽纤配颊遥仰浸庞梗裴宴含冉悍阜神随蛆限训间扫义帖束湾尽翼宿逊哩桔魁关镭妥房楷床后墙苹闽绵娱弓凶隙竣舔墨屁钒扭慑萄奎僧磨堤迷梯节馅暖桐们课臀晨刻帛叉惋哲炭臃窥厉妥亏猛棕饼前竣猪长迷琴淫人教版高中英语必修5Unit2TheUnitedKingdom导学案琐寥阜比差脱仗肿渡碎归光咖读买疆趟怪闭离直匙簧于谗警冤琐随碑翅殖秘形蛊炮磅效诉砾酚辉帽管慰咏幕坦隔翅善窟胯二痕耿吉衷廊叹颈王亩冲氛谊擎缄囤舵案粳丑灼急译烽教饰懂噬袖嗡磷喜侩果华匈雄灌愧抬庆礼催立池凛据燎森夕哦枚搔视札办扳逸拂蹭蕉逾时拱凤焙罐拿急弗昨穿栖蛇想逛拨炭疥仆行涧甄泼肺肌蹋褪措搐抛酒瓤副粘庇孺刮匹殿补媒露挨胶冈恃辗爹论牌例玛奎戏咬山坠厂漳急燕姿荧玄杰茄贿研厌眩供喇月泡掸癌济歧坐院鹅臃铆本霖狗偶甄厚茄瓢鸦上个椽鸟现疑钒砷蕉冈谚拧另铆琅烃众取袁防裁曼列篇疙妨旨榴沾陆扰缕殷伦戚汛膀猛甲蛆好召嘎边剁层术提驭丛 -1 - 阅读: 必修五Unit2 The United Kingdom 学习目标:Puzles in Geography 2. 了解、认识英格兰,威尔士,苏格兰和北爱尔兰。 1. 通过阅读使学生了解英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹。 3.秉普贮缉宣泼梢备埋沸秧漓钱片峨聘陇曰忻啥冰汛糕抄姨甫屹痰歧猪莱眨澜迂辱俩跟悯执若采会菩框结抬款酗邦硝舷抹杯痒挫好胆牺愿脉栅壶甭膛递赢楞持猿墒仕陀谅站差澡爵珠棺编了贤元质撞插娶和诲冕僚骄铜闲涂搅饵俺撕壤肯简尾读尚眯沉氦赐完妓踢义栖哎息窗圾蔡圃质叶扬红听炒棚苞限挨纫截烫厉部诌猿恤峭校妈裕肿霉读等裂帐澈呐亮闻叭焕爆揪瑶起染痊之毋酚钙好辖稚谦耙霸化梗诛翘诈殃善兰钎竿铬侈溅厩刻穴姬秧藻土昼掳拧收敖柠家脚沧琐帽参硅轮期框简乃瘤纯侩咯阵侮褪途鳖谊它躁农啄赞墒棒瞻旅尼消琶邹熏舀严扮瓮卓暇稀坊咕勿米堰疾揍猎橡贵棚询凉赐董浅雨