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reward l. reward sb. with sth.用某物报答酬谢/奖励某人 2. reward sb. for sth.因某事而报答酬谢奖励某人 3 rewarding adj. helpful有益的;值得做的e.g. Make the extra effort to impress theinterviewers and you will be likely to berewarded with a better job with a bettersalary.如果你能多花些心思,给面试的考官留下深刻的印象,那么你就可能得到一个比较好的、工资也很高的工作。次大注意区分与 award之间的不同
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Intensive stud Lighten Your Load and save Your life Para.1 If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. Para. 2 If you dont want to break your own heart, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can-and recognize there are many things beyond your control
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Uints I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: Why do some people stay in one job for life while others switch jobs from time to M: Some people want a fixed routine so that they dont have to adapt tot new circumstances over and over again, while others think variety is the spice of life Q: According to the dialog, why do some people stick to one job for life?
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Unit 1 Book Three Unit One Section A The Expensive Fantasy of lord williams I Greetings I Review. 1. Key words section A: survival, sorrow, ancient, endure, channel, invade, surrender, historic, cast crash, commuter, suburb, resolution, exhaust, rescue, wreckage, decent section B: innocent, drift, mere, explode, expose, sector, layout, sway, uneasy, heal glimpse, flesh, heir
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Review: Have a small quiz. Have a dictation of the words in Unit 2 consume moderate liable allowance typical fatigue advisable modify interfere succession imply obstacle density boost stem speculate maintenance academic II. Start the new lesson 1 Introduction The Hyde School sees itself as preparing children for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles which
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在 There be句型中 There is no smoke without fire There seems to be little time left There,here结构中,如果主语有好几个,谓语动词 与最邻近的主语一致。 There was a TV set, a portrait and several albums on the shelf
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approve, affection, exaggerate, version, fame, solemn, inspire, stretch, settlement, reputation, contract, evolve, astonish, annual, bare, distinct, comprise, imaginary feature, illustration, influential, plunge, gratitude, distribution I Start the new lesson 1. Introduction Mrs. Clark was seriously ill and would die soon. She was just a skeleton at that time The nurse accompany her finishing her rest of life. She was the mother of seven, grandmother of eighteen and a concert piano player. Her graceful hands impressed the
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后接动名词作宾语的常用动词有: admit advise allow anticipate appreciate avoid risk delay deny dislike dread 后接动名词(或名词)作宾语的常用短语
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情态动词( model verb)用来表示能力 允许、可能、必须、劝告、意愿等概念或态 度。主要的情态动词有can( could),may might), shall(should), will (would) must, ought to,ned,dare等。情态动词没有 人称和数的变化,其后常跟不带to的不定式
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三种基本形式 If had a bike.I would lend it to you(f从句用过去时,主句用 should/ would/ could/ mighti不定式) If he had been here he would have helped you(从句过去完成时,主句 should would/ could/ might+不定式完成时) I would do it some other wa(从句用 should/ were to3主句用 should/woud could /might+不定式)
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