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一、基因治疗的策略 The Strategy of Gene Therapy 二、基因转移技术 The Technique of Gene Transfer 三、基因干预 Gene Interference 四、治疗基因的受控表达 Regulated Expression of Therapeutic Gene 五、基因治疗的应用研究 The Application of Gene Therapy
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1马氏规则:卤化氢等极性试剂与不对称烯烃发生亲电加成反应时,酸中的氢原 子加在含氢较多的双键碳原子上,卤素或其它原子及基团加在含氢较少的双键碳原子 上。这一规则称为马氏规则
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八、光谱 (1)紫外光谱 1生色基:能在某一段光波内产生吸收的基团称为这一段波长的生色基。紫外光 谱的生色基是:碳碳共轭结构、含有杂原子的共轭结构、能进行n→*跃迁的基团、 能进行n→0*跃迁并在近紫外区能吸收的原子或基团。 2红移:使最大吸收峰向长波方向移动的现象称为红移现象
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食品原料学是食品科学与工程、食品质量与安全专业的一门专业基础课。它是以生物学、 食品化学等为基础,研究食品原料的种类、性质、性能及其应用的一门学科。本课程系统介 绍食品原料的种类、形态结构、理化特性、地域分布、品质检验、贮藏保鲜和加工特性、营 养等方面的知识,使学生掌握食品原料学的基本理论,常见食品原料的种类、特性及应用
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 Definition of battery  Working mechanism  History of batteries  Technology development  Important types of batteries  Characteristics, Comparisons
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• Important Terms of batteries • Why lithium batteries? • Necessity, and advantage • Different types of lithium batteries • Primary and secondary/rechargeable • Working mechanism • How they store charges
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• Lithium-metal batteries • Safety problem • Lithium-ion batteries • Components, working mechanism • Cathode materials: LiFePO4 , Li-Mn-O
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• Introduction of Tin • Chemistry of Tin • Molecular structure and Li insertion • Synthesis and modification methods • One literature example
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• Introduction of TiO2 • Chemistry of TiO2 • Molecular structure and Li insertion • Synthesis and modification methods • Several literature examples
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• Why safety? • Origins of safety concerns • Thermal runaway process: 3 stages • Materials with improved battery safety • Materials to solve problems in 3 stages
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