Unit 4 the Fundamentals of computer Hardware Text 1 Organization of computer System components Now let's look at our computer definition: A computer is a fast and accurate system. It is organized to accept, store, and process data and produce output results. This section will explain
Unit 2 More about Computer Text 1 Guess What It is Let's begin this unit with a riddle. Try to guess what it is? It is like a tv. but it is not It is a calculator but it is more than a calculator It is not so mysterious, but it is powerful and intelligent When you want to send or receive e-mail
语言仅仅是一种编码的想法似乎很容易被人们接受,很多人在学生时代至少学过一种外语, 因此,我们知道在英语中“c a t”(猫)也可以被叫作g a t o、c h a t、K a t z e、K O I I I K或k a p a。 然而,数字不那么容易随文化的不同而改变。不论那种语言,也不管怎样读那些数字, 地球上我们能够遇到的几乎所有的人都用同样的方式来写数字:
在遥远的将来,当人们回顾2 0世纪的计算机发展史时,有人可能会以为一种称为“logic gates (逻辑门)”的设备是以著名的微软公司创始人的名字命名的( Bill Gates中的G a t e s在英语中有 “门”的意思),其实并非如此。我们很快就会明白,逻辑门和通常让水和人通过的门十分相 似。逻辑门通过阻挡或允许电流通过在逻辑中执行简单的任务