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第一节 病因和发病经过 第二节 各系统器官的功能代谢变化 第三节 发病机制
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第一节 急性肾功能不全(acute renal insufficiency,ARI) 第二节 慢性肾功能不全(chronic renal insufficiency,CRI) 第三节 尿毒症(uremia)
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第一节 分类及病因 第二节 肝功能不全临床综合症的发生机制 第三节 肝性脑病 第四节 肝性功能性肾衰竭
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Part I Human Organization 1 Organization of the Body 2 Chemistry of Life 3 Cell Structure and Function 4 Body Tissues and Membranes 5 The Integumentary System Part II Support and Movement 6 The Skeletal System 7 The Muscular System Part III Integration and Coordination 8 The Nervous System 9 The Sensory System 10 The Endocrine System Part IV Maintenance of the Body 11 Blood 12 The Circulatory System 13 The Lymphatic System and Immunity 14 The Respiratory System 15 The Digestive System 16 The Urinary System Part V Reproduction and Development 17 The Reproductive System 18 Human Development and Birth 19 Human Genetics Appendices A Reference Figures: The Human Organism B Understanding Medical Terminology C Answers to MedAlert Questions D Further Readings
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恩格斯在100多年前总结自然科学成就时指出:“地球几乎没有一种变化发生而不同时显示出电的现 象”:生物体当然也不例外。事实上,在埃及残存史前古文字中,已有电鱼击人的记载:但对于生物电现 象的研究,只能是在人类对于电现象一般规律和本质有所认识以后
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垂体按其胚胎发育和功能、形态的不同,分为腺垂体和神经垂体两部分。腺垂体来自胚胎 口凹的外胚层上皮,是由6种腺细胞组成的上皮细胞。神经垂体来自间脑底部的漏斗,主 要由下丘脑-垂体束的无髓神经纤维和神经胶质细胞分化而成的神经垂体细胞组成。垂体以 漏斗与下丘脑相连
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第一节 DIC的原因和发病机制 第二节 影响DIC发生发展的因素 第三节 DIC的分期和分型 第四节 DIC的功能代谢变化及临床表现
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第一节 病因和分类 第二节 休克的分期与发病机制 第三节 休克的细胞代谢改变及器官功能障碍
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Using the Road Map Series for Successful Review . 1. Cell Physiology. I. Plasma Membrane II. Ion Channels III. Cell Signaling IV. Membrane Potential V. Structure of Skeletal Muscle VI. Neuromuscular and Synaptic Transmission VII. Smooth Muscle Clinical Problems Answers 2. Cardiovascular Physiology I. General Principles II. Hemodynamics III. Electrophysiology IV. Cardiac Muscle and Cardiac Output V. Cardiac Cycle with Pressures and ECG VI. Regulation of Arterial Pressure VII. Control Mechanisms and Special Circulations VIII. Integrative Function Clinical Problems Answers 3. Respiratory Physiology. I. Lung Volumes and Capacities II. Muscles of Breathing III. Lung Compliance IV. Components of Lung Recoil V. Airway Resistance
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听觉的外周感受器官是耳,耳的适宜刺激是一定频率范围内的声波振动。耳由外耳、中耳和内耳迷路中的耳 蜗部分组成。由声源振动引起空气产生疏密波,后者通过外耳道、鼓膜和听骨链的传递,引起耳蜗中淋巴液 和基底膜的振动,使耳蜗科蒂器官中的毛细胞产生兴奋
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