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Book Ii Unit 10 Section A The Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon I Warm-Up Questions: 1. Have you ever heard of the Bermuda Triangle? Do you know its location? 2. What have you heard about it? 3. According to your idea, why things disappear in that area?
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Unit Four Section A: Five Famous Symbols of American Culture warm- up activities: 1. What are the symbols of American Culture that you have heard about? 2. What can you imagine to be the reasons why the Statue of liberty was built?
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Unit 2 Sectiona Iron and the Effects of exercise arm-up Qu 1. Why do women often not have enough iron in their bodies? 2. If iron levels are low, what problems can women experience? 3. What can you eat to get enough iron in your daily meals?
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Unit 8 Section A Legal and moral Implications of Cloning Warm-up Questions 1. What do you know about cloning and genetic engineering? 2. Do you want to cloning yourself once human cloning becomes reality?
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Book two Unit 8 Section a Preview Should schools simply prepare students for a job? This is the focus of the following article According to the author, educational institutions face a difficult choice. Most young students only
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UNIT FOUR Section A Studying Abroad I. Background Information 1. Host family is the family that provides board and room, food etc. for overseas Ⅴ isitors or students 2. Christians are followers of Jesus with whom they have a personal relationship and whom they accept/receive into their lives
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Unit two Section A: Environmental Protection throughout the world about the text Ecology is the study of the relationships among plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balance among these relationships
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Stress can kill you. Being tense can damage your heart so it is wise to take charge of your life and realize you cannot control everything. But you can control stress which is caused by fear, uncertainty, doubt and lack of control. Anger may be the root of this stress, especially for hardworking professional women and people with no goals in life. To relax and take control, try the NICE factors: new, interesting, challenging experiences. And follow Ben Franklin's example
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四级考试简介 成绩90分以上需要背4200个单词 成绩70-80分需要背457个单词 单词的重考率极高,比如: available(四级最爱) constrain(六级永陪词汇)
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写作的重要性6分最低限,只要结构不出错,得分应该为9分。 评判作文 四级考试作文主要看内容、结构、语言三个方面 内容不跑题即可,注意:1.不要妄图以情动人:2.不要妄图在构思上出奇制胜
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