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Chapter Three Data Transfer in Digital Circuits Unit12 Part Notes to Text Part4 Extensive Reading Part 2 Word Study Part5 Notes to Passage Part3 Practice on Text Part6 Practice on Passage
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Chapter Four BASIC and C Language SECOND EDITION THE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Unit 15 Part 1 Notes to Text Part4 Extensive Reading
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Chapter Four Computer Software ordPercE x3 Unit14 Part 1 Notes to Text Part4 Extensive Reading
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Chapter Four Computer Technology Chapter Study Tasks (4) In this chapter, you will be able to -Explain why a computer is a system
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Chapter Three Communications Channel Unit 10 Part 1 Notes to Text Part4 Extensive Reading Part 2 Word Study Part5 Notes to Passage Part3 Practice on Text Part6 Practice on Passage
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Chapter Four High-level Programming Languages e Part 1 Notes to Text m Part4 Extensive Reading o Part 2 Word Study Part5 Notes to Passage s Part3 Practice on Text Part6 Practice on Passage
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Part 1 Notes to Text Part4 Extensive Reading Part 2 Word Study Part5 Notes to Passage Part3 Practice on Text Part6 Practice on Passage
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Text 1 Organization of Computer System Components Exercises Fill in the blanks with appropriate words according to the text.(根据课文内容填空) (1) Acomputer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system (2) The key board of a workstation
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Objectives Focus Warming up 4.1 Giving directions 4.2 Talking about departments 4.3 Taking message sum-up
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1 What's ENSO 2 Monitoring ENSo 3 Mechanism 4 Climate impact of ENSO 5 Long-term changes of ENSO 6 Predicting ENSo 71997/1998 Nino
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